Are fighting games doing better than they were 10 years ago, or worse?

Are fighting games doing better than they were 10 years ago, or worse?

I dunno but competitive Smash was a mistake

That fucking outfit

Post sprites

Well, 10 years ago in 2006 was kind of stagnant. It wasn't until Sf4 came around in 2008 that the genre became popular again.

Worse, they are pretty irrelevant today.

not their fault though, it's way too repetitive, not everyone has the will to spend 50+ hours doing the exact same thing they did during their first 2 minutes into the game

I know right? What does NOL teach those girls?

Much, much worse. Both on overall quality product value and popularity.

The arcade days are gone, and the most recent fighting games that aren't NRS games got very lukewarm reception.

It's not a really good generation for fighting games, honestly. We'll see next gen what will happen. Something has to happen.

>50 hours of the same thing from the first 2 min
Isn't that what people do in shit like overwatch anyway?

What about shooters then?

They play better, but they're way less popular.

SFV is the only "alive" one, and it's pretty dead.

Why are there so few animated gifs of Mai?

I never liked shooters

I disagree. T7 is gonna be sick, SF is still fun, GG is back with a great entry. The only problem is no growth player growth outside SF and Tekken, but actual games have been great.

Well, the same can be said about other of genre's for example shooters.

As for popularity, I think that while it isn't as popular as it could be, it's a definite improvement over ten years ago

In shooters you dont have to get good to enjoy them.

No one cares about 1v1 multiplayer anymore. Even Japan doesn't give a shit outside arcade card games.

the only good thing about fighters are the music and waifus
the genre could be gone the next day and i wouldn't really give a shit

I want to impregnate Mai Natsume

You don't like the gameplay user?

i don't have enough autism to enjoy fighters

She didn't get that outfit from NOL

For Honor is going to be the future of fighting games

>overall quality product value
You're gonna have to explain this because I really disagree.

>all these fuckers saying worse than 10 years ago, 2007

Are you niggas outside of your minds? If OP had said 5 years ago, then you could argue they're doing worse, but they're doing fucking leaps and bounds better than 10 years ago.

we hit saturation in 2012 though
at least not it's a bit more stable in releases
but at the same time, playerbase is drying up fast and there's no growth outside sf and smash (and maybe tekken once that's out)

It's the fault of the ego.

People are too self absorbed to play a game where the only one to blame for a loss is yourself.

and also team games have more variables and is simply more exciting to watch and play

Nothing more exciting than pitting yourself against someone else in a 1v1 with no outside influence

That's still leagues better than 2007, shit was basically dead outside of underground scenes back then.

>widespread gaming streams like Twitch weren't around so basically the only way you'd get to observe tournaments and top-tier play was shit-quality Youtube videos or to go to the event itself
>tournaments in general were much less widespread
>netcode outside of GGPO/Fightcade and Melty caster were generally shit
>EVO being televised on ESPN would have been a pipe dream at this point
>many more resources available to actually get into the games you want (more forums and websites and wikis besides SRK, other resources like subreddits and Discords available)

Just look at how SFV came out, the game that is supposed to be the flagship of the entire FGC. A product that is barely held up together by a very incompetent dev team, team that doesn't know what to do with the franchise and can't even add basic stuff like 2P Rematch.

Even other games aren't angels. KoFXIV was very unbalanced at launch and while they nerfed the top tiers it still is (even if not as much), the netcode is terrible and the game feels just a downgrade over his previous chapter.

GGXrd has better production value compared to KoFXIV and SFV but it's an anime fighters, which means no online playerbase. Also the netcode is a very basic delay based netcode, which is average at best.

KI had Mick Gordon for its music and the netcode is pretty good too but the rest is all over the place.

Not really good generation for fighting games. Not sure if T7 will shake things up, I think people are already forgetting about the game because of all these delays for the console version.

All that sounds way better to me. And I'm pretty sure 2007 era FG forums where way better than they are now, since most just stick to twitter or Discord. Fighting games going """"mainstream"""" is a mistake.

fuck mai

>GGXrd has better production value compared to KoFXIV and SFV
I'd say it probably has one of the best production values of all recent fighters. It also has chocolate waifu

isn't she a really linear and easy character to fight?

kof has better waifus

But does it have CHOCOLATE waifu?

Fuck every BB character who never appeared in the mainline games but forced into the main one for advertising.

multiple in fact
she's shown up in previous games though

Considering that 10 years ago the 360/PS3 gen was just starting and the handful of notable fighters for that gen wouldn't come out until a couple years later, yeah fighters are doing a lot better now.

But fighters are in a weird spot right now. Despite having a resurgence with many long running franchises returning all in one generation and it being easier then ever to play fighters and having the spotlight on the pro scene, fighters still aren't pulling the numbers people expected it to get.

Fighters are still a niche and will always remain as one. The biggest problem is retaining numbers. People don't like 1vs1, it is also considerably harder to play fighters then other genres. Shooters can be easily understood in a matter of minutes, even mobas which are a cluster fuck of mechanics still have dedicated roles for a player to fill and feel like their doing something.

The AAA companies are having trouble and it's not like indies can easily fill the void either. Even if an indie dev makes decent fighter, it will not retain the same numbers as larger games and slowly die out regardless.

Japan already figured out the answer ages ago. Even SE knows this. Team based arena fighters are the future of fighters.

Fighting games are doing MUCH better today than 10 years (2006/2007) ago.

Especially on the competitive and community size aspects, it's not even close. Even a relatively niche game like XRD gets more entrants at Evo now than Street Fighter or any other game did back then.

They mostly have lost casual appeal outside of a few examples like NRS games though, but it's not like there were dozens of best selling fighting games back then either. It was still mostly MK (which by the way has MASSIVELY improved in quality since those days and is selling even more now) and like Tekken/Soul Calibur. We'll see if Tekken 7 does well enough this year.

>and is simply more exciting to watch and play

the same people keep winning though
that's not growth or good for the community

>which means no online playerbase
This is a crappy excuse only used to find a reason to not play the game.

>Also the netcode is a very basic delay based netcode, which is average at best
As opposed to the netcodes from 10 years ago? Which were crappy at best and nonexistant in most cases because there was no online?

Oh shit, well I guess they better ban them from competing so the community can grow.

Yeah I remember sonicfox and Du winning everything back in the ST days too.

shit netcode means less online warriors means bigger local scene means better players

No, shit netcode means a dead game and a dead genre with no players.

would that be so bad? fighters are niche for a reason and they're better because of that


still not bad though

You are retarded

They're better now than they've ever been.

I play Xrd almost every day and when I'm not playing that I'm playing KoF or Marvel (especially now that it's on PS4)

I don't really give a shit about how popular they are or how much money they make. They're really good games and I've literally never had a problem finding another person to play against (living on the east coast could be the reason for that). Most big fighting games coming out now are pretty fully featured and are overall really good games, with the exception of SFV.

I agree

though I miss the difficulty of accent core, we have better alternatives than beta fighter V

Ten years ago every company was putting out big compiliations of all their old games, that was a good time to me, and Tekken 5 was the last good one. Virtua Fighter was the only good launch PS3 game, GGXX got updates until fucking 2012, and Samurai Shodown Anthology was everything I ever wanted

I miss the big game collections, nowadays you get two to three games in an Hd collection with nothing new in there and SNK puts out all their old games separately and no one plays them. Last good collection was the genesis one

Online play is dumb and irrelevant as hell. I never watch online tournaments or follow online warriors because their garbage only works in the murky laggy ether of fighting some dumb Brazi fuck with 1 bar that solely plays Ken.

Prizing online is the worst thing to do for fighting games. You can learn basic strats online but everything that matters that will pull you through in a pinch is what you learn sitting down and fighting someone beside you in the same room.

These are your party members tonight. I'm sure Sup Forums knows what I mean as I don't have the picture

>I don't really give a shit about how popular they are or how much money they make.

Then you're a fan, but don't really care about the genre overall.

And no, it's not better now than it was around 1991-1999. Too many classics were created in that era. All the certified best in each mega series were made then.

The only thing better now is the global community, and even that has its flaws (e-celeb bullshit, good games not getting their FGC cred due to monetary greed and corruption).

Waifus are not a selling point.

But they are appreciated.

Not if your game has good netcode.

Also some people don't have locals or their locals don't play the game they like. I have thousands of hours in my favorite game and not being able to play it at all would have been better according to you.

GG:AC#R was not made in '91-'99, user.
The only series that you apparently count as fighters are SF and KoF.

Honestly it's just the japanese developers barring ASW that seems to be fucking things up with fighting games this generation. Or, to be more specifically, Capcom's fault.

I always thought MK feels like shit and I've always preferred many other fighting games but I have to admit MKX was solid and the new netcode they added later on is one of the best. Same for GGXrd barring the netcode which is mediocre.

It's not even the entire Capcom Japan to be bad. The Itsuno team always makes good products, for example. I think it's more of an issue about Ono and his questionable decisions for the game(s).

SFV question time!
Is Juri good for a begginer?
No seriously fuck that old meme,I'm genuinely asking if she's combo heavy or not.If not,what about Urien?

Any match that can at any time falls to whims of online play is automatically irrelevant in terms of being treated as a serious match.

Like seriously, it's great all these aid-riddens south american fucks can get their game on. But to actually prize online play and treat it like it's worthy of tournaments is laughable as fuck.

You don't actually play fighting games and just play arcade mode and masturbate to the endings.

Very few people entertain the idea of going to tournaments and even less people actually do go.

Thats a man, baby

You probably have never played a game with good netcode or you try playing people across the ocean. If you don't have a crappy connection, rollback netcode makes all of europe able to play with itself easily. Dues to its nature there are no hiccups if the connection is stable and at most you get micro 1-2 frames rollbacks that are basically irrelevant and unnoticeable 99% of the time.

I'm not advocating playing tournaments online, but a game with good netcode is playable even seriously online.

>Is Juri good for a begginer?
Juri is never good.


I'm looking forward to TFH

Juri's fun, but there's really not much she can do. Her kick-storage gimmick is about as complex as she gets, and it's not very impressive.
Urien's a lot more complicated, but has far more tools at his disposal.
If you're picking between the two, go with Urien, he's far better.

I doubt it was stagnant

It just didn't have a new Capcom game is all

Low damage, low stamina, lackluster normals in general, weak in neutral, has to take large risks for less payoff than most others.

Don't let it dissuade you but she isn't easy like other characters so if you're playing just for a waifu you're in for a bad time

>Fighters are still a niche and will always remain as one. The biggest problem is retaining numbers. People don't like 1vs1, it is also considerably harder to play fighters then other genres

Blah, blah, blah. It comes down to the games not being good enough. That's all it was and ever will be.

You always get some genre-fanboy trying to pin failures/lack of interest on 'people not being strong/good enough'. 2D vs. 3D FG fanboys do it, VF fanboys do it, SF fanboys do it, MK fanboys do it.

Street Fighter II and Tekken III sold millions and millions. Casuals like fighting games, they just don't like shit, stagnant ones with no content. Tekken is stagnant, SFV is stagnant and crap.

Guarantee you if SFV launched with you-know-what-mode, bonus stages, World Tour, 18+ characters, INDIVIDUAL CHARACTER STAGES and themes. It would've sold like crazy.

If Tekken 7 wasn't so cheeky anime, and returned to the grimy, martial-arts feel (save a few joke chars) of T3, it would sell more.

Even the biggest game had less people playing than some games that are considered niche today. There was no online and people were limited to their locals if they even had them and chances are a lot of people didn't. No new blood in the scene at all because of all these reasons and no big game to pull them in.

>KoFXIV was very unbalanced at launch and while they nerfed the top tiers it still is (even if not as much), the netcode is terrible and the game feels just a downgrade over his previous chapter.
t. guy who did not play 98, 2k1, xi, early xiii, or even online xii

No dub, no buy.

I've just always viewed online as trash. I either play with my bros or play practice. Online just teaches you shitty strats and bad habits that fall apart at actual high level play.

Only if you play games with bad netcode or against people that suck and you make no effort to play.

You got both of them wrong.

10 years ago makes it 2007, which means it's just before Street Fighter 4 vanilla.
This makes the state of fighting games around the all-time low. Barely any new titles were produced and popularity is close to non-existent bar some really hardcore players.

SF4 was released, it renewed interest in the genre, many new players came to play (09ers ring a bell?), and as a result many more fighting games were developed. I'd say it's a lot better than 10 years ago, but the popularity boost injected by SF4 had been running out for the last few years, at least that's how I feel.

Like I said, any match that can at anytime fall to the whims of netcode/bandwidth is automatically garbage.

You wouldn't play with a controller with a button that had a 5% chance of not working. So why would I bother practicing execution/play in an environment where what I intend to do can be grossly overwritten by a spike in bandwidth?

Doesn't make any sense to me. It's like gambling. Which never made sense to me either.

good, blazblue deserves to die off the market anyway, weeb trash

She's easy enough to defend against, but retaliating and beating her in neutral is rough for a lot of characters.
She also has both a pseudo-DP that only loses to specific meaty attacks or hard reads, a counter reversal, and a regular reversal (that she can potentially deal 6.3k off of), so her defensive options are great.
She can be really annoying to fight.

Just cancel the genre, it's all shit and never getting better.

Which is why I play games with good netcode and with people I know. If the connection is unstable I stop playing.

>team based

I want this meme to end

I do care about the genre overall, I just don't give a shit about only playing the 'not dead' games. I play what I like and I play it because I enjoy it, not because it's the most popular game at the time.

Also if you think that fighting games from 1991 to 1999 are better than the fighting games people are playing now then you're either trolling or need to remove the nostalgia goggles.

That's fine, you have a lower standard for your matches than I do. So what are we arguing about here?

>Too many classics
KoF 98, SF2 and Alpha 2, SamSho 2, some versus shit

Also shitloads of bad clones and bad 3D fighting games.

At least nowadays every game is functional

>all this disgusting online warriors and 09ers

necessary evil I suppose

absolutely worse, there haven't been any good 3D fighters in ages. VF is dead, SC is dead, hopefully Tekken is good, DOA is the only one that survived somewhat but that needs a new game too

>Barring ASW
ASW nickel and dimes like a motherfucker

Tekken3 was goofy as fuck. Half of the characters are jokes,fucking Paul won the tournament.

My point is that online is basically like offline if you play a game with good netcode and people that don't have terrible connections. Saying that online doesn't matter or you can't learn much from online is false depending on the game and its netcode.

Hell, evel Lost Soul was an online warrior before getting into the scene and GG didn't have the best netcode ever either.

>don't have to hear dub on netplay anymore
Couldn't be more satisfied with CF desu

That you are denying yourself a wider opponent audience because of erroneous preconceptions.
You are flatout wrong AND being an elitist cunt about online potential when that was a great goal of all fighters since it because a possibility.

3d fighters ain't shit
only good ones were sc and bloody roar

>being dismissive of new players
Everybody starts out somewhere
Just be glad you have people to play with. 09'ers can have eight years of experience by now.

>being glad a staple of the franchise was removed
Absolutely disgusting.
I hate fighting Arakune, but that doesn't mean I want him completely removed from the game.