Can you guys please stop bullying atlus employees now? Thanks.
Can you guys please stop bullying atlus employees now? Thanks
Someone needs to remind Hardin he's a lying, uninformed cunt on a daily basis.
>5 posts
>3 posters
At this point I want to see Persona 5 on PC only to make that meme posting twat bad.
Persona 5 is on PS4? That's surprising for a PS3 game that game out Winter 2014
Holy shit
He claimed P5 western release to be in 2015 on the same day it was delayed to 2016 in Japan.
Hardin's a joke.
Who the fuck was expecting Yakuza 0 to be on the Switch or PC?
>Expecting Atlus USA to be informed about anything the Japs are doing
They didn't know P5's release date until we did.
Mustard racers and Nintodlers.
The first group will get it anyway as they always do by waiting 2 decades for proper emulator
Who was asking for ANYTHING on the Switch period? That thing is going to be a no games machine.
Thank god. Didn't want threads get destroyed like Nier. We already have annoying dub vs subfags
You guys sure fucking love posting twitter screencaps on a videogame board
You're not getting on PC you fucking clown. Port begging is fucking annoying, you don't know how many people tweet him and DM him every single day begging. It becomes incredibly annoying after a while.
I don't give a fuck about the Switch or PC, but I'm not believing Hardin after lying about P5's release date, twice.
2015, never forget.
Enjoy your shitty games fucking sonyggers. Hope you neck yourselves fucking shitposting faggots
>EOP still haven't played Persona 5
How do you people function?
Is their fault for not releasing their shitty games in the superior platform
>why haven't you wasted your precious time learning a dead language
Just admit it lads, it's time to buy a ps4. We just can't beat them.
Then don't read it. He's a fucking PR, he's paid to do that repetitive shit.
Enjoy begging for games constantly trying to use PS4 games to justify your PC/Switch purchase. Your platform of choice is utter shit, remember that you begging, slimy poorfaggot.
I'm sure japs give a fuck about PC. It's not like all these jap ports on pc are only getting released in the west by localizers.
Well you're wasting your time here so yeah, why?
Plans change user. Maybe he honestly believed it would be fine by that time but something came up during the development.
No, he most definitely knew early on that P5's english would not be finished at any point in 2016.
Then the game came out in Japan and he was still insisting that it would make it.
I get it, he's paid to keep the public in the dark about what really goes on in their offices, legal contracts and all that.
Which only makes me ignore everything he says and just wait for the game to eventually come out.
>proving the point
Good job.
Why are you guys making this about console wars?
Aw look at the little Sonypony trying to samefag! How cute.
Where do you think we are user?
He's FINALLY starting to get a sense of humor. Then again, Sonic The Hedgehog has already tested the waters.
>Pcucks wont be able ruin Persona threads
Based Atlus
Will Sup Forums Id's help here to identify shitposters?
Thoughts on PC port beggars? Are they cancerous?
>sonyggers falseflag as pcfags to stir up shitposting as much as possible
way to go
>implying they won't shitpost about how bad the game is, like with everything else that doesn't come to PC
Sadly, no. I've posted in Sup Forums, closed my browser, then came back fifteen minutes later, and I was completely different color and had a different code.
Did you even post in the same thread?
They are wasting their time, honestly.
Not sure why do people make such a big deal of them as if their existence was some major inconvenience to them or something.
>no mention of xbox
>not even 50 thousand
>Can you guys please stop bullying atlus employees now?
You know people are just gonna harass more, right?
Nintendrones shills and pc beggars are the worst.
Maybe xbox fags are just civilized enough not to bombard someones twitter with shit.
At this point I'm having hard time believing any of those petitions are genuine and not falseflagging anymore.
Like 5 people on Sup Forums have an Xbone and regularly play it.
do xbros even exist anymore?
the one killed any fanbase MS had for it
The 2nd maybe but the 50K one, hardly.
sony always wins
It's still feedback.
How else would they know they have potential customers on different platforms?
No. They're based on IPs.
Most people have dynamic IPs.
People with crappy routers can restart (takes a while).
People with good routers can make one click in router config tab (basically ask for different IP from ISPs pool) and literally shitpost with different ID for every post.
>all these fags saying ps4 has no games, but cry when they cant get ps4 games on pc
kekekek to the bank
like "pc gamers" even buy what they play
>big guy for you, same guy from every falseflag petition
>only 50k
It's almost as if someone who says they refuse to buy your game unless if they put it on their platform of choice wasn't really that interested in it to begin with.
Especially when the two platforms it's already on sold over 80 million and 50 million respectively.
>more sizes
Too bad. I'll wait for a PS4 emulator to come out.
Goro dies
>same guy from every falseflag petition
>only 50k
Care to post any other port begging petition that comes even halfway close?
>all games on sony systems are shit!
>beg for ports of them in a daily basis
Why you all gotta be so tsun for Sony?
Switch will get SMTV and EOVI, who gives a fuck about P5?
>expecting an Atlas developed game to come to PC after the 90s
Wew lad
>reading comments
>but since there is no successor to the Vita a Switch version may happen
The delusion is real
Didn't Persona 4 on the vita sold more than the last few SMT games? I'd think that more people actually care about persona at this point.
>implying there is going to be a new sony handheld
Right. But how does that equivilate to a switch version at all?
>EO on the Switch
>EO without the dual screen to draw your map as you travel through it
Expect the next EO game to be a mobile one
>Switch will get SMTV
They're going to use P5's assets and demon models to make SMTV and make it PS4 exclusive. You Nintendorks are going to get cucked as fuck by Atlus.
I don't think there will be either, but people said the same thing about a PSP successor back in 2010 and a PS3 successor in 2012.
>who gives a fuck about P5
Given how well it sells, a lot of people
>implying you can somehow ruin a piece of shit
remember when dragons dogma got the pc port?
stay mad cuck
3 years later
I haven't played any of Persona or Yakuza games.
Are they good?
Because what I saw so far is JRPG about whiny schoolgirls and cutscene-heavy game about Japanese gangsters with light beat-em-up elements.
Because only way to have a portable Persona 5 is to releasing it on Switch.
This is different, sony themselves said that traditional handhelds are over for them.
I know nor care about either of those franchises so have fun I guess
>Thanks for beta testing!!!!!! XD
>not knowing persona
>despite having daily threads for the past couple of years about the games
How new are you? Don't even pretend that you simply overlooked them.
Sure, I've seen the name pass by
No idea what it's about though
You're assuming soniggers can figure that out, or are not-lazy enough to do that.
Sony is planning on pushing in to mobile hard starting in 2018 given the huge success they had with Fate GO and seeing the success of Pokemon GO, so I wouldn't be too surprised if they did something weird like a new xperia play to go along side that.
For Persona, they're mostly different...
1 dungeon shit
2 probably the most like a normal psx era jrpg
3 4 jrpg with visual novel shit you "need" to do to get stronger
the fighting games and pq are linked to 3 and 4
i like the old ones better, but yeah. they arent the same shit as stupid 3 and 4
How does Hardin still have a job?
He said that there was gonna be no Dual VA so they can focus on a good dub, but the dub was so bad that Atlus Japan stepped in and publically apologized.
>touching traditional handheld gaming in any form ever again
In your dreams, nigga.
>actually believing this
If anything, it means the PS4 will get them too.