ITT: we draft out a new videogame, using only the worst of the industry

ITT: we draft out a new videogame, using only the worst of the industry

we need a producer, director, team, platform, engine, financial plan, a publisher, some youtuber and blog shills, an E3 segment, artwork style, era...

and i start:
The game is an episodical sandbox survival, featuring zombies and gender-bender mechs

ie: EA could be the publisher, and Peter Moulynex do the honors. Digital Homicide could dev the thing...

Other urls found in this thread:

Gamebryo engine, platform is Hyperscan

Reboot of a good old franchise made by EA.
You can't get worse.

i didn't even know that thing existed
what the fuck

Financial Plan

We launch the game free but only the first portion of the game. The game totals eight parts and you have to buy following part for $20, with each part ending on a cliff hanger
Also you pay micro transactions in game to make it easier/skip segments entirely

Artwork style is like this

Todd Howard and Chris Metzen team up for writing

>Artwork style is like this
You're smalltime.

Better Idea:
On-Rails Walking Simulator, fueled by Quick-Time events.

Is this the Mattel thing that used cards and had 3 games? I approve of this decision

those are some really cool ideas

we could incorporate it into the mix

a survival sandbox with QTE battles, and walking sim sections

that sounds like a hit to me