You know he's right, Sup Forums

You know he's right, Sup Forums.

>it's another "nu-male tries to earn brownie points to get ladies to like him for being a diehard feminist" episode

Yeah he's right, but it doesn't matter.

Holy shit how much more shallow can a complaint get.

>this lesbian might be attractive to men so it doesn't count

If sexuality is going to become a problem in video games remove it al together. If it means I dont have to listen to faggots groan and moan about who prefers dick or vagina I'd be happy.

But instead I'm forced to listen to "BUT GAY PEOPLD DESERVE REPRESENTATION TO!" Yea except the difference is I dont shove my hetrosexualality down their throats unlike them.

>we want diversity
>no not that kind, thats not REAL diversity because I say so

It's not attractive to men because lesbians are fucking boring.

I seriously can't wrap my head around how people can think about a video game's character sexuality and tell themselves that it's a topic of valuable discussion. This has to be some sort of fucking mental illness.

People should appreciate small victories.
>why isn't Blizzard making it's largest player demographic uncomfortable?
really grinds the ol' grinders

McIntosh is clearly homosexual though. He's supremely sexually frustrated and hates straight men because they won't fuck his ass

I wish gay people would die.

Macintosh has never been right about anything. He is a faggot with bad opinions.

he is right

pretty much every women these days are lesbos/bi

Even Muslims aren't offended by female homosexuality

I know a good amount of attractive lesbians. I'm sure they would love to know that JM thinks they were just "designed for the male gaze"

Didn't a woman draw that comic?

>we want diversity
>here you go have lesbians
>no that's not good enough we need huge trannies openly fucking eachothers rectums to make straight guys feel bad fuck you blizzard

Maybe, crap if I know.
What I do know is that it's embarrassing how triggered Sup Forums is over this.

This guy has a rich as fuck father who was probably always on business i.e. an emotionally absent father.

Stop making fun of him.

do these Twitter assholes make a living off of bitching about every little thing or is this just a hobby for them?

I'm okay with lesbians.

I wonder who uses the feeldoe on who.

>It's not attractive to men because lesbians are fucking boring.

Lesbians might be fucking boring, but lesbians fucking sure as hell isn't.

>You know he's right, Sup Forums.
How is he right?
I wouldn't mind a conversation

Personally I don't care if Tracer is or isn't a Lesbian myself. She was a character introduced in a multi-player game that doesn't have much in the way of story. The only story information we get is what the comics and the shorts tell us, along with the occasional hints from Blizzard here and there.

If your argument is about the male-gaze, then please tell me how you make her attractive to other lesbians who want to play the game without making her attractive to males at the same time?

>try to go for the sjw audience
>they shit on you
When will they learn

>Tracer comes out as lesbo
>"That dosent count cause shes hot!"

You can never win with these cucks.

Trump won. We don't need these threads anymore.

>reading all that
>not ignoring sjw's as well as e-celebs

While I love to fap to lesbians, I do believe they need to be behead or forced to love cock when its not porn because two women being together is just not right at all no matter how much oxytocin in their brains say so.

So what would have made this dude happy? If tracer was a flannel wearing butch bull-dyke and she was gay?

There aren't even any unattractive female characters. I guess Zarya is the least conventionally attractive, but there are still plenty of muscle fetish people who fap over her on the regular.

Here, you see a permavirgin who still can't comprehend sexual acts as anything more than a simplistic PENIS IN OUT IN OUT sequence, baffled and consternated at the more complex actions often used in lesbian lovemaking.

>making thirty different tweets about a dyke in a video game

>shaming lipstick lesbians

It shouldve been these two.

>except the difference is I dont shove my hetrosexualality down their throats unlike them.
But you do user. Simply by existing, you are participating in sustaining this hetero-normative patriarchal white supremacist capitalist system. Don't you get it?

They should fine women who wear skirts and no panties, so uncivilized holy shit.