Uses caster gear

>uses caster gear
>being forced to wear stupid robes and dresses like a fag instead of leather or maybe even plate like a true fighter

why is this allowed?


>Doing anything besides being filled with cum

Why is this allowed?

Is this the new XIV thread?

Wizards are quite literally gay.

Who this Puss N Boots?

If catgrills had thighs like that in game I might be more interested in them.

Hyur privilege.

>same hips, different posture

Cats are a lot more skinny.

literally the same models

It's not, cats have smaller thighs and asses, compare them.

>gear type and stat type wasnt confirmed
>posts faggotry

here's your (you)

wheres the potd xp chart reeeeee

>ever wearing anything aside from that AF gear

How to spot a faggot

I might be considering playing Ninja for this. Too small and frail looking to play a tank or as a Dragoon, and I usually play caster.

go compare both races with the whm cpose idle stance and youll see they are the same

I think cats can actually have larger breasts, but midlanders have a better balance.

>expecting better from YoshiP and FFXIV.

>being forced to wear stupid robes and dresses like a fag
She`s a mage, after all

>wanting to look more obnoxious than everyone who overused the HA tanking coat

I don't think having the same animation equates to having the same model.


do you get 3 lines user?
remember, youre khloe's bestest friend!

dude what

I almost got 3 lines but RNG screwed me over.

I'll never get Fenrir...

Fenrir is old and overused, wait for a GC update or wait for 4.0 for new shit.

The only things in Gold Saucer that are worth it are the meme turtle and the wind up Twintania anyway.

I haven't been keeping it with this much, but the chick in the trailer is NOT a Red Mage, right? I think her outfit was different and she obviously looks more like a Dancer or some shit.

dead game


Why is her face so much more pale than the rest of her?

She's a monk.

Muh bunny slut outfit.
Succubus outfit fucking when

>red mage raid gear will just be red, recolored BLM/SMN gear
how mad would you be?

Pretty happy since SMN and BLM will finally get decent looking gear.

Why would I be mad? Why would I expect anything out of the devs after they've dropped 3 dungeons per patch to 2, and are only releasing 1 new class?

All 3 will share gear.
The 3 melee will get shit on as usual.

>why is this allowed?

Saves time and money with coming up with new special snowflake sets for just one job. Depending on what their main stat weights are, they'll be sharing old gear no matter what.

Newer gear that's built for the expansion will likely consider them more but don't be surprised to see color swaps of other jobs stuff being stuffed in as dungeon gear filler and future raid/tome sets

So what the fuck happened with the Midgardsummer plotline? He's not inside me any more I killed his son and he just moved on?

Middy was done as soon as you remade your blessing of light. He just wanted to see if you could get shit done without Hyadelin stepping in.

Literally everything in that concept art is made out of leather.

You dumb nigger.


He realized you weren't a jobber faggot who relied on Hydaelyn's blessing and gave you a thumbs up.

Pay attention

Fucking stop it. Why you people bash Ala Mhigans all the time? They're at the forefront of the Garlean invasion and prevented them from steam rolling all of Eorzea. Show some fucking respect

It was actually the beastmen scaring the Garleans by summoning primals.

They're just butthurt because Ilberd was an asshole even though he was understandably upset since Raubahn is a fucking pussy who deserted his own homeland.

>mfw I blacklist every Highlander on Balmung in my FC, linkshells, raid parties and ERP parties

>He just wanted to see if you could get shit done without Hyadelin stepping in.

fuck me, can't even remember that.

Why though? Its a mutual benefit.

Spiderman, Spiderman, does what a spider can...

Sure sounds like Samurai.

>wants gf and kill all normies
>having a gf makes him a normie
>gets killed as well

>second time a gatekeeper champion appears on colo today

Hi, Illberd!

Every Highlander I've met have been gay and shit at the game mechanically. I also blacklist Roes for the same reasons.

Not a RP/Baldungfag, what's wrong with Highlanders?


What beast tribe dailies are worth doing? I have enough grade 4 materia so no 2.X I guess.

Any tips?

This is assuming they don't get special snowflake gear like NIN sometimes and DRG all the time

probably INT gear with more defense. but fuck this because there's enough gear sets diluting loot pools

Thats very mean. I am neither gay or shit. I mean I am not world class raiding material.

How to clean my inventory out?

Not as stupid as imagining Samurai wearing Fending Gear. WHY DO PEOPLE WANT THIS?

>plate like a true fighter
Red Mage isn't a true fighter.

Why do people want Samurai? Edgier than DRK and more weeb than NIN.

What do you mean how? Expand the view to all 4 pages and throw out the shit you don't use every day.

I mean because of pic related

this pic is old.

Throw out glamours (You know you don't use them, just fucking stop). Problem solved forever.

Can't imagine the flood of Kirito Masamune/Yoshimitsu, William Adams and whatnot.

Makes me already feel weird for switching to Sam because of association to those fags.

It won't last forever. Same thing happened to NIN and DRK. They're alright now.

Not him but the dilemma with glamours is you might need one or two parts of a set to combine with new gear to get a comprehensive appearance

If you don't like the head or arms from your current set and can switch it with some stuff you already own (especially handy if its from a dungeon). That's why I fucking regret throwing all those Neverreap/Fractal FF Tactics gear away, now I have to refarm it.

You glamour fags deserve every hardship you get for your autism.

Ronin > Samurai

fight me

Come stormblood you'll probably be able to unsync them. Or they'll make most of the dungeon gear into craftable 61-70 gear like they did with ARR dungeon gear.

I want to fill her mouth with semen until her cheeks swell up like a squirrel storing nuts in its mouth.

where are my gay bros at?

Anyoen up for somedung fum after the worldserver update?

whats your problem, dude

I remember promising to myself I'll go back to 14 when RDM gets released since it's my favorite job in FF. Guess not.

>implying you can nut that much

And how many black bulls will you have to jerk off to collect that much semen, user?

Meanwhile Dragoon will have it's own special snowflake armor for the entire lifetime of the game.

What the hell man, you promised. Were all waiting here for you to resub and you just pull out like that?

Does it have a new race?

My problem is faggots like you who bitch about how there's 'not enough inventory space' yet 80% of your fucking space is cluttered by glamour shit you MAY want to use for 2 days in the future before your boyfriend makes you wear the bunny outfit again.

dragoon shares tank armor though

As it should be

>before your boyfriend makes you wear the bunny outfit again.

>Literally defending the lack of inventory space in this game for any reason
>Ignoring how glamour is incredibly important to like 99% of the population

>when you wipe 5 times on a11 sub 10% and on the last run it's just tank and healer with 5% left and tank decides to use LB3 instead and you all wipe then it vote abandons

I hate this game.


50%, maybe. And you know what most of those 50% do? They wear the exact same slut-glamours they've worn since the beginning once they get bored with whatever new outfit comes out. Sure, I've seen people dropping 9m gil for a fucking helmet and then stop wearing it LESS than a week later.

And motherfucker, 100 inventory slots, 25 slots for each piece of gear, AND 350 for retainers? That's massive.

If they add more? Great, whatever. But 100% of the inventory problem is with the player who had to keep 3 stacks of animal skins around and 5 different bow glamours despite not playing BRD for the past 9 months.

it's magical dps like smn and blm what else would it wear?

>pug a11s
>disband after 2 wipes

There should be no excuse not to have a glamour log.

You literally can't collect all the gear I've pretty much had to toss all gear other than the raid/alliance and most recent tomestone gear for jobs.

>pug a11s

Can't tell if you have huge balls or just an absolute madman

The game should use the inventory and wardrobe system that GW2 uses, but we all know they won't because the limited inventory is to jew idiots into buying more retainers.

>war keeps letting eye drop in scenarios where its feasible to have 100% uptime

just stick to pld instead

well, SE has to finance their disastrous projects somehow

>6x2 billion crafting mats
>inventory of 450

>Glamour log

Literally why? You need all the 'different' longcoats?


There's really only about 120 actually relevant crafting materials at the moment. Hell I can fit everything needed for the current crafting tier on a single 25 slot grid.