Why are gaming forums so full of insufferable faggots?

Why are gaming forums so full of insufferable faggots?

This poor man is so hideously unattractive. How do ugly people even live?

Because gamers are insufferable faggots.

Regular people don't feel the need to establish "identity" on some crusty gaming message board.

Because they come from Sup Forums

because the same demographic that plays video games also has the highest concentration of progressive liberals

Because Noone tells them to fuck off so their shitty elitest behaviour is constantly reinforced. Also having a 20k post count for some reason makes you popular and you start getting groupies who defend you at a whim

It's really just a circle jerk.

I've stopped going to game specific fans sites because you get ignored with a lot of "and you are? " replies. It's disgusting really


I don't know. All I know is if you stay long enough at a gaming forum, you start to become an insufferable faggot yourself.

Autocorrect, posting from phone