Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood

Samurai as a Tank or a DPS:

Which side are you on?

I'm a tank player and I don't want another tank if it's going to be terribly designed like DRK was. Fix the horribly unbalanced current set of tanks before adding more.

Tank like in Log Horizon

Tank because of log Horizon

>Log Horizonmind

You know Samurai was a DPS and a Tank in Log Horizon, right?
It depended on the player's specialisation; and XIV of course doesn't have that level of customisation, so it needs to be one or the other.

I hope DPS. Because fuck tanking.

>It depended on the player's specialisation
The biggest flaw of FF14

Dancer as Healer.

I would prefer DPS. I'll be a bit disappointed if, with the exception of DRG obviously, all 2-handed STR weapon jobs end up being tanks.

Don't know, I can't decide if I wanna stay tank or go DD

>terribly designed

don't fucking start

Objectively the worst design of the 3 HW jobs.

Surely you mean AST.

Its bad but it's my bad main.

Should be slaying DPS for obvious reasons

1. Being that Yoshi said if they ever did put SAM in the game it'd be a DPS

And 2. Because then we'd have three classes rolling on each right side category.

No, AST could at least take SCH's spot in 3.0, even if it wasn't good at it. DRK was literally designed to only MT just like PLD which was their worst decision since releasing 1.0.

Chill with the fucking chain threads.

AST is literally WHM with cards

>Yoshi said

I can't believe people still think this means anything.

>darkside drain your mp
>need mp for everything
Blood price should be 20s.

When was the last Yoshi said a lie?

>It's ANOTHER "Two-handed warrior is a tank" episode.
Wow really gets the fucking neurons firing.

>not ast
>the job that had to get buffed almost every major patch just to catch up to the other 2 healers

In Diurnal, sure. Good thing it has Noct too.

>t. newfag
drk was the better job out the 3, machinist needed a minor buff while ast needed buff throught the whole expansion to be viable now

>I'm terrible so the class is poorly designed

He didn't outright lied, it's just he says things and then never talks about them again and they fade away.

I wonder why Yoshi never made spec branching in FFXIV
Thanks to that all the members of a certain class will play exactly the same and the meta is as deep as a pond

I play both roles so I don't really mind.

Fact: The only people who care about which one it is are DPS-only shitters who are too cowardly to play a role with real group responsibility. They cry "too many sword tanks" but really they just want to be a cool samurai but just don't have the stones to put on that fending gear and pull bosses.

MCH and AST were well designed and only needed number tweaks, DRK is a mess that gets brought because it's a PLD clone with more DPS.

AST used to be a WHM with less power but more utility, now it's a WHM with more power and more utility.

DRK also has an enormous amount of unnecessary skill bloat just to set it apart from PLD. Salted Earth is one of the most obnoxious abilities to use in the entire game, even if you macro it, its obnoxious to use. Fuck ground targeted AoEs in general.

No, that was AST.

AST was shit because they couldn't juggle making 3 new jobs at once- and they short changed the one that would be easiest to balance without fucking up the meta. It took them until 3.2 to be not complete garbage, and until 3.3 to be decent; and despite that AST is still objectively poorly designed on the basis of their homogeneity with the other healers.

This is all because they released NIN in a patch instead of waiting for Heavensward.

Because there's no reason to when you can just have more jobs. Would rather have two different jobs than one job with two specs.

Wow, thread derailed in with the first response, that's gotta be a record for these thread.

he tries to make everything viable by doing that, not understanding that people will always try to get the best comp going regardless of how boring the jobs are

>In useful sure, good thing it has useless too

When it turns into literally not scholar

Right, and right now SAM is in the discussion. Personally I think it'll be Blue Mage, mainly cause everything points to Blue Mage.

But still, of its SAM we should bring uo what he's said

I play both as well and tanking is fucking boring. DPS have way more going on, it's much more entertaining.

If I want to play something that's not WAR I can just swap to BLM, DRG or AST instead of playing a slightly different version of WAR.

>PLD was fucking garbage for the entirety of Heavensward.
>STILL has bad TP sustain.

>he tries to make everything viable by doing that, not understanding that people will always try to get the best comp going regardless of how boring the jobs are

Remember he's balancing and making this game for casuals. AKA 95% of the playerbase

MP Management is easy. If your spamming Dark Arts like a fuckwit rather then managing mp sure the class sucks.

Fuck if you really need too you can pop a CD and take Grit off for a Blood weapon CD if the healer is okay with it and you REALLY need that fucking dps.

Irrelevant in most fights except a few like A9S.

Season 2 was garbage, I'm glad season 3 will never happen.

WAR babies detected. WAR is so broken that its players think that if all your class's abilities don't buff your DPS then it's poorly designed or has "bad synergy".

>Fuck if you really need too you can pop a CD and take Grit off for a Blood weapon CD if the healer is okay with it and you REALLY need that fucking dps.
Or, like any good tank, spend 99% of your time outside of tank stance anyway.

>the enmity combo is not worth using for damage
It is.

ast was supposed to be the alternative that compensates healing with cards, which is already pants on heads retarded considering his job is, to heal

now, because of astfags crying for a year, they can do both jobs better and get the most broken raid buff in the game

But DRK has a bunch of off-gcds that don't do anything interesting besides make you do more DPS and bloat your bars. Also I mentioned that tanks are currently unbalanced as fuck, WAR is the main culprit.

>DRK edgelords think having skills that are literally unusable when not getting hit is good design
>DRK edgelords think that a tank having so many skills dedicated to just DPS is good design

Now I know where the tank stereotype comes from

>People still think it's a PLD clone

That's right. At the cost of losing threat, you do more damage. Which is how it should be. Just because WAR is brain-dead doesn't mean the other classes be

Fuck looks like was right.

>I don't like something therefore it's unbalanced

lol k

What are the chances SAM uses magic or MP in some way, like in XII?
As I recall Ashe was the strongest Samurai due to her insanely high Magic-stat growth.

>You're a WAR baby!
>You just don't like WAR!
dumb shitposter.

Low Blow is a stun, Reprisal reduces incoming raid damage, Plunge gives you mobility, Dark Passenger is bonus AoE, Carve and Spit can be used for DPS or MP recovery based on needs. They all have their individual utility, it's just that the game's meta is so unbelievably obsessed with DPS output that the only value of any ability is how it can contribute to DPS.

Stop acting like the combo generates a shit ton of hate and the dps combo doesn't have a 400 potency finisher

>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that wanted Red Mage to be a healer or tank.

>muh balance

Yeah your contribution to this thread is so insightful and meaningful. Really makes people think

Nobody wants RDM as healer, us healsluts wants to look cute and pretty not pompous and dandy.

They've moved on to SAM/Blue Mage dreams.

Red Mage is confirmed ranged caster DPS in the slideshow at the reveal.

>>DRK edgelords think that a tank having so many skills dedicated to just DPS is good design
>a tank having so many skills dedicated to just DPS


>Carve and Spit can be used for DPS or MP recovery based on needs.
Like you said, because of the game's meta this ends up being a false choice, losing 350 potency just for an mp regen equal to a single syphon strike is just not great.

>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that want Blue Mage to be a healer or tank.

>Nobody wants RDM as healer
You'd be surprised at the shit I read.

I want to marry Nanamo

It's not so much this games meta as the way this game was designed. Once prog is over there is NO REASON to not push DPS where you can. The fight get outgeared hard, but that's the nature of MMOs.

What I'm mostly nervous about is the lack of information that might come at the next Fanfest. They obviously held back on the revealing the additional job(s) to keep hype up for that, but there's still so much that I thought they'd reveal that would be able to hype up the next Fanfest. The new job abilities, the UI/Class system changes, the new artifacts, some new areas, another beast tribe...are they all going to be so lackluster that they need the last job(s) to garner hype for it?

Samurai should be a tank. Anyone who disagrees only thinks that way because they're lazy fucks who don't want to play a role with actual responsibilities, but they want to play samurai, so they beg for it to be dps because that's all they know.

Apparently the claimed they wanted to reveal more info towards the release. Which makes sense, no point in generating any amount of hype now with the dead state the game is in

DPS to avoid all the constant whining from PLDs if there was a third tank that was better than them.

>white wind, mighty guard, angel shack, auto-life
Blue best healer.

>Not SAM as DPS and DNC as Healer.

We literally don't need another tank until they make parry worthwhile and make Paladin not suicide-tier.

Because releasing info closer to released builds hype that you can actually profit from, dummy

They said already they will keep spoiling stuff till Stormblood release, like they did with Heavensward.

See the last part of

no matter what at the EU fanf est we are getting the same or a bit more amount of info for another job as the JP one

go back and read the fanfest reveals from last year and they'll probably have the same amount of stuff in relation

Nowhere near as badly as DRK with shit like Dark Passenger, Salted Earth, Abyssal Drain or Carve and Spit.

the JP fanfest 2 years ago revealed ast and mch.

in fact when the ceo walked out with the gun I thought he was going to force them to reveal the additional jobs like he did last time, and i was really let down that it was just the release date.

And with all those skills they're only equal to or barely better than Warrior

The class is fine, it has enough oGCDs to make it not the snoozefest that is war and pld

Honestly any tanks they introduce need to be more like drk. Furthermore the worst offender to DPS skills is easily Berserk. That shit is nuts

DPS is easy as fuck and you just want an excuse not to tank

It will be tank just because they discarded Samurai for Dark Knight for 3.0, which implies they already want it to be a tank.

He should've walked out with a samurai sword.

I tank often, it's just boring. Tanking is way easier, DPS and arguably DRK at least have some CDs to think about besides mitigation CDs.

Fuck just thinking about the fact that I can do well on war just spamming eye makes me want to not use it. DRK is great.

The easiest way to tell someone is shit at the game is when they think off-gcds are interesting at all. Is it really that hard for you to notice they're available and use them?

Only tank you need.

you mean a scimitar

There is legit nothing more cringy than fanart of a tank with exposed body parts.

Full armor of GTFO

Why is everyone talking about Samurai as if its confirmed? It not confirmed at all.
Is the only reason for that line of thought that we're probably not getting RED&BLU at the same time? And that they rather mix things up?

That post you replied to doesn't say any of that. It says that DRK and the DPS are less of a snoozefest than WAR. Can you read?

I love playing PLD just for Hallowed Ground. I love being fucking Invincible and witht he new Cooldown resetting every wipe, I can use it in my cooldown rotation instead of an oh shit button.

because of the rising event from before hinting at it
and the super strech theory about sam raimi or w/e

>job hinted since ARR
>discarded for DRK as tank in HW
>spider-man movie director is literally written like samurai in moonrunes

yep, totally will be blue mage that was never mentioned besides a small dialog talking about all colored mages

>it has enough oGCDs to make it not the snoozefest that is war and pld
Anyone decent at the game knows off-gcds don't add any complexity at all, so saying it makes DRK less boring shows that guy is a shitter.

Really want to try out this game. I have never touched an MMO and work full time. Can i still enjoy this game without logging in EVERY day?

Should i get the heavensword expansion from the get-go?

I'd expect more from the last fanfest this time than the last in 2014 just from it being 2 months closer to the release than what the JP one was 2 years ago.

So YoshiP wore a spiderman shirt. Are we getting BLU Tank?

Also in one of the Korean live letters Yoshi asked the audience which jobs they wanted for Stormblood and he specifically mentioned RDM and SAM.


Try the free trial first, and yes you can play this game without playing everyday. It has weekly caps and they aren't hard to cap.

It's more entertaining than literally spamming eye and fell cleave

That's all of warrior. So yeah it's less of a snoozefest compared to pld and war. With your logic, we shouldn't have any oGCDs at all. Every class should be spam eye combo