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we're gonna have a problem here
thanks for telling me user, between the playstation logo and those graphics i really wasn't sure if i was looking at a video game or a real life picture!
Real life doesn't have that Playstation logo on the bottom right?
>daily threads shitting on uncharted, horizon and the last guardian
>PC users aren't the most cancerous userbas eon Sup Forums
Eat shit
Don't worry, we can tell
It's usually on the bottom left.
>this is not real life
it's also not an in-game screenshot
The stupidest thing my mom has ever said about not wanting to watch TV in HD is that it scares her because it looks too much like a video game.
>mfw halo 5 still looks better
Sonyponys on suicide watch
People here keep saying sonyggers are cancer and annoying and so on...and I only notice that most sonygger threads are blatant false flags. I know some people here are literally autistic, but come on.
Why add layers of sharpening filters
it look like shit
Literally the best looking game to date.
Wise words from a wise lady.
How the fuck do they do it?
brown magic
>but not actually 4k
That's not stupid, though, she's just saying that it's at an uncanny valley level.
It's not real enough to look, well, real, but it's close and that makes her uncomfortable.
Okay realistically what are the chances of this coming to PC? Or being able to emulate it?
I really want to play it but I don't want to get a ps4 just for it
A PS4 is worth it for UC4 and RDR2 alone.
Don't bother, consolefags only play this generic cover-based action movie trash because they have nothing else to play.
>Sonyggers falling for a sonygger falseflag
so this is the power of the ps4 pro
this actually looks really nice, at least the environment. What is the frame rate
a cinematic 30fps
When will the posting pre-baked interiors meme stop
What is a pre baked interior?
a buzzword invented by pcfats to pretend the game looks bad
The entire house section is pre-baked
the shadows, the ambient occlusion, the textures are all baked and rendered previously. Nobody is saying the whole game looks bad calm down
why you post such low res picture, shame on you!
I'm playing battlefront right now on PC, this screenshot seems like something from NES in comparison
Is it just a fantasy?
May as well be a UE tech demo thing, except it doesn't look as good as most of those.
Fancy use of shaders and sharpening and blurring.
>video games on consoles will look this good within 10 years
>graphics dont matter, it's about the gameplay
>autistically comparing screenshots of generic forests and grassy areas
>9 hours corridor controller shooter game
>looks decent
Would be sad if not.
And the mountain looks 100% empty and generic, and you can't go there anyway.
I can't get excited over good looking games that are a) procedurally generated 99%, or b) a short corridor game.
>he thinks static 'photorealistic' scenes look good
Thanks in advance for ushering in the next awful age of video games.
lemme guess you bought Ryse and cage movies too
>Completely misses the joke
Oh boy I wouldn't expect a sonygger to understand
>he doesn't want a photo realistic husbando
I got your shitty checkerboard "joke".
I was just making my own comment on how your $2000 gaming PC is used for nothing but 16-bit inspired retro "games" made by and for tumblr.
>triggered by 4 letters
Just watch it on youtube, you'll get the same experience
>he mods characters to look worse
consoles will have graphics of this level in a few years and they'll actually be games and not tech demos and pc fags will still be crying about not getting a console exclusive, war never changes.
I fucking wish everything in that house is interactive. Instead only a few objects at most can be touched due to the fact that ND precalculated the lighting and shadows.
console cucks can never run this
when you give people nearly unlimited budget to work on textures and shadows that is very easy to achieve.
You sure about that?
I don't own a single indie game
Unique art > photorealism.
Those graphics aren't good though and with a couple of mods any pc game looks better than that.
>I fucking wish everything in that house is interactive
Gone Home was a boring game, did you really enjoy it or something?
Nice exclusive you've got there user.
Ya'll act like you've never seen a video game before
Here you go
that room looks almost photorealistic, this screenshot looks nice but it's not light years ahead of uncharted 4 or something.
>You only play indie games
>show I don't
>N-Nice exclusives
Just stop user, nobody cares about bloodborne and uncharted 4 as much as you do
Nice try buddy. There's no point in showing off a game that's on PS4. Where are the decent looking PC exclusives? Oh right.
Except it is
P-PC is going to get this r-right?
You're delusional.
user please...
>that room looks almost photorealistic
Because of the tiny fov, baked reflections, and motion blur. It's not impressive at all.
And Ryse looks better than Uncharted despite coming out years earlier, kind of funny honestly is Sony even trying?
Right here
Or are you going to move the goalposts again
Looks mediocre. Sorry if you consider that "moving the goalposts" user, but it's the cold hard truth.
Ryse seriously should been a way more open and bigger than what we got. Making it a linear god of war styled game was retarded.
it's a shame consoles can't do this
Not that guy, but really, it doesn't look mediocre.
>Looks mediocre
>Meanwhile consoles can't run it
Sure bud
Yes, calling a graphically impressive game "mediocre" is moving the goalpost
>Meanwhile consoles can't run it
>a graphically impressive game
No one is implying anything. It is a fact that consoles cannot run it.
>PC revenue 50 billion
>consoles, combined, 6 billion
PC is the better platformbecause it doesn't rely exclusively on graphical gimmick games like your 24fps pisstation
where's the bird making pasta???????
Are console currently running this? and no they can't either. Needs more than 4gb of vram. YEs it is graphically impressive, you're just too deluded because you think admitting a game looks good will castrate you and imply uncharted 4 looks like shit, which isn't the case
Nice argument by the way
The fact that there are people who will die without playing the visual masterpiece that is Uncharted 4 baffles me, its like your first kiss or losing your virginity, an experience you must have before dying.
Who the fuck said anything about gone home?
t b h this is the best looking game I have on ps4
which isn't a big collection
but still, it looks nice
>YEs it is graphically impressive
user that has nothing to do with whether or not a console can run it.
fuck I can see his rippled wenis, goty all years
I just did.
Never said it did
But no, current console can't run it. Maybe scorpio
because that misses the joke
The game has a cool sense of scope but its lost because the paths are completely linear. I agree, they could have actually made a decent game but they didn't for some reason.
I'll just leave this for the sonyggers.
>N-N-Not exlusive
The game looks that good on PS4. What's your point?
How are you enjoying medium settings, sub 144fps, 900p, paid online, no mouse, and no mods?
Nice buzzwords.
No it doesn't
>Literally everything is true there
How fucking underage are you?
>Literally everything is true there
Except it's not.
literally all of them are facts
fucking puto