Remember to stand up once every hour

remember to stand up once every hour

Looks like the interior of a fleshlight.

Golem get ye gone

Also drink water instead of soda. Unless you want some hella sweet kidney stones.

Reminder that using mouse instead of gamepad is destroying your wrists.

Buttermilk, water and tea are best choices.

>Looks like the interior of a fleshlight.
embolus for her pleasure.

I've drank two six-packs of soda every week for the past 15 years, sitting at my computer for 8 hours a day when I'm not at work, and I've never had a single kidney stone.

I also never drink water.

Kidney stones would be the least of your worries.

You'll see, they pop up out of fucking nowhere and they hit like a motherfucker. Have fun getting them surgically removed

My dentist was like a nazi propaganda poster, tall blond blue eyed slim guy, perfect teeth of course, gym a few times a week, keeping a healthy diet, always flexing his wrists and getting a massage from his wife nurse between patients, basically living the perfect most healthy life possible.

Died of cancer complications before he hit 40.

I'm something like this, i have a feeling it's like our bodies adapt to this.

But i knew a friend who had did the same thing. Last i heard he got his foot sawed off due to diabeetuush

I tried a little cleanse diet after a while and god dayumn body feels great and I've been waking up a lot more comfortable since (if that makes sense)

So every now and then I just do a week of clean diet for the heck of it.

cancer is a biological mechanism to weed out the most smug among us

enjoy diabetes
it also comes out of nowhere you fat fuck

I keked so hard....

Like if this was the message, I can see a bunch of fat kids going "well yeah that dentist died, see what good that did him"

He has been autobalanced

just because something lowers your chances doesn't mean it's impossible you retarded oaf

The message is "trying to live healthy doesn't guarantee health".

don't worry about me

i get 20 mins of cardio a day 5 days a week

I bet you he lived more in 5 of those years then you'll do in 20

>t. soon to be diabetic fatass with one foot

I just did deadlifts earlier today tho.

I usually ride my bike but it's too cold for me right now.

Shouldn't you keep it to 4 days a week?

>1% hit chance.

whats wrong with 5?

To be fair, cancer is the wild card of diseases.

it doesn't matter

huge if true

>rain for fucking days
>can't go out running
>can't do chinups either because of the fucking rain
Doing pushups gets boring really fast.

I dont workout, but what does chinups have to do with rain? is like a humidity issue or what?

four is too poor
five to stay alive

It's a fact that I don't have a bar at home, I do them at a park. And the bars are planted on dirt.

>not having a standing desk
What plebs in here am I right

kek, underrated.

>Gain muscles but also like 40 pounds

Muscles are denser than fat you dunce.

>Being healthy requires I dress like lispy nu-male
Rather just die t b h

too late faggoli i already ordered one

cool facebook hipster art style pic

Actually he worked his ass off to make as much bank as possible, buying property (home and his medical practice office), paying for his wife's psychology education (while she was his nurse), driving an hour a day to work, working overtime every day, working six days a week.

He basically died about the time when he had to start feeling the benefits of his work, as his wife starts her own career, he moves his work to the city he lives in, and he has paid all his loans.

I spoke to him during a window in his recovery when he tried to work again, the doctors had removed some length from his guts and stomach, so he had to eat every 1-2 hours, and because he had just rebooted he didn't have many patients booked. So we talked all afternoon, and he definitely seemed bitter and regretful, though he kept giving me advice that would have me also work very hard, and seemed to take offence when I pointed it out.

Anyways, it may be confirmation bias on my side, but I took his situation to reaffirm my strategy of seeking not to maximize success, but rather to minimize stress. Vidya&chill, not work&fame, okay?

I bet you and your coffee mug are just like those in your pic

This. I have a standing desk. First couple of months my feet hurt but after that I feel better. No more back pain, no more sleepiness, no more death from deep vein thrombosis.

Yeah but

When I was 16 I started training and dropped from 68kg to 49kg

Now I just get big and bulky

>using mouse destroys wrists

How often did you die from deep beim thrombosis already?

lel enjoy your arthritis, console bros

Be glad.

Every single day before and after my 10 minute break and after my lunch break.

It can kill you if you don't treat it right

At this point I guess that if you're lazy enough to avoid having a good walk/stretch every hour or two, you'd most likely not give a fuck about the thrombosis and die anyway

This just changes the problems you will have, though.
Ideally, you will take turns sitting and standing, which is a fucking chore, so nobody does it.

Is that the thing where your leg goes all purple? I guy I went to high school with got something like that and nearly died

How often should you alternate?

>Hole in every set of pants/underpants

>deally, you will take turns sitting and standing
Got you covered famalam

>Keep computer under desk
>Normally sit with legs crossed
>Decide to get up
>Something's not right
>Look down
>A fountain of blood gushing out from my right foot
>The CD drive had opened on its own and I had cut up my entire foot on the sharp edges
>Don't feel anything
>Rinse it off in the bath
>Still have a scar

>he doesn't have a pull up bar in his home

Please give yourself an helicopter ride, Varg.

It's -26C outside, I'm wearing shorts.

This would strain your back.

i really want one of those treadmills but they are so fucking expensive

Poor Hax$

I have a really thick throbbing vein that only pops out when im walking or running.

Am I going to die?

That sounds like a chill motivation,
word dude

Ah, the treadmill - Taking literally all the joy out of walking.

Just put on a soundtrack and take a walk in the woods while you plan out new strats for civ 5. or MH

My roommate honestly wonders why the fuck I get up sometimes and just randomly walk around the house for like 5 minutes

Kidney stones are genetic.

I eat spinach daily. Have for years, no stones ever.

Same here. I don't want to have a long life anyway

In my left leg

Varg's a commie?

The fuck? i'd freak the fuck out over the fact that i wouldnt feel anything

you can't just stand, you need to actually walk around.
no, there may be no symptoms if you have DVT so it can be quite scary. if you're lucky you might get a tell, but i don't think it turns your leg purple.

standing is pretty much just as bad, just now you wind up with issues involving the damage from locking your knees

humans aren't meant to be in one place for hours a day

Is this why my leg is so uncomfortable right now? It's really annoying.

>not using the truly superior gaming controller

they don't hurt that much

Don't you also have that ridge on the right side of your foot with no sensation in it? Next to the ankle.

Sometimes when I brouse Sup Forums for several consecutive hours I find myself in the same position for extended periods of time, so the best advice I can give is to create a reason to get animated, even if it just means doing a couple gestures to show your dog that today is a new day and he's not dreaming or anything like that (bc you know how dogs are!)

Can confirm

t. warehouse 10 hour shift guy

Varg's someone that literally killed someone, burned a church (if not more than just one) and served prison for it and yet moralfags, he's no better than an actual gommunist piece of shit in my book.

I used to do this but with Peace Walker tapes.
Good times

I tried, my wrists still hurt.

There aren't any woods in my overpopulated island

based dentist

once a second

>all these walking corpses not using the ultimate life saving device.

Nintendo loves you anons. Let them save you.

Another Varg for my collection, thanks user.

When your legs start to hurt or feel uncomfortable or you feel compulsion to readjust them, thats when you switch.


Money is pointless beyond having enough to be comfy. Catching some happiness is the most important thing. And you need variety to do that, which is why so many people are depressed. Too much monotony. But what can you do about it? Gotta work to live. That's why I wish people would share the wealth a little.

Kid Icarus took my hand.

They shall not have my legs.

unless you're a fat fuck that doesn't walk at all you only need to worry about DVT on planes

>you can't just stand, you need to actually walk around.
yea but going to get a drink of water or taking a piss should be enough

I might've I had that on my dick once because a vein on top of it was a bit hard for a week or two. Then when it went away, my heart never felt the same. I think I had a mini heart attack.

Comfy for how long? Obviously you want to amass money to the point where you never have to work again.

Work for a decade, then you just move to some 3rd world shithole like Poland and bam, your savings are now worth quadruple.

For playing Death Note: The Video Game?

WoWs lead class designer

>300 lbs
>Don't work so I never move
>Have sleep apnea
>Feet hurt and my back hurt all the time
>Only 23
>Lay down when having sex

>wearing headphones for so long my ears hurt and I need to fold the earlobe under the headphone
>sitting for so long I need to change position to avoid asshurt
If I was alive, I'd be dying.

>tfw in much better shape than you
>never had sex