Be honest here user, how much have you spent on DLC and f2p games? even the smallest amount count so don't lie to me

Be honest here user, how much have you spent on DLC and f2p games? even the smallest amount count so don't lie to me.

easily $1000 shekels

DLC: I just wait for the definitive editions or whatever, I rarely buy games that still have DLC coming out.
F2P: Close to zero, I think I only bought a single item for TF2 for the mann co. hat and the first three Dota 2 compendiums.

Fuck off todd.

on what

About 500 bucks on Path of Exile.

wasn't that the game you could perfectly play without spending money because it was all cosmetic?
did you bought a million hats for waifus?

I spent 10 dollars on Overwatch boxes and around 3 dollars on steam cards last year.

Yeah supporter packs and various cosmetics to make my characters look pretty. Don't think they've ever updated the models so they look like shit without MTX.

The only DLC I ever bought was the Fable 2 DLC. The original Fable was one of my favourite games, and I was so excited about the second one that I grinded their awful (but completely free) casino promotional game for Fable 2 in-game prizes. When the game and its DLC came out, I bought them immediately. I can't remember if the DLC was day one or not, but I think it probably was. My stupid fandom carried me all the way through Fable 3, and it wasn't until Fable 3's end credits that I finally realised that Fable fucking sucks and I hate it.

Nothing at all and I never will. DLC is such terrible value. Even if its free I'm no going to reinstall or restart a game for 90 minutes of content. It isn't worth my time.

I have bought so much LittleBigPlanet DLC I lost count. I have failed you Sup Forums

Fuck off Todd stop posting

>$1000 on tf2 hats

no way this is real

I've spent 40 or 50 on PoE. I mostly just wanted to support the devs.

Nada. Zero. Not a single cent.
I pirate everything.
I never brought a game.

You could be me and get stuff with oter peoples money
>never ever bought a game out of my own pocket
>cracked pretty much everything until i got a few friend in a cracked multiplayer game
>they decide to buy the game so they can play in the legit server and give me a copy
>find a mp mod that has currency you earn by playing and can send to others
>play max 1hr a day during the period when you can make the most out of it (depends on how many people are online usually)
>in the beginning just trade the currency for steam gifts of some shit i wanted to play (do regret some of my choices but whatever its free stuff)
>start selling this shit for money in paypal
Probably made like 200-250$ worth just by having fun, over a pretty long period of time and like 50$ from csgo skins without really doing anything
Still have like 100-150$ in paypal, probably going to buy bannerlord since thats like rhe only game that feels woth buying in the last 5 years
All momey i make irl also goes to irl stuff

nothing really other than ME2's (really good) and BL2's season pass (shit, but I really liked the first BL)

>F2P games
nothing unless you count PSO2's sort of optional subscription and maybe an extra $20 on that.

I made all my vidya money by selling items to whales

Never spent any money on f2p

I think the most I've spent on DLC for one game is like 30 dollars for payday 2.

Bought shivering isles
Bought resident evil 5s two episodes
Bought hatsune Miku project diva 2nd f song club pack
Spent 20 bucks on overwatch loot boxes.
That's about it

>hatsune Miku project diva 2nd f song club pack

i think i spent $60 on vindicitus after they got rid of tokens but before boat 13. all on dye

$20 hex shards of fate but i quit soon after that because the game made windows think there were 2 different windows 7 installed and after uninstall it went away

and way back in the day i spent $20 on rohan just to show support for it. got a monkey that picks up stuffs so i dont have to be bothered with it in open world pvp

oh $20 on warframe .again to show support

most of the time if i like it i will give them at least $20 unless its blizz because fuck blizzard. i never paid into hearthstone. as far as im concerned thats 1/3 what they have to give me to make up for all the shit they failed at in WOW