50 million consoles sold

>50 million consoles sold
>the strongest exclusives line up ever seen in gaming

Honestly... If you don't have a PS4, you don't deserve to call yourself a gamer.

Exclusives are pointless if they're all shit. Nice try, consolefag

Trashbox One Exclusive Left.

>call yourself a gamer

>implying Spiderman won't be the best on OP's pic
Come on

Take your shill mindset to facebook

Sony will skullfuck and finally kill off the Xbox next year. Feels good to realize they are the only ones left to be killed off the consoel space.

>sub 30fps
>4k gimmick

All those games look shit, if your gonna post good PS4 games then at least post Persona 5 or Bloodborne

I do have one and I love it senpai. Got it during cyber monday for a nice price. Wish we could see some info on that Spidey game.

>Capeshit games
Not these days, pal

You forgot to post any fun games

He doesn't even wear a cape unless he does in that game

>implying I give a fuck to be called a "gaymer"

Only one that will probably be shit is God of War, and it could surprise us. Death Stranding's got Kojima doing something that ain't MG, at leas I feel like we can trust. Zombie games are mostly good, this one looks damn fun.

Horizon would be the only one there that could deliver genuine dissapointment, everything else will most likely do fine if not more than ok and maybe some even tilting to great.

>ever seen

And not a single one of those is out or even coming out soon. I used to think that the "PS4 has no games" shitposting was just a forced meme, but it's true. Other than Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, and the 50 shitty LE RETRO XDD indie games, what is there to play?

Spider-man 2 is still one of the best open world games ever

Why do you keep spamming these threads? This board is literally nothing but sony fanboys. Who are you trying to convince?

xbro here

I have Gears4 and Forza Horizon 3. Never wanted a ps4 less. However I will probably pick one up for the last of us 2. Don't know what all that other generic shit is. A fucking spider man game? Sony nigs desperate these days.

LMAO. Like the pea brain idiots they are, pcucks cannot help but stick their ugly faces into an obvious PS4 thread. Have fun taking screenshots of the grass, playing indie games and broken console ports.

But Spiderman games have done great to the character and gameplay most of the time. You can't deny that Amazing Spiderman games were great.

I really want Spidey to be good

TLOU had great combat and I loved that it maintained scarcity through the game (unlike TReboot) but the walky-talky bits really soured it for me. I won't hold my breath that the sequel will focus more on gameplay.

Sonyggers got so mad at the thread shitting on Horizon they had to create a shill-thread kek

>Marvel Game Universe is announced.
>first title is ANOTHER Spiderman game.


Don't own a ps4 yet waiting for ps4pros to get cheap because frame drops are my nemesis but the bottom left one with all the bumbling zombie swarms looks fun.

Sony won so Microsoft and PC faggots damage control on this board all year round.

Yeah great games

You still haven't posted any good games

What's the bottom left one?

But the game's gonna be fun regardless of how much Sup Forums shits on it. It's Sup Forums, we shit on everything and 70% of the time we have to eat that shit. This game is likely to land in that 70% by the looks of it so far. It's like tryint to say that Far Cry and is bad, and we're pretty much going to play that with a different story and robot dinosaurs. MC will be shit and bow meme needs to die though.

I don't doubt the game will be fun (it really looks like they're tying to do something outside of the norm).
Seeing this thread right after that other one was pretty "fun" too.

I have been out of the loop. Spoon feed me.

I know theres God of War 4, The Last of Us 2 and Spider-Man. What are the other three? Because only Spidey actually interests me here.

shill / baithread but I just wanna say that if you actually call yourself a gamer you should be punched in the fucking throat.

it's a hobby, it's not a fucking profession for 99.9% of people.

>Death Stranding
No gameplay shown so no one can say whether it's good or bad let alone a strong exclusive. Stop sucking Kojima's dick

>Last of Us 2
First one was solid so this has a high chance of being good or at least decent.

>God of War
Gameplay was overhauled which might turn some people off but if it's fun who really cares.

>Don't know what that is

>Horizon Zero Dawn
Gameplay looks mediocre but it's pretty and has a good concept at least.

Spiderman games have always been hit or miss, but I have faith in Insomniac. Hopefully Spiderman 2.0

Overall these games aren't bad but they are far from "the strongest exclusives line up ever seen in gaming". Fuck off with this shill thread


Spiderman is for capeshit virgins and all the games OP posted are objectively terrible AAA nu-games

>interferes with PC threads
>"hurhurdur you're all retarded lol. PEES4 is better anyway XD"

>starts PS4 thread
>"OMFG why are there PCucks in MY thread? They need to learn to stay in their thread!"


>buying a console where you're blatantly advertised to with delusions of greatness

How do you like my minimalist art Sup Forums?

horizon is to the left of spiderman and death stranding is to the left of the last of us 2. idk the last game.

What's the bottom left one?

>go to brothers house for Christmas
>he has a ps4
>later on in the night decide to turn it on and play one of his games I otherwise wouldn't play
>he had to put a fan underneath it to help with the overheating
>put in The Division
>14 gig update
>take it out and put in Rainbow Six
>11 gig update
>just played Rocket League instead

What happened to consoles?
Why are they just shit PCs now?


But BB is worshiped only less than DS1, what are you talking about? Did you also notice that Gravity Rush amassed enough attention for a port to PS4 AND a sequel? Come on user, let's talk just a bit serious in between the fanboyism.

Enjoy your 60$ a year subscription

I...am a gamer.

And I AL*voice cracks*WAYS...will be.

This is not your safespace inferior being.
We will shit on your beloved corporate masters.

>Days Gone
Why do Sonyggers keep pretending this godawful boring shitfest isn't immediate proof that the PS4 is the worst system of the generation?

I was gone to Costa Rica for 2 weeks. Nothing changed.


But PS is full of weeaboo shit

I wonder

What are PC friends gonna be playing this fall?

The waiting game?

>no estus
>no poise
>terrible, dead multiplayer
>shitty not!bonfire

Nice try.

>plays MMO
>plays online-only game
>doesn't expect patches

are you... retarded or something?

I know PCucks live under a rock, but patches on consoles have been a thing for a decade now.

Only by PC fags who are too afraid to own a PS4. BB is better in every way other than framerate.

As someone who owns a PS4, I'm getting real sick of you egotistic and pretentious cunts.

I really dont give a shit about most AAA games these days. They tend to be just souless cash grabs with 10 hours of cut-scenes and mediocre gameplay.

God of War in special went from being mindless, epic fun about an angry dude to turn into a Last of Us clone that completely invalidates any meaning of the previous game's ending (Kratos finally realises he has been a fucking retard and kills himself so the world can have hope).

I have hope for Spider-Man because his games tend to be at least decent. I doubt it will reach the level of Spider-Man 2, or even Ultimate Spider-Man though.

Thanks! Death Stranding seems like it has potential, but i am not exactly hyped for it.

Really, the only things i am actually looking forward are Nier, the Yakuzas, Ni No Kuni 2 and Valkyria Revolution (Those last two are huge maybes).

Almost all of those are multiplats or on PC faggot. His case still stands

But I already own that game. Its called GTA5. Why would I want to play it with slow horses and empty fields?


None of the games, in the OP, interest me, though. All I'm looking forward to is autism sims and h-games.

Sony is like that popular guy on campus. You hate him but you have no reason to. He didnt do anything to you, but you despise him why? He gets all the attention, everyone wants to be around him and women love him.

LITERALLY every PS4 thread even harmless non shitpost ones devolve into this exact kind scenario

>haha no games sonygger
>enjoy your movies
>T-that game sucks anyway! i wouldnt even pirate it!!

Its hilarious actually. But i guess thats what success breeds. Pure jealousy.

But what if I hate TPS and auto-aim?

If it's got proper web swinging I'll be interested.
If the online model resembles GTA online I'm dropping it.

Death stranding isn't exclusive to ps4.

But has there been any discussion on these? I don't like them either. So we can ignore them, or actually discuss the games and have the shitheads die down of boredom.

It's not like I actually expect a proper answer, but one can dream

Yet not on Wii U.

Sony is banking it, ofc it is. PC version has only been mentioned once, ages ago. It's long gone.

Even better. More people will enjoy it.

Literally the only exclusive I care about is persona 5, and I can play that on a PS3.

Lol Spider-Man doesn't have a cape bro

Why is the fan on the ps4 so loud? I tried it at my friends house and it was enough to make playing games on it really annoying.

>posts EVERY WiiU game worth noting
>console is already dead in every way possible
>PS3(Triple) is getting 5 or 6 more games in 2017 than WiiU, which is only getting 1

>posts only year1 nitpicked PS4 games, ignores every other
>console still has at least 6 more years of life


What does that have to do with anything? He was comparing exclusives not multiplats

>the top 3 games are all multiplats

do they have a pro or the original model? ive got a slim and i cant hear a thing its awesome.

Oh boy, it's "Project Beast" all over agian.

Not sure I understood you. Are you asking if there's discussion about the OP's games?
Hoestly the most "discussion" I see about the games in the OP is when sony fans go into other threads and try to weave their exclusives in other's faces or then they go full "PS4 Pro > PC" or "X is an Y killer" where X is a Sony game and Y is any other game.
So no, people don't tend to discuss those.

>microsoft is falling apart xbone is the worst selling console of all time

>nintendo already failed and will be a sony second party soon

there's only one master race now and thats the playstation master race get on board or get the fuck out.

You should hear mine while playing FFXV. It's like being on a plane for hours. Got the white one that came with OG Destiny.

An original model.

agreed, fellow enlightened Sony bro. 4k is a meme, and the difference in fps between 30 and 60 is hardly noticeable unless you're a virgin try-hard. the only reason you pcucks spend $2000 on a pc is you need something in your life to feel proud of while Sony bros are fucking your gfs and sisters whole enjoying a plethora of AAA exclusives. lmaoing at your lives

>meaning literally anything when devs can just buy good reviews
>when any AAA game is guaranteed to have at least a 75-80%
>when garbage "really makes u think" nu-male indieshit ever gets above 60%

those numbers haven't mattered since Game Journo Pros was discovered

>cis white males, the console


>shitty bait, the post

They ARE called PCucks for a reason

the best bait is always true

>robot dinosaurs and tribal White people

>video games

you should hope PS4 breeds something, it's fans certainly don't


And thats why that bait was bad.

No dude, the ps4 is the most social justice and diversity friendly console.


>there are people on Sup Forums who are unironically looking forward to any of those "games"

Jesus Christ.

I have a ps4 and I love it. I was just making a joke because everyone in that picture was white, also the dreadlock lady looks mannish and ellen page is a flat chested lesbian. :^)

False Flaggers false flagging other False-Flaggers

The thing about is... yeah.

2016 and 2017 is the year of the nu-male facial hair trend ?

>Silky Smooth 7 fps
>Glorious pop-in
>Floaty animations