Fuck Dark Elves

Why are dumner so shit? Have they accomplished anything that doesn't involve their fake gods?
>Demon worshiping
>Oath breaking
>Extremely ignorant and self absorbed
>Woman are complete whores
>Don't care if they do the most disgusting taboo shit
>Get their shit kicked in by their former slaves

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying Daedra are demons
>oaths are but words and words are as wind
>why shouldn't they be? The world can literally be what you make of it if you're self absorbed enough
>he believed the real barenziah
>kek lizards literally need a meteor to land on the homeland of their enemy and a volcano to go off before they can even think of rebelling
Fuck off, dunmer are best and you know it

I just want to pillage sweet elf pussy

Dunmer are cool. Bosmer are cool. Altmer are faggots.

It was a full on invasion where they deleted mainland morrowind and only stopped because Vvardenfell was already shit up

Bottom right are Dunmer,
Bottom left are Bosmer
So Top right and left are what, both resemble Altmer and there's still 1 species left over.

>>Woman are complete whores
Only when they are young and can't get pregnant.

The Dunmer are the only mainstream race in TES I like. All the other races are almost direct counterparts to real world civilisations, but the Dunmer instead borrow bits and pieces from all over. Enough to be believable because history has witnessed similar phenomena but at the same time completely unique to anything we know.

Top left might be Snow Elves, idk

Dunmer before pissing Azura off. I forget what they were called.

Chimer probably.

Could be Ayleids

Ether Ayleids or Chimer.

Dunmer are the only good variant of dark elves.

Better than drow and dark eldar at least.

It was more a case of Argonians not being able to sustain their attack after the initial uprising was spent. Like yous aid Vvardenfell had its own problems.

>Demon worshiping
>implying deadra aren't superior
>implying being confident is bad
>implying slutty women aren't better
>implying being edgy is bad
>not understanding the BLM = ALM allegory

You got bad taste

Best elf race coming through.

>hating based dunmer

>my god is literally shit

Literally a sub-species

Reminder that house Telvanni is still just as powerful as it ever was, and has not, nor ever will give a shit about anything.

garbage race until skyrim made them sexy

>male orc bonding

Pic related

Pick one to
>make into inventory holding slave

the rest are killed by bandits.

>caring about ash elves

15 or 8
I'm pretty sure 3 is a goblin, so 3 can hold my items.

marry 2 kinda reminds me of Natalie Portman
fuck the smug out of 13
16 can carry my items

>tfw you will never be argonian
>tfw you will never get revenge upon the dunmer
>tfw you will never rape a dunmer in front of her husband
>tfw you will never have her beg you to stay with her
>tfw you will never kill her for offending your An-Xileel values

Marry 8
Fuck 15
12 can hold my shit

Marry 13, fuck 8 until she breaks, 3 can carry shit.

15, 13, 8

14 (looks capable of carrying heavy shit in plate armour)

>a race that is literal shit

Hey don't you fuck my waifu

Marry 13
Fuck 8
Take 4 as a slave to save her cute life


>Argonians not being able to sustain their attack after the initial uprising

We have no confirmation of why they stopped. All we know is that the Redorans staged one successful defense, and the Argonians haven't tried anything since. Considering they've rebuffed Imperial and Aldmeri attempts to reclaim the territory, it's more likely they just don't want to rather than they can't.

Marry 11
Fuck 12
Enslave 5


why is 8 so popular

or 13 for that matter


My post
No idea why 13 is popular, 8's a qt though.

8 has fat tits
13 has a qt face

8 has a nice rack for titty fucking. 13 is a smug qt and Dunmer master race

titties and smug

Cause she's gotta animu face and a big rack

13 looks like a smug bitch so people wanna get that or make it hold shit

13 has a kind of hesitant smile which is cute.

8 looks like s tone cold bitch though.

Who cares? Blue skin and red eyes is a sexy combo.

I will stop cropping Marcille faces when people use them to respond to such posts.

marry 15
fuck 6
make 12 into inventory holding slave

>fuck 6
>liking a 5-head

I prefer gold skin

She looks like a girl who is wild bed, I can get past the 5-head

6 is actually kinda qt plus they all have 5 heads so who cares

>the most insane, treacherous woman in the series

gr8 taste, bud

>TFW will never marry a qt argonian girl

13 looks actually intelligent, animated, and capable of a conversation whereas almost the entirety of the rest are basically wallflowers only good for ploughing

>marry a Golden Saint
>fuck Ayem
>make a thalmor bitch my slave
my taste is superb and you know it

If the top right are Altmer, bottom left are Bosmer and bottom right are Dunmer, what are the top left supposed to be? Orsimer? They don't look like orcs.

snow elves?


marry 13
fuck 8
slave 2

Marry and fuck 9
With that rack looks like 8 can carry a lot

Marry 12
Fuck 2, look at those eyes you know that's what she's good at
Enslave 6, she has no fire in her eyes, she should just serve her subservient role

Is there an Orsimer one?
Where the fierce waifus at?

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI

You mean stupid and filthy animals?

>given them human legs in the artwork instead of lizard legs
literally retarded

>do an Orc playthrough
>act civilized and virtuous in public
>marry a cute Breton girl
>out in the wilderness, raid every Forsworn/Bandit/Vampire/Thalmor camp I see
>brutally cut down the men and rape the women into submission
>average ones are sold into slavery or turned in to a guard for a bounty
>attractive ones with breeding bodies are stashed in secret rape dungeon under house for further abuse
>wifey is none the wiser

My dick was so hard it hurt for most of that play-through. Just waiting on SSE to be worthwhile for stability to continue.


We're not talking about Khajit

Yes, exactly! We are talking about stupid and filthy orcs.

fuck off catfag

fuck off scatfag


orcs are shit but you furfags are the worst

>thinking there is anything lower that an orc


Drugged out yiffers are lower

They're all on the same level which is rock bottom but furfags are more annoying

at least they have the courtesy to off themselves by ODing on skooma.

15 because sexy brunette

8 because of how dominant and bitchy she looks(gotta love a good hate fuck)
>make into inventory holding slave
13 because she's a qt3.14



+proud warrior race
+best blacksmiths

-always lie
-gypsies and drug peddlers that contribute nothing of value to society

Orc women are a plus too

Tips on creating orc husbandos?

>playing a male orc
the worst kind of person


they're shit

orc women are the only redeeming quality of their race


Now he's going to be an orsimer paladin just to make Pelinial roll in his grave

They are only acceptable if you are playing an evil Illusionist/Conjuration Vampire.

Why are Khajiit so great?

Sorry for pic related, mods deleted the thread before faggot OP could give us a source

Pelinal is perpetually rolling in his grave out of sheer anger
you can't do anything to make it worse

if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>beast races

meh, never clicked with me

when thinking of vampires, I think of undead aristocrat snobs, power hungry mages or undead human-type assassins at worst.

but undead cats and lizards with vampire teeth?
dunno, them being beast races in the first place is special or unique enough already, no need to add the whole vampire trope onto that

you belong on a plantation

Fucking kys

Khajiit are the most fun to play (outside of Morrowind, always pick dunmer in morrowind)

But I hate how khajiits are dirty gypsies
> steal shit all the time
> live in the desert like kebabs
> sit outside cities and beg for money
> lie about the equipment they sell
> their system of government is so outrageous that it's guaranteed to be retconned if they try to make a game in Elswyr

Abolishing slavery was a mistake