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Video Games #3621
Video Games
Star citizen will never come ou-
Remember when this was supposed to be remade?
What 's the best way to play DX:MD...
Looking for arena shooters like quake or unreal tournament that have some active population playing online...
ITT : Casual filters
Sony has no good platfo-
PS4Pro easily beats GTX 970
Is it a boy or a girl Sup Forums?
Zero Time Dilemma
Why is this kind of gaudy, flashy PC gaming stuff so popular? It all looks like preschool toys to me
Why was he Asian?
Are you looking forward to this?
Is steam achievement hunter ok to use, or are you likely to get banned for it?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
More people playing 6-year-old CivV than the newly released CivVI
How do we make weeb games good again?
I just beat Valkyria Chronicles, Sup Forums. Are the other (two?) games in the series as good as the first...
Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition
Anybody playing? How is it? Is the server overcrowded or has the hype gone by?
Sonic Mania
Played FF4-9 in the last couple of months and really enjoyed most of them, but somehow can't really get into 10
Have you learned Japanese for those untranslated games yet?
They sure are casualizing this game
Should I replace my old HD6870 with a RX480 in order to play Arkham Knight and Witcher 3...
Playstation Plus games for January
Why is Persona 5 full of older women? No one wants this
Honestly, I think Generations and 2017 make Classic Sonic too 'cutesy'
Nier Automata gameplay/story discussion thread
This area in the bastille
Uses caster gear
"Donkey Kong Country proves that players will put up with mediocre gameplay as long as the art is good"
This game
Life is strange, easily the game of the year...
You know he's right, Sup Forums
What made games from the 90s and 00s so good?
Perfect Final Fantasy girls don't exi-
Is there any videogame character that could defeat him?
Any other games where I can see for miles and miles?
perfect rivals don't exi-
Budget $125 million
Webm thread
Sup Forums BTFO
Games that are seen as a 10/10 masterpiece, when in reality they're about an 8/10
Perfect games don't exis-
Was he a good main character?
ITT: Shameful vidya DLC purchases
Ragnarok Online finally gets a worthy successor
Triforce of power
Install mobile game
Over 25
ITT: Bosses only you had trouble with
Playing as a girl
First mainstream souls game where it's easy as fuck to invade
Game devs, would you recommend me, a begineer, join this class to learn how to make a game?
What are some games where guns feel dangerous and not like toys?
2 days away from 2017
What if Platinum made a Character Action Game game based on the Kill La Kill, would you play it?
Game series has 3 wikis
2 days until new years eve, Also 2 days until the Sup Forumsgas nominations are closed
What should I expect?
You DID preorder her game, right?
Can we have a beautiful graphics thread? Post your best screenshots
Ask a GAME UK employee anything Mk2
ITT sequels most of Sup Forums likes but you hate
Decide to finally get SF5 for PC
Just Nintendo getting BTFO
Tfw your coworkers make fun of you for playing video games
Are there any games where you can play as a skeleton warrior?
Will 2017 be better?
So now that the fireworks have been lit, what was the best video game of 2016?
Wanna get into a game
What if From Software made a Souls game based on the Aztec culture, would you play it?
Sex always sel-
GameStop stories thread
Holy Shit!
Why do people get triggered over Hanzo?
Tfw want to play vidya but can't bring myself to play
ITT: Games that defined your childhood
Why is Japanese character design so retarded?
You are committing a school Shooting
Post em boys
Would you Sup Forums?
People on Sup Forums actually bought this
Defend this Witcher fags
FF15 thread
I've never played a single Mass Effect game. Should I go through the trilogy? Is it actually any good?
Is anyone actually expecting this game to be great...
Who was in the wrong here? People are trying to convince me reaper is the good guy
New Sale Thread
Why do people who play vidya as a primary hobby end up so socially inept?
How much longer till we get a solid Steven Universe game?
Tfw i ironically hope the game gets censored just to piss a bunch of faggots off
Recent purchases thread? pic related
Who cares, post more Mai
Scan boss
I only recently played this. Can we talk about how amazing this game was? Sequel when?
Is League worth playing? I always hear how about it's the most-played multiplayer game
If anything, what will kill it?
Am I the only one hyped as fuck for Ken Follett's: The Pillars of the Earth? The next point & click by Daedalic
Will we ever get an H-game that has more depth than Sengoku Rance?
Filename thread
Why did it fail? "Outsell Street Fighter V" my fucking ass
How the fuck do i beat the blood stained beast? This game is way too fucking grindy
Gravity Rush
How the fuck do you stop Compile Heart?
The main character of your favorite game / series is now gay. Would you still play it?
He's still using Winblows 7 for gaming
So I just started Dragons Dogma and did the escort quest to the capital
You're on your way to marry your childhood friend and you run into this girl
Steam Awards
Find A Flaw
Let's have a very friendly thread about the upcoming month. January is jam-packed with games...
Does Sup Forums prefer to play as a boy or a girl?
Crysis was 10 years ago in three days
Final Fantasy thread
That time you were banned for bullshit
Are we finally getting another PS2?
How is that game called that looks like Grim dawn/PoE but has more physics to it? I remember seeing webms of it...
Stop the objectification of women in videogames. Disgusting males
People say a turn based RPG "isn't hard."
Warhammer Online, why did they wreck it Sup Forums?
I liked it. In terms of films based on video games, this is probably one of the best out there...
Why'd they ruin the series with this edgy trash?
Will it be good Sup Forums?
Cyberpunk 2077
The first female toon in gaming
Fuck Dark Elves
What is the biggest problem with JRPGS today? Bad gameplay? Characters? Story?
Stop liking games I dont like
Dude let's bring back one of the fan favorites and unique character from SF4
Your homeboard or the board you visit most aside from Sup Forums
What headphones do you use for gaming, famdongus?
FFXIV/FF14 Stormblood
I think we need to come up with a name for this genre
Tell my friend to buy a souls game because he'll enjoy the challenge
Is SotFS as bas as Sup Forums makes it out to be, or is it just a meme?
I came on here literally a week ago asking you to give me the "most emotional video game story of all time"...
Point out a legitimate design flaw in a game
Star Ocean V
Are you ready for the savior of WRPG?
Sup Forums keeps telling me P3P sucks and FES is "muh true persona 3 experience"
Was anyone else severely dissapointed when Nintendo gave in to the autism and made a canon zelda timeline?
Bullying the best girl is aginst the RULES
Trying to play this shit on PC with a pad, is there a way to like do takedowns...
Confession Thread
Why the fuck is Sup Forums such a pro empire board? Skyrim is for the nords you scum
I'm late. What's the best console to get into next-gen gayming?
So where will be the 6th take place?
Here's your controller, bro
ITT: Shit you hate in videogames
ITT we poorly describe video game plots and people guess the game
This is the best zelda dungeon
ITT: Sup Forums confessions
Post your top 5 GBA games
Lock the thread mods I figured it out :)
Is it really such a bad game?
I'm trying to play this but I hate the combat system. Whatever, I just played a few fights...
No games huh
Post strong independent female characters
Western devs can't make good gi-
To be fair, Killzone 2 looked fucking great even when it finally came out
Which one?
I stopped playing Bloodborne to replay Resident Evil 4
El latino y su representación en los videojuegos
Post best redesigns
How is this suppose to work?
Why doesn't Nintendo make challenging games anymore?
DS4 on PC
What are some of the best jrpgs for the Vita, Sup Forums? Popular or hidden gem, which ones have you really enjoyed?
You remember to always thank your healer, right Sup Forums?
So what's the final verdict on the pii u? pii u owners, how do you feel about your purchase?
Calls himself a "Gamer"
I can't get past this cutscene in kotor, does anyone know how to fix it
How do I play this game? Does it get good?
So what were the best PC games of 2016 according to Sup Forums ?
ITT we list guns that need to be in a game or haven't been represented enough
Which PS4 game to try out first?
Cool feature that is only used once in the entire game
What gams lets me play as a villains?
People on Sup Forums actually bought this
Do you use a mechanical memeboard for gaming? If so, what do you use? And was it worth it?
Which one to play?
Have you ever faced real life discrimination for being a gamer?
What is the best portable emulator around?
Oculus Rift Engineer busted for soliciting a 15 year sex
Play dystopia
Why didn't he just join CaoCao and guide him towards a world of benevolence?
Why is it that indie developers are almost universally douchebags/scumbags?
If you could go back in time and stop any one game from existing...
Darkest Dungeon thread?
Senran Kagura PBS
Giant Bomb
What went wrong?
What are some nice roguelites with perma upgrades like rogue legacy?
Hey Sup Forums, how Do we make her viable?
Will Gran Turismo 7 manage to compete with Forza when it's iterating every year or will half the cars still be using...
Just bought this for cheap
ITT: Shameful vidya faps
Why do gamers do this shit? It's fucking maximum cringe
Does VNs have "good" writing?
American box-art thread
Tfw me and my gf got each other the same game
What subtle vidya clothing do you own?
I'm going to buy one of these in a few hours, which games should I get?
2 stars
Name one video game that has good gameplay/story and a ton of fanservice
Which board do we like more other than Sup Forums?
Only need Reaper, Road gig and Zaryas winter skin and I have them all
I haven't played since release. How have patches affected the weapons...
How do you feel about this character?
These three fuckers square off in a triple threat battle to the death
Anyone else want to see a Final Fantasy VIII-2?
Hey Sup Forums!
ITT: Games that aged like fine whisky
Yrel the Indomitable
Who won in the end?
So who are you dream characters?
Give me ONE good reason why the next GTA shouldn't be a nod to 70's blaxploitation movies with a female protagonist eg...
What voice/text communication software do you guys use?
What are the best GBA games?
Borderlands 3
ITT: male video game characters that you though were female
ITT: normie 'masterpieces'
Is this game any good?
When did you realize you were past the point of no return? mine was when i started enjoying neptunia
I really want to play this shit, but they said that they will release a patch that fixes ch...
Isn't it kind of fucking crazy how insanely huge Bloodborne has become? Considering the kind of game it is...
ITT: Post your tags and other people recommend a game for you
Is 802.11ac a meme? can you actually game on it?
Switch doesn't have a user replaceable battery
Would I enjoy this game? Keep in mind I like open world action games like Assassin's Creed, GTAs...
Big breasts are nice and all, but having only Marie Rose as an alternative kinda sucks
FEAR 2 Alma
Why are so many people so taken by bad games with long cutscenes as if they're somehow more intelligent and artistic...
Is Skyrim the best open world game?
You're going to buy my next game when it comes out in the spring, right, user?
Just bought this
I refuse to believe Uncharted 4 can exist on the ps4
So... breath of the wild is going to have which kind of combat?
FF Thread
So this is the souls fanbase
Just hit level 25
What game had the best OST of 2016 and why was it FFXV?
In the mood to replay GW
Webm thread
It's autism incarnate but I just can't stop playing
Pick Mercy
Hey Sup Forums don't tell LaCroix about this..alright?
What's the Matrix of vidya?
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood
Should I get this Sup Forums?
He play as a female girl in games
Playing american game
Improve Nintendo Switch
Androids are virg-
Nickelodeon to make an animated series out of a Nintendo franchise
Do you believe this acceptable? That you can just be as hypocritcal as you want to be...
You have 10 seconds to post your favourite soundtrack to get ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HYPED TO
What a great game, and you can beat it in one sitting too
X is confirm
ITT: video game characters you want to dress like, but can't because no one can pull that shit off in real life
Filename Thread
Childhood is when you idolize The Witcher 3
ITT: Things that really make you think
Who will you side with?
Steam Winter sale thread!
Anyone done the clockwork mansion yet?
Point out obvious game flaws
Final boss starts summoning henchman that look just like him
Grove Street. Home
ITT: Games that are complete shit, but people like them only because of nostalgia
Post a manlier boss battle
Dude let's think of the most annoying enemy we can
Left or right, Sup Forums?
Seriously, how the FUCK do I git gud?
Souls games will never have the interconnecting continuous map of Dark Souls 1 ever again
Is this game any good Sup Forums?
SFV thread
Why is the ARPG genre so fucking dead? There's no good ARPG or fresh game. Even Path of Exile suffers from major issues
Is it gay that I thought it was cute before I knew it was a boy
Wat does c2-12828-1 mean was playing sly thevies in time on vita and it happened
And........ dropped
Reminder that Sylvanas is the sexiest Warcraft character
Why is this board obsessed with anime, japanese games,and nintendo?
Whats the least amount of money I can put down on a PC and actually have a pretty good one? 1000? Maybe a little more?
Why aren't there more remakes of Metroid?
What games let me be comfy and do martial arts in the big city?
No PC version
Has anyone managed to beat Mission 11 on Hard yet? I'm not sure if it can be done legitimately...
There's no way that was the final boss
Which vidya girl would you sticc your dicc in
ITT: Games that were the best of there Franchise
Games only you have played
Vidya to play with wife
This is Mai Shiranui in 2016
Are there any of the Dwarf Fortress "clones" good? Stuff like Rimworld, Timber & Stone, Stonehearth, etc
So, are they really releasing this before April or not? What's Square Enix's master plan?
Mfw I realized how pathetic my gaming experience was a kid because I had NO friends to play with
ITT: Best DS games
Are there any games where you play as the villian?
Ninty Switch Specs
Default installation folder is C:Program FilesGame
Do you like impractical fantasy armor?
How do you get good at neutral in fighting games? I memorize combos but can't do any of it online and just get fucked
Want a smoke, Sup Forums?
Should I get it?
Horizon Zero Dawn - Oh No
E.Y.E Thread
Why do so many Modern Gamers not care about Ico?
Sup Forums will consider this GOTY 2017
Bayonetta vs. 2B
Without memeing, explain to me why this game is bad
These tags were placed as a joke to troll people unfamiliar with the series. They turned out to be true LOL
What's your stance on CRT televisions / monitors?
How do you get good at this game?
Final Fantasy XV
Niitsuma talks some more about MvC3's cast: who made it and who didn't make the cut
Osiris: New Dawn
I can make progress in a Dark Souls game without grinding
Why havent you hacked your 3ds yet?
Holy shit JRPGs will live on
THIS Is Your Captain for the Trip
It's been over a year and I still haven't beaten this piece of shit
Nice things
What does Sup Forums think of MUDs? Did you play them in the past? Do you still play them now...
ITT Games with 10/10 level design
ITT we send a letter to Gaben one word at a time
Mfw 80% of my friends use this for pc gaming
When will the video game industry implode into its own asshole and soon enough become innovative again?
Insurgency Bread
Will we ever get a Bloodborne 2?
Tales of Symphonia
What's the verdict Sup Forums? Was it a good game?
I like Warframe
How does Sup Forums feel about Escape from Tarkov? It's got too-good-to-be-true levels of weapon customization so far...
Steam Awards: Fixed Edition
Hello! Me and DVA are fucking ruining this game!
Who would win?
When did you stop playing video games
It's ALL on sale what's YOUR excuse
Overwatch matchmaking
GUESS WHAT, English Puyo vs Tetris trophies!
Is Bahamut a woman?
Can't change battery in the Switch
Itt: we jerk ourselves off
How do I got gud at SFV?
Do you ever plan on not playing video games anymore? if so when
ITT: Unpopular opinions
Attila total war vs Medieval 2 & Shogun 2?
What is your favorite fighting game series Sup Forums?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Which one Sup Forums?
Love 4x games but never tried Endless Legend or Endless Space...
Boss starts spamming insta death spells
Anyone have the graph of pic related and how it shows when the game gets exciting over the playthrough?
Video Games are a waste of time
What games let me play as a reptilian creature?
In hindsight was low tier god justified in the way he acted due to viscant's racist remarks?
How does Sup Forums feel about Motion Blur?
This is the best video game of all time
What is Platinum's magnum opus?
They didn't have a better cover art? REALLY?
Tfw The Walking Dead season 3 let's play is the only thing to look forward to for these guys
Only two third party exclusive games at launch, with the rumored Rabbids & Mario crossover being one of them
You will never have your own Housecarl
Sony’s profit down 86% but its costly mobile business has been shored up
Thoughts on Tatsumi Kimishima?
Get OW shortly after it was released earlier this year
Is she autistic?
Post good vidya fanart
How can we topple their monopoly on the console market?
RTS Hack/Slash Hybrids
ITT: Games people just pretend to like
Why are giant bosses usually the easiest ones in the game, no matter when/where you face them...
Tactics Ogre LUCT
Games to try PC out?
Do you consider it acceptable to use walkthroughs to find collectables?
So has the """""gender""""" ambiguity with this chick ever been cleared up?
Anyone excited for the new Smash Bros?
Your opinion on her game and character?
Okay Sup Forums...
Genji just wrote a letter to his favorite doctor for the holidays. What's he send her?
Final Fantasy XV
That game you spend more time reading about than actually playing it
Post games that faggots pretend to hate
Does Elo Hell actually exists? Are otherwise moderate or better players being held back by shitty matchmaking?
Drills are an incredibly dumb hairstyle and you should feel bad for liking them
What is your GOTY
He was a good friend
What is wrong with Nintendo fans
Tell me, Sup Forums. Why do they act like video games are a personal attack against them?
That ugly ass moogle
How does the hat still fit
Board Game Online
It huts
Quick, type in anything at all
Remember watching Captain N as a kid
In what ways does this improve upon the original?
E3 2017
Has a videogame ever made you cry Sup Forums?
You killed him your first time didn't you?
Best. Rain. Effects. Ever
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Itt: fake leaks
He didn't romance Kate
During the design phase of Donkey Kong Country 2...
Turn off computer
Underrated game
What's the general consensus for the Prototype games?
You have ten seconds to name a GOOD indie game
The dog was Ardyn
Jesus, what the hell happened?
MGS4 was shit
So, what's your experience with the new Rhythm Heaven game or the franchise in general, Sup Forums?
Hironobu Sakaguchi and Shuhei Yoshida pick FFXV as their GOTY
So how did this game spark a generation of fans in the late 90s?
Has anyone noticed how fucked up Shantae's hands are? They look like claws. Damn!
Is Extra Credits right about game design?
Reasons to play Sonic instead of Mario
I did it, Sup Forums
Grown ass men play this game
What the fuck even is this character
Did this fucking game rip off Bayonetta...
Just popped this into my PS3 for the first time ever
YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO POST A SONG THAT WILL GET YOU absolutely fucking depressed
If you buy Oculus, you're supporting pedos
This is just getting fucking ridiculous
Final Boss is your childhood best friend
Why did they sexualize the Clem?
Explain Megaman lore to me
What feature are you hoping for Splatoon Switch?
Taro on Atlus Fantasy RPG
Hey Sup Forums I just played street fighter V did I like it?
Sup Forums plays 7 Days to Die
What features owuld you like to see in Mighty Number 10?
SMTxFE 2 fucking when?
Games were you can fucking kill yourself
Games and DLCs whose endings left you empty/dead inside
How do we fix MMO's?
Ow buff
Guise, Bobby Prince, of Doom I/II and Duke Nukem 3D OST fame, is in serious medical condition
So I finally fell for the PS4 Pro meme and decided to buy the best games there are for the console...
Why has my "All" materia stopped working? I can no longer target all enemies in the field with one magic...
You fuckers always say this is the best handheld ever, it has the best games...
Where's the webm thread at?
Nippon Ichi Software Developing Nintendo Switch Games
Have any one of you maxed out every social link in one run? I'm reading guides...
What are some games that you play when you just can;t anymore?
Far more focus on action rather than suspense/atmosphere
Why can't modern games get mirrors right?
Just started playing Chrono Trigger
Trails of Cold Steel
Meanwhile in Clock Town Sup Forums
What happened to THIS version of The Division?
DSP's views are plummeting...
Gaming bullshit you can't believe happened but did
I just bought this game on Amazon, and it'll come in in a couple of days. Was it worth $20?
Just finished Hearts of Stone
Game is a masterpiece all the way through
What did she say Sup Forums
How can they manage to fuck up Sonic Mania, Sup Forums? Bearing in mind that it's not made by Sonic Team
How the fuck can anyone side with this piece of shit?
I'm downloading this
Filename thread
ITT: Games that were popular in your country
What do you think about Drakengard 3
This is Warframe
Remember The Witness? Did Blow finally make true art out of video games?
Any video games that are as manly as using a straight razor?
I worked on Zelda BOTW, ask me anything!
Is pic related worth playing? I just want a comfy JRPG on steam. I've already beaten VII and IX, and X
Why are playable characters always tall?
How do I upgrade my ship when I have to keep repairing it with the small scraps of salvage I can get?
What do you want to see in the next deus ex?
What games have the best pop culture references?
I have come from an alternate universe where Banjo-Threeie was made, and I have pictures to prove it
They say the title of the game in the game
Fucking cancer hero. Prove me wrong
Just built my first PC Sup Forums, how did I do? Pretty happy that I didn't destroy it while I was putting everything in
Bloodborne rankings
Majora's Mask
You. Yes, you. You should be ashamed of yourself. You steal games and wonder why the quality of games has gone to shit...
Just bought pic related, what am I in for? No spoilers please
Top 10 video game trilogies list
Thoughts on high school settings in Japanese video games?
Why the fuck do people STILL play on consoles...
Does Yoshida have good taste in vidya?
What job will you main in Stormblood and why
Sequel cuts the most popular character in the franchise
You know, in retrospect if you compare it to MGSV it wasn't all that bad
Why WRPGs are better than JRPGs
Mfw no more (You)s Why would they do this, it's like one of my favorite parts of this trash-heap
This mission with the gunships and deus ex things everywhere
Street Fighter 5
What would your ideal Star Wars game be? What's your favorite Star Wars game?
Alright Sup Forums, post your top five games for this year that you enjoyed the most
2017 mascot platformers are shaping up to be damn good
Did I make a mistake getting an Xbone instead of a PS4 Sup Forums?
Looks like you are in some trouble. Since we are friends, don't worry...
ITT: we post the gems in the pile of shit that is the indie scene
That game that you didn't want to end
ITT: Characters that are literally you
Vidya map thread? Vidya map thread
Extremely comfy areas, music and UI
Cannot have
Would Sonic 1 be different if it was released on the SNES?
Why did it die so fast and why isn't it F2P yet?
Should Nintendo opt to allow for a deeper...
So this is the power of objectively the best RPG ever made...woah
Kratos is a fucking terrible character
I got given a PS4 Pro for Christmas
Who is your favorite dota 2 hero?
Gravity Rush 2 is looking to be 2017's GOTY
Start new game
Wii U
Should I stop doing the Chalice Dungeons? I'll admit it's getting kinda boring...
Only make RPGs
How is this? Never played a Dragon Quest game and the last time I played Minecraft was in alpha
Admit it, you've never beat Comix Zone
What speakers/headphones do you use for gaming, Sup Forums?
This game isn't dead r-right?
Games that ended perfectly
Do you support your local retro vidya stores?
MC is an edgelord
Giant bomb thread
For real tho, what happened? Where is it?
Playing pic related at the moment. It definitely isn't a 10/10 masterpiece...
So is it me of the actual removal of (you)s set the board tone in a better way ?
I like Senran Kagura
Having never played any of the Shantae games, is half genie hero a decent place to start? I like the art a lot more
What's the best looking game there is ?
Winter Sale Thread
Engineers will defend this
Steam Winter Sale Thread
Personal GOTY 2016
Metered and civil debate
Serious question: will Sega stop fucking around and stick to cookie cutter sonic games?
How do Ameribros feel about Japanese portrayals of Americans? Are they accurate?
Rage of Bahamut comes out in two hours!
Oh yeah, that happened
Continuation of >>362082295
4 is better than 3
Watching youtube walkthrough
What went right ?
Post your setups
Start PC game
Who was the better Bro
Are you fucking kidding me?
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Gets Worse Review Score Than Danganronpa V3
This is fucking awesome
Is there a more influential video game critic?
How is it compared to Rome 2, Atilla and Shogun 2? Been thinking of getting it, but price is still pretty high
I'm doing some research in gaming history
Going out of business
You know, I'm not against t&a in video games, but her tits are almost comical
Did it live up to the hype? Was it worth the wait?
What games came out when you were 12?
If you were conscripted into the Helghast army which soldier would you be?
Tell if Sup Forums, is this series worth playing?
Are people really saying this garbage is better than Dark Souls 3? What the fuck? Is it just contrarians?
Why the fuck are the minibosses so terrible?
Best BGM in their respective games?
What happened to PC gaming?
Late Christmas FREE Pokemon Sun download code
Binary Domain was the most fun I've had with a shooter in years, how come no one here ever talks about it?
Civilization 6
Want to replay game
Hello welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you?
At what age do dragons start blowing fire?
Game starts literally after 10 minutes
ITT: RL idle animations
So now that the dust has settled, which one was truly better?
Really activates you almonds
Give me your honest opinion of this game
Video games are art
Its a Yahtzee bypasses the video game criticism in favor of mocking America episode
The main character is a young boy from a small town on a quest to save the world
New PC parts are coming in, which OS do I go with?
Post the cutest character from the last game you played
ITT: Post your favorite weapon(s) and other anons will recommend you a game that has those
Game designed in a way that encourages constant hero switching
What went right with this game?
Respool the line before it's too late
This will be the greatest game off all time
Why is he so small Sup Forums?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Games only you have played
Metal Gear?
Have any of you gotten to a point where you don't care about difficulty as much as you used to...
Grim dawn
With this we have truly become the Final Fantasy XV
Die fighting bloodstained beast
Only 9/10-10/10 horror game enemies are allowed in this thread
100% orange juice
Leotard only 2b
Are you going to vote for her game, user?
Have an issue with game
What's goin' on, Sup Forums -- Back at chu wit' another thread
The state of Sup Forums in 2016
Which one would you main?
YOU are upgrading to windows 10 aka the most efficient os for gaming and all productive tasks right user?
Looks fine to me
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...