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Video Games #3626
Video Games
Tfw like Borderlands 2 despite Sup Forums hating it
Risk of Rain
What are your biggest concerns?
What happened to turbo buttons?
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
Buy Until Dawn and get the NTSC version
Pass the controller, bro
Nier Replicant International Release
Bought that Yu-Gi-Oh! game on Steam
What did they mean by this?
This just came in the mail what am I in for?
Hard or survival for a first play through?
Why dont you like elves in video games, user?
Anyone excited?
Have you ever played a video game while having sex?
ITT: Cringe Steam Accounts
Time for a SOTC thread
Is overwatch worth buying and why? I don't like tf2 because it's meme game. Does it get boring quickly?
What would you do if you could SAVE and LOAD in real life?
Can anyone explain this?
How was I supposed to know the requirements for opening this thing?
It's official - all Senran Kagura threads will now be moved to /vg/ from here on out
>ywn be this honorable/alpha
Remember when this game was still relevant?
Blazblue thread?
Humble ASSCreed bundle
That's literally the most beautiful fantasy open world game I've ever seen. WIll the Switch version look like this?
Favourite game at eight years old
Thoughts on Steins;Gate?
Will they bring back the strippers for this years E3?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
So let me get this straight
I want to see her funny jump when she attacks in the remake
Chroma Squad
Freedom Planet 2
Character confirmed as slut
What is the symbol on Waluigi's hat supposed to represent?
Daily reminder that Lara got bullied in school
Super Mario Sunshine
Don't tell anybody
Yakuza 0 & P5 for PC?
Is he alright?
The fuck is this? The fuck does yellow color mean?
Caring about achievements
Its been four years since DmC: Devil May Cry released and failed in sales but was a huge hit with journalists and...
Senran Kagura Thread: Birthday Girl Edition
It's time for your yearly modded Oblivion playthrough Sup Forums
I got a PS4 as a present and it really was a surprise...
How would you feel if Ubisoft made the next Splinter Cell open world?
Let's hear your game idea, user!
Humble Bundle in 30 minutes
Does this game get good? I'm almost at the 2 hour refund mark and I'm not thrilled about it
Can you guys please stop bullying atlus employees now? Thanks
Guys is this the power of "Next Gen"?
Can anyone explain this?
So now that Intel and AMD are both releasing new CPUs, which one is best for gaming?
Is anyone else upset abut the Nier situation?
What did you like about this?
Just purchased this game (Darkest Dungeon) off a nefarious key site
Hey Sup Forums
Why weren't those two playable? I mean their moves write themselves
ITT: Predict possible Borderlands 3 memes
Can we create something fun and Sup Forums-related out of this?
Are consoles to blame for poor graphical fidelity in games?
This is satire, right?
One way that Bloodstianed could surpass SotN is simply through the use of extra gameplay modes and custom maps...
This is the main character of a japanese video game
Name a FPS with a better single-player campaign
"I hate this game, I hate it so much. The whole world...
What happens if you fall asleep while playing VR and wake up while you're still wearing the headset?
ITT games you actually play while the rest of Sup Forums just faps to instead
One hour and twenty minutes until FUCKING NOTHING
I dont care what you fags say, this redux is fucking rad!
Gaming fuel thread
Selling lobs 400 gp
Which side are you on?
I don't know why but I am hyped for this game. First time since AC2
Is he, dare I say it, "our" guy?
Nerf DPs on shotos
Pre-order bonus is a lewd bikini outfit
Wait a fucking second, Yasumi Matsuno is developing a strategy/rpg game under Platinum?
What's the hardest boss in Bloodborne ?
Letting autistic fan bases on the internet ruin shit for you
Perfect games don't exis-OH WAIT
Which vidya character would you race mix with?
Are there any games that take advantage of having two or more monitors?
I am about to play this for the first time
Most lewd fanarts produced for a Japanese videogame character since Dragon's Crown
Which Link is the best and which Link is the worst?
Does anyone have that image with the write-up about Dragon Quest's consistency?
Greifing in gmod
Perfect games don't exi-
Crash Bandicoot
Buy all of these expecting good things
Does Sup Forums like DSP?
Is this the most annoying character in gaming?
Thoughts on modern JRPGs?
Every single gaming community is toxic as fuck
Is Overwatch the My Little Pony of video games?
Is it cancelled? Is it vaporware? We've heard nothing about it for months
Meanwhile at bizzaro Sup Forums
It's been more than a year, can we finally all agree that undertale was the goty of 2015
Why does Bloodborne runs like shit?
"I was born 87 years ago
Konami is thriving even after all the internet hate regarding MGSV
How long until we can be a cute girl in virtual reality?
How can he make a comeback in this day and age without a tone down?
Games that are in your top five and likely no one elses
Another Nintendo console, another generation without third party support...
Bringing Johnson back in Halo Wars 2
If you eat greasy or crumbly or saucy or juicy food while playing video games you're doing it wrong
Hmm, looks like PC is finally down
Are we ever getting an RTS better than this? Only C&C Generals came close
Podcast games
What are some great Wii / Wii U games I can play with my 6-year-old niece?
What is the Underworld of video games? (Underworld: Edgy and outdated but somehow they keep making 'em)
Is there a Sonic fan autistic enough to prove him wrong?
Which Nintendo console had the best games?
Lets have a nice HDTV vs Monitor thread
It's "You're supposed to loose boss fight" episode
Can farm money infinitely from the first level
This but Sup Forums
Only nine days
Is there a general rule as to which items I should acquire to keep my own strength high, but boss levels low?
What are some games in which I can purge impure beings?
The only thing the Drakengard series really has going for it is shock value. It's otherwise mediocre in every respect
What will they reveal at the live event?
Place your bets
There are people here that don't appreciate the concept of exclusivity
The game sucks because it has an optional mechanic that I don't like!
Why is Yoshi so happy about falling into this giant brass instrument?
How does Sup Forums feel about ghost girls?
Lost 90% of its fanbase to attract an audience that doesn't give a shit about halo
That game you loved but you know will never receive a sequel
Ay, Caramba! Everybody get in here!
Dragon age orgiins
Why didn't you buy her game, Sup Forums?
Steam account value
What is the best ending in videogames?
So, what can I getcha?
Megaman 7 Director's Cut announced
Good RTS games don't exis-
I'm not a rat
Don't mind me, just being the funnest Special Stage
The Last Guardian
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Risk of Rain Bread Dead Edition
Add a character who is never not useful (Rinhardt)
Is it a good world map?
Question for people who are hype for this: why?
What's the real story on this game. Were critics too harsh originally? Does it hold up today?
Civilization IV is the Best Civ Game
Will this be as dissapointing as GTA V?
Friend is trying to coaxe me into playing this while waiting for Persona 5...
Be honest, Sup Forums, when you look back at all the time you spent playing vidya, was it really worth it?
Why didn't Namco even try to bring over the Idolmaster franchise to the west?
There are pc gamers on Sup Forums right now who still don't have a controller
Thoughts on this game?
Would you press it?
So GDQ starts Jan 8th. Here's the schedule:
Xenoburade thread
Show where you play your vidya
Name a more perfect game
This is a nice board
So I feel like I've finally found my 'flow' in the witcher 3, and I am loving it...
Edgeworth Appreciation Thread
I feel like weeping
Last AC game I played was Revelations. I heard this and Black Flag are quite good. Is it true, which one is better?
Are fighting games doing better than they were 10 years ago, or worse?
Remember to install Windows 10 for the best gaming experience user!
Why does the Big Bad always Suck?
How do we fix battleborn to be more succesful than Overwatch?
HOW in the fuck
Will all the TF2 bronies and furfags ever make the jump to Overwatch?
Are there any games where the MC infiltrates a meeting with world leaders and tries to solo them all?
ITT: Shit you love in vidya
Zelda BotW map is hu-
What is Sup Forums's opinion on this game?
You have been banned
You can literally beat Nier Automata without ever looking at the screen...
*runs into your line of fire*
It's time to VOTE! The voting will last for 2 weeks total
Does Sup Forums like the way of the samurai games?
Hots thread
At what game was Metal Gear canon/lore at it's best and why was it mgs2?
Popularity doesnt make a game good!!!!!
Did I fix Fallout 4?
Video Games are for autists and faggots
Will it flop?
Guess who's voicing a main character in Mass Effect Andromeda!!
Who wins: Genji with a 1,000 degree C sword or Mei with -1,000 ice?
I thought he was our guy, but ever since he said a console exclusive is his #1 game of 2016 I just don't know anymore
Fire Emblem
Bought this game a couple of days ago. I've played Darks Souls II and III...
Why isn't there a new Megaman game?
Remember that one user who shit on The Last Guardian's graphics for years...
Just a friendly reminder:
Why are you all so intimidated by girls who like to game Sup Forums
Have video games ever help get you laid, Sup Forums?
Ayy moments
Res sickness
Dankest Dungeon
Which one, Sup Forums?
I've decided to replay the series...
What do you think of the girls in Persona 5?
How did you know you were supposed to jump into the painting?
What went right?
Are you ready for GoTY 2017?
Bought a $400 asus predator monitor with gsync and up to 180hz
Sup, Sup Forums? /fit/ here
What did Valve mean by releasing this?
Ok this game is very beautiful and artistic, but honestly it's really boring...
What is Wario to Mario? Is he his cousin, doppleganger, clone? What is he?
What do?
What's with all of the Earthbound-inspired games that have been coming out lately?
Go to Biedronka which is a poorfag supermarket even by our Po(or)lish standards
Oh boy! The ups-guy just brought a parcel. What could be inside? I sure hope it's vidya
I'm almost nearing the end of Doom 2016 and I have to say I have no idea why everyone was constantly orgasming over...
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
Game has auto save
Who is that one ASSFAGGOTS hero you can play and always enjoy?
Your last played game is now made by Platinum Games and turned CUHRAYZEE. How fucking awesome is it?
3x3 thread
According to a certain cracker on a keynote that now owns a PS4 that can play portal 2, the PS4 is not a PC
Trails in the sky
Buy a game that came out in 1988 for 5 to 10 dollars
Which mods make fallout 4 playable?
He thinks Bloodborne is difficult
Where did everything go so wrong?
Risk of Rain:Host edition
How is the vita version of this game?
Are there any modern games similar to FF Tactics? I particularly liked the variation of jobs and unlocking them all
The switch will be $150 at most
How is this now that it has been 2 years and they might've finished the fucking game
Why publishers are so obsessed with social media feedback...
DLC costs more than the game
Are you even a gamer?
I'm looking for a new mouse, but I dont want a "gamer" mouse or anything that needs new drivers...
Who was in the wrong here?
Don't mind me, just pirating your television
What's the most "epic" RPG you can think of?
Lightnings! ASSEEMMBLE!!!!!
So what's your damage report Sup Forums ? Did you end up buying anything during the steam sale?
You will be buying Yakuza 0
What do you think of people who spend money on cosmetics?
Sorry I'm late
Can someone explain the HDR may-may to me?
Doublel barrlel
ITT: perfect games
Recommend me some games where I can stop time
Post your favorite video game quotes
Is this game worth money?
Post your ESO characters
Do I have to be the one to say it? Witcher III is a pure NuMale fantasy game
H-hey user I heard you liked isometric RPGs t-too... maybe we can p-play together some time... j-just asking haha
Is this game good?
Finished your yearly replay yet?
He opens his mouth
Werewolves are cool as shit
Why would i buy overwach when I can play tf2 for free?
I made the biggest consumer mistake, Sup Forums...
I'm ok with this, how about you?
My goal is 52 games this year. I've got a huge backlog of games I've not finished, touched, etc
Why does this piece of shit toss you into a new game right after the final boss?
Which team are you on, Sup Forums?
Why do I keep buying games...
Why are gaming forums so full of insufferable faggots?
Is there a gameplay reason to go non-lethal stealth?
/lit/ has "literary"
How could Ornstein be the Nameless King if he died in the first game?
Who else dropped competitive online games entirely here...
What the heck was his problem?
I just joined the Gamer Club at my college. How badly did I fuck up, Sup Forums?
Are valve the worst dev ever?
ALMOST every new game runs like shit
PS2 as a DVD Player
ITT: perfect antagonists
Anyone playing gta v pc wanting any shit done to their acc?
ITT: Post Vidya Crossovers
Post good graphics, PC or otherwise
Why didn't he have a love interest?
If the Omnics are still threatening russia and they are building giant mechs to fight...
2017 will be completely empty when it comes to FPS games
Remember to stand up once every hour
How come there are no toilets in skyrim?
Games only you played
What's the best superhero vidya and why is it pic-related?
Which character duos would you like to see, Sup Forums?
Late night SFV Lobby
Steam Top 100 best sellers
How many hours did you put into Overwatch before you had enough? I quit after 200 hours. I think I got my money's worth
Will it be good?
ITT:Stuff from your favorite games you never knew about until recently
Came out 20 years ago
It's been 4 years
Why did Bayonetta had to die? She was such a perfect semen demon
4 hours in
Will there ever be a good video game adaptation of card games, or even traditional games in general?
Why haven't you beaten Battletoads yet? It's 2017, what's your excuse?
Have you ever beaten the original Sonic? And if so did you have to use save states?
This man is out to kill you and last video game character you played as will protect you, how do they fare?
Wake me, when you need me
Why do people treat PC like it's just another console like Xbox or Playstation...
Have you ever become addicted to playing games to the point that it affected your life/work/grades/relationships...
Switch doesn't have a user replaceable battery
Name a card more powerful for $240
Underated Fighting Games
ITT we post underrated villains
Are all games going to become Destiny/The Division now...
It's here
Post dem guitar tracks
We're truly in a golden era of skill
How does Sup Forums feel about X-Play?
Post what you faggots bought
Valkyria Chronicles
When will Koizumi direct another Zelda game?
Holy fuck user, you've been playing continuously for seven hours straight. Take a fucking break!
ITT: Characters that would probably browse Sup Forums
Is there ANYBODY who actually sided with this faggot? If so...
Why do we get so assfucked when it comes to online gaming?
Dragon Quest Producer Aknowledges the West, Hints at DQXI Localization
Has there ever been a more insulting redesign in gaming?
Oh man user, you like (game)?
I really don't want to believe that Nintendo is so stupid to release another console that's a generation behind the...
Now that the dust has settled, what's the general consensus on SMT4A?
The Binding of Issac
Why does this piece of shit take up 75 FUCKING GIGABYTES???
What are some games where I can beat up women?
He plays Isaac with a controller
Reminder that Northstar is bae and if you use Tone you're a faggot
Why can't eastern game designers make characters as well as western game designers?
Buyers remorse thread. So what absolute dogshit did you get meme'd into buying this sale...
PS4 powered by AMD
So Blizzard banned my Overwatch name, which was BigDikMystic
Why is Yoshi so happy about falling into this giant brass instrument?
Are you gonna buy her game Sup Forums?
Is this one of them JoJo references I keep hearing about?
Will we get anymore good Star Wars games?
Is Bravely Default worth playing?
Killer Instinct was pretty fucking irrelevant garbage before this game came out...
Are you a PRO gamer ?
Who here /bored as fuck with gaming/?
This is a god-like idea
Get job to pay for vidya and money to pay for minor bills
Remember when Bioware made a character whose goal in life was to fuck as many animals as possible?
Is there a company with more underused IPs than Sega?
What are these
I'm glad a lot of you got VR for Christmas
Name an exclusive with better multiplayer
Constantly gives speeches and keynotes at western events
Yandere Simulator
Little Witch Academia
Why are you still playing Hearthstone, user?
Is Titanfall 2 the best game ever made?
Is there any mmo that has good solo play, doesn't require me to join a guild or socialize constantly...
Post vydia by vaguely describing the main villain's plan / ultimate goal
Afterbirth +
He needs to be nerfed to break the tank meta
Have you ever been "immersed" in a video game? I don't mean just being deeply invested...
I'm starting a new New Vegas playthrough. What are some essential mods?
Why haven't ARK won any major trophy yet?
What is she going to do to that shota?
Europeans are asleep
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
People constantly ask for Warhammer40k video games
Filename Thread
Nintendo sees that people are retarded and actually pay to play online
It's here
Nier Replicant english patch
What are some games that try to funny, and are?
Why do PCfriends and Xboxfriends think exclusives are a bad thing?
I miss him
Sup Forums now prefers the witcher 3 to skyrim
This "game" sucks ass. Not surprising since this is from the same people that made Limbo. Why does anyone like Inside?
Do you wear video game apparel in public, Sup Forums?
Shantae Advance would have featured
[Leak] Goodies from an Indie developer developing for Nintendo platforms
There are shills on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
Sup Forums hates open world games and shits on them nonstop
What are you looking forward to in 2017 user, and why?
What's your gamer pose?
When you don't put steam in offline mode when you play huniepop so every one knows your jerking off to anime porn
Professional girl gamer Laura Kate Dale has had a 100% correct track record with the Nintendo leaks and she dropped...
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game streamer before Sup Forums?
What's the best FPS ever made and why is it
This is Lara. Say something nice about her
You ready for 2017, sony fans?
Name a bigger piece of shit in videogaming history
You will be getting her first game, right?
I don't think u fuckin heard me Sup Forums I WANT THE MOST A E S T H E T I C AND COMFY SCREENSHOTS YOU GOT
50 million consoles sold
Weapon durability
Failure of gaming
The perfect successor to the original Thief
Which one is better for PC gaming, Sup Forums? In ergonomics, compatibility, build quality, and price?
Why do so many people dislike this level?
Turn on your mic user
FFXIV Stormblood
Well, Sup Forums?
God bless america
Final fantasy dialogue
Do you like card games?
Was this any good? What was it like? I remember seeing it on shelves when it first came out and wanting to get it...
Skyrim Marriage
Name a design decision that is always bad, and has never been used well
Do you own any vidya related clothing?
What exactly is Nintendo's problem?
Okay boys its time to make our first dlc, what should we add to Dark Souls 3 to make it fresh and interesting
Overrated Franchises
Teleporting power is called "Blink"
Anyone else playing this right now because it's cheap on PSN?
Devil Daggers thread
Plague doctor and abomination
60 dollar game
"I know who's been naughty"
Never played a Monster Hunter game ever and I just got a 3DS for cheap
Say something NICE about dark souls 2
Horizon: Zero Dawn
*AVGN voice*
Rewatched Kurosawa over new years, now Im in the mood for some Samurai
Holiday Sales Refund Thread
Power corrupts
What are your thoughts on Hyper Light Drifter?
Steam Winter Sale 2016
Got my second permaban in assfaggots
Name ONE game other than Bloodborne as a reason to get a PS4
What's your Game of the Year?
Do you want a better plot in the Xeno games...
Why doesn't moonlight burn vampires?
Is the Steins;Gate worldline really the best choice? Since it's still within the 1.00000~1.99999 divergence...
What was his fucking problem?
You can only play [spoiler]3[/spoiler] games for the rest of your life. What are they, Sup Forums?
No matter how many games of a videogame series you play...
CNN is fake news
C-Can't control the
What if Samus was a robot?
You have 23.33 seconds to come up with a new mechanic to a horror game
What do you like in a video game female character?
It's been what? 2 years?
Is this his last chance?
Ok, shit. I just finished Bloodborne+DLC and I have to say something
Enemy begs for mercy
Why was her Milk forbidden?
Playing mankind divided
Giant Bomb
One point off 100
Never really got into RTSs/Civ-type games aside from stuff like Burger Tycoon on Miniclip...
Is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven any good?
What are some games that feature horrifying eldritch abominations?
Pick me user!
Unpopular opinion thread
Give it to me straight, Sup Forums. Is this the best game ever made?
What is your favorite gaming pose?
Hi there, would you like to sign my petition?
Worst character(s) to be added in the roster
So what's your opinion on this Sup Forums?
"You look too young to be raising a kid on your own."
Escape from Tarkov is made by small indie studio and looks and plays better than AAA games
Why does Sup Forums always chicken out and dodge when challenged to fighting games? Even when it's casual?
Who's your favorite male vidya character Sup Forums?
Who is your favorite black video game character Sup Forums?
Be honest with me - is 6 as bad as people say it is?
What exactly made Tifa so popular?
Nintendo hires you to work on Melee HD, but you MUST tweak the cast with Nerfs/Buffs
Why aren't there any good semi-realistic combat sports video games anymore?
Pick two, Sup Forums
What was with this game? Still have not finished it to this day
Hes been corrupted
Are licensed games dead from the market...
Big Empty Sandboxes
ITT: Oh yeah, that exists
PC bros, I'm fucking scared...
Give me ONE good reason not to buy this game:
Beat the game
How do we stop sony?
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite hopes n dreams
Look, we we all know for a fact that if the RE2 remake even gets made, it's going to play like RE4
Is the event over yet or can I still grab a few boxes?
Japanese release or english dub? What should I play?
Have you ever masturbated while playing a videogame?
Is this the most underappreciated Kirby game?
Is January the month of the weeaboo? What are you getting?
ITT: Games ruined by Reddit-tier humor
Have you ever been beaten by a girl, Sup Forums?
Nintendo Switch
Transgender Sup Forums
I want everybody on Sup Forums to explain exactly what they have against Outlast and why the fuck isn't everybody here...
Does Sup Forums like Arcana Heart?
Started GTA online
So has Uchi said anything about a Zero Escape 4?
So guys I wished for a lot this christmas but the thing that I wanted the most was Terraria. But guess what...
Warhammer: Return of Reckoning
Tfw to intellegent for videogames
Why are rooskies, aussies, and yuropoors literally the worst people to game with online?
Bayonetta is 8 (EIGHT) years old
I never really cared to look into the extent of censorship behind this game until now (because I'm deciding to pick it...
Choose your race
We were watching you try comix zone for the first time last night. on your shitty emu filter
Angry Goy
Open the door and see Gravity Queen naked
Is Dark Souls a grown up Zelda?
Star Wars videogames revolving around Episode I: The Phantom Menace...
Having trouble finding Wii ROMS. Looking specifically for Mario Kart Wii, but every file I have found is corrupted
Is it possible for a game to be good, even if it doesn't have good gameplay?
OoT's Hyrule Field is pathetically empty and boring to traverse
Other players complain about your rudeness
Is this any good?
Graphic cards
ITT: Times you were literally the Joker in a video game
Hey Sup Forums
Your friend calls you by your online alias instead of by your real name
Switch News
I finally caved and decided I need a Ps4 in my life
Best graphics and physics ever seen in a videogame
Be honest here user, how much have you spent on DLC and f2p games? even the smallest amount count so don't lie to me
Should i get a PS4 pro or a PC?
Why is esports such a fucking joke?
When have you realized you were memed into xbox controller
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
This game is fucking impossible. I always try to sell things around 115% of their price, but no matter what...
Being so protective in your safe zone bubble that you wont try to see the other side of the coin because of fear that...
"dude I don't have time for video games anymore with a job and family"
Dying Light
Why is this game considered a masterpiece?
Shitty grindfest free2play game
The first Nintendo Switch devkits are likely to have been stock TX1 dev boards that Nvidia already had available in...
Name ONE reason why PC isn't objectively the best platform to play vidya
Just finished this. Is it good?
Going to get a PS4 soon
Solid Snake's love interest marries the character that is solely based on shitting himself
ITT: we draft out a new videogame, using only the worst of the industry
2017 is the 15th year anniversary for Kingdom Hearts
GameCross did a Top 10 upcoming games for early 2017 video. Are they right? Also pic somewhat related
4 mana 7/7
ITT: Games you would like to see on the Switch
Name 1 (One) game other than Bloodborne as a reason to get a PS4
Are there any good games for intelligent people?
Game is 50gb
So how's that game you're making, Sup Forums?
Dropped Mechanics in DS
Try to figure out how to get people to play your game
Why does this guy
His party consists only of prepubescent little girls
Smash 4 Mods
Who would you main in an animal fighting game?
Can we talk about how fucking comfy this game is?
Does it still seem unreal that a Final Fantasy VII Remake exists? It's so bizarre...
League of Legends vs Dota 2
Look at this doll
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...