ITT: Shit you hate in videogames

>cutscene ends, gives you control of your character back
>walk 2 steps, another cutscene begins

>can't skip cutscenes
I haven't replayed some games because of this.

>game has a token brown girl

>Status effects are worthless against enemies
>The first zone has a ton of poisonous monsters
>You don't have money yo buy antidotes
>All characters are oblivious to the plot twists even though they are perfectly clear by the time they reach them

>It's an open world!
>Nothing to do, everywhere is a baron wasteland
>Traveling it isn't fun at all, literally the most boring parts of the game
Ffxv was a mistake

>scene that is like a cutscene, except you have full control over your character while you listen to exposition, so you can't skip it

>boss is easier or harder and has different phases depending on the day of the week

>bosses are immune to status effects
>it's faster to kill regular mobs than bothering to status them

>day z standalone has houses and buildings that you can actually enter
oh cool
>they're all fucking empty and take tons of time to search

>you have to wait for the boss to expose his weak spot in order to hurt him

fucking assassin's creed

>Instant death spells
The shittiest kind of game design

>american game with a token black

>american game with a token gay

> mandatory or forced upgrades/new weapons make the end game easy and mastery of early mechanics irrelevant

>you can learn instant death spells
>the hit rate is so low that it's not even worth it
>enemies are pretty much guaranteed to land the instant death spell on you every time they use it

>the game gives you a moral choice and is clearly pushing you to make the "good" one

>You're forced to used certain party members
>benched party members don't gain exp

>party is equally leveled at 30
>level 5 death on the whole group
that's what i get for trying to make everyone get the same amount of exp like an autist.

>when a member of the party has fainted, he doesn't gain EXP
I mean, it makes sense, but fuck it triggers my autism. I DON'T WANT A CHARACTER WITH A LOWER LEVEL THAN THE OTHERS

Fucking pokemon

>need these 2 pokemon for HMs while going through this cave

So glad they trashed that system. Hopefully it's not just "a thing they do in alola" and they're back next gen.

Hishiron best girl

That's a cute dogo.
Is his name Brutus? Because he sure doesn't really want to stab you.

is there a single game that doesn't do this? I can only think of EO

There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart!

Multi stage bosses, I want a one and done.

>inb4 casual

>forced item or gear you have to equip for a boss, especially the final boss

>equally level your party
>some fucker abandons the party for plot reasons
>when they come back they're underleveled

Most JRPG.

>fighting boss
>boss attacks you
>to damage boss you had to qte, otherwise you cannot damage it
>qte to kill, fail qte - do it again

Why instead of gameplay we got this retarded interactive cinema? I can understand, that one might put up qte as optional thing for additional exp/fatality/achievment after all. But why they make it core mechanics of boss fights?

As long as the stages don't take a god damn year to finish, it's never really bothered me.

sorry user you were born and raised on shit and anybody who knows better was born before 1995

the gameplay part

What I really hate is when dialogue is done in the form of cutscenes, particularly if it starts with a fade-in from black and ends in a fade-to black each time before you regain control of your character.
Even worse is when that happens and the camera moves weirdly towards your character and the NPC as if the camera had been somewhere else before that and just strolls into the scene about to unfold between the guy you play and the NPC you talk to.

>game has weapon attack speed upgrades
>enemies have invincibility frames when hit

>hit a switch that opens a door in the very same room or close by
>have to wait for a 30 second cutscene that shows you the door opening

Dragon Quest VII was ridiculous with this, even compared to other DQ games.

>There is no way for you to defeat me Hero, submit now
>You have bested me this time, but now I will get serious
>Even after I got serious I lost, but now see my true form

>Play game
>Find documents that explain the history of Literally Hitler Incorporated.
>Find documents that give detailed information on how Literally Hitler Incorporated are the big bad behind everything.
>Get to a cutscene.
>"Hello, Main Character Man, I am Floda Reltih, the CEO of Literally Hitler Incorporated. You must defeat the evil Resistance who are behind everything."
>"Literally Hitler Incorporated? Never heard of it, but you seem very trustworthy so I'm going to do everything you say"