>Oh man user, you like (game)? >(game) is my favorite, I played the shit out of that >"Did you beat it?" >Oh yeah, like 100 times >"oh cool, what was your favorite part?" >Oh! Like everything! All of it! >"Wasn't that twist with (X) awesome?" >YEAH. SERIOUSLY THAT PARTS MY FAVORITE. >"Which characters did you use" >All of them >"well like, did you have a favorite party setup?" >I dont remember, its been like 10 years since I played >"But (game) wasn't out 10 years ago..." >I know, I had a beta copy, my oncle works for (company)
This happened to me so many times. All of my excitement to talk to someone else about a game I really liked and its always one of those pathological lying faggots. Why do they do it Sup Forums? Did they think I wouldnt find out?
Liam James
because they wanted you to like them also, stop posting that poor dragon
Jose Morgan
>Do you like Yugioh? >Yeah, I had all the cards?
Nathan Butler
Not vidya but >old coworker says hes been watching fma brotherhood >tells me he finished it and cites a few details >I start asking him about the hype as fuck ending >he mentions other episodes as the end and the wrong villains as the villain hea describing >our walking conversation becomes very awkward because he didnt actually watch the whole show, just a few episodes out of order I hate bullshitters
Levi Gray
Yo I just finished that shit a few minutes ago, was pretty good my dude
Carter Reyes
Normalfags trying to seem 'deeper' than their peers. It's the kinda faggot that blasts their powerlevel but hasn't watched more than a handful of popular animu.
Asher Collins
Yeah, the scene where that guy blew up that stuff was amazing.
Charles Rivera
That feel when that same faggot was going around at work telling everyone to watch Kite "because its sooo goood"
Christian Green
He probably watched the cut version and is unaware of the underage lewd.
Andrew Thompson
>Talking to friend about Metal Slug in high school >Tell him how much fun I have with it but I die so much in it >"Oh yeah it's pretty easy for me I made it past like the first ten levels without dying" >There's 6 levels in the game
What possesses these people to do this?
Aaron Ramirez
He explicitly mentioned "for a minute there I thought I was watching japanese rape porn" the horror in my mind that any of the other normalfag coworkers might go look this up. Guy must have had no filter.
Chase Thomas
One time when we were all drinking my cousin was transfering a bunch of movies and anime from my external to his, and he would ask me what they were, and the list basically went >robots >dystopian future >space >space robots >porn >might as well be porn >samurais >dystopian future >porn And he ended up just taking it all. So he got Kite, and Mezzo Forte, and some really bad ecchi that I hadn't watched yet, don't remember what it was.
Lincoln Anderson
I don't understand how these people lack the self awareness to the point where they'll say these things without realising how terrible it makes the look.
Jacob Peterson
They're either pathological liars or want to continue talking with you about a subject you're passionate about. Like if your parents would ask you, but without the assumption that they've got no idea what you're talking about. I can't figure out which one I dislike more.
Angel Mitchell
If the situation has come down to "video games I played" there is something very wrong with how you direct conversations. It should NEVER flow directly to video games
if anything they're trying to get closer to you but don't know how, so they try to bullshit their way in to keep the conversation flowing somewhat
Henry Allen
Sorry OP but i was that guy once in my life
>elem school >buddy and I constantly talk about GBA games >friend tells me about Metroid Fusion >hadn't bought it yet but I saw it in Nintendo Power >bullshit my way into convincing him I bought it for the sake of getting to hear more about the game >Hey user, where are you? What upgrades did you get so far? >Yeah, I already found the grapple beam. I'm looking for the homing rockets though. I hear you need them for a certain boss >my friends face when
Joseph Anderson
I have a coworker who is almost 40 and tries to nudge himself into vidya conversation at work. The only game he literally brings up is Re4. >You guys talking about games? I was playing Re4 the other day trying to unlock the secret 100 capacity shotgun. Its hard. I got me the Chicago Typewriter which is also a hidden gun. You ever get it user? Probably not I worked my ass off to get it. My favorite boss fight? Uhhhhh the final fight. What knife fight?
Dylan Jenkins
Believe it or not, some people do speak to other people about video games.
I do however enjoy the fact that you somehow managed to make yourself feel superior to literally anyone else based on a wild assumption you made. Well done.
Hudson Richardson
>want to continue talking with you about a subject you're passionate abou >which one I dislike more
user please
Wyatt Nelson
>If the situation has come down to "video games I played" there is something very wrong with how you direct conversations. It should NEVER flow directly to video games What
Adrian Foster
has it ever happened when you think someone is bullshitting you but it's about some stuff you actually didn't know?
I was talking to a friend about Dark Souls 3. >yeah dude, you know the area where you fight those guys that have the clay pots? Well I climbed on a guys cage and I joined a covenant
yeah fucking right you piece of sh- oh that's real
Julian Lewis
I think he's trying to pretend to be a cool normalfag who doesn't talk about video games in real life.
Problem is he's got the reading comprehension and writing skills of a rock.
Caleb James
When it comes to vidya or animu I don't want really to talk to people about it if they're not passionate about it as well. Otherwise you're stuck middling about a conversation knowing it will never go anywhere because they don't have enough knowledge to follow you. I appreciate the sentiment, but it's hollow because it just leaves me wanting real discussion. So I turn to the internet to discuss my hobbies and fall into the emptiness of knowing that the only people I can talk to are on the other side of the planet.
Justin Perez
would you rather someone say "oh I've never heard of that. What's it about?" A more honest way to stay engaged in conversation about the same topic?
Easton Perez
I'm literally socially awkward to the point I can't talk to normies about anything besides the weather, "How's your day", "do anything interesting" etc. I just pull from the list of stock phrases. Vidya topic is an opportunity to actually enjoy myself.
Grayson Russell
When you get older, you'll grow out of that teenage, "I'm so smart and everyone else is a sheep who doesn't understand" mentality.
People can often relate things based on genre, setting, etc.
If you want in depth talks on shitty harem animes then there's not much to do, but you can relate things like GitS to things like Neuromancer, or Altered Carbon, you can relate things like Cowboy Bebop to Firefly.
It's not the other person's job to make sure you're satisfied with the conversation, it's a two person activity.
Sounds like you're a self important awkward fuck.
Jack Sanchez
I suppose so, if there's a genuine interest. Although I'd prefer not to lead the conversation in that direction if it's already clear they aren't big on games.
Camden Green
>tfw don't talk about games at work outside of normie shit like CoD and BF One guy sperges out about Final Fantasy, he's a nice guy but I just don't care much about the franchise. Literally nobody has any interest in the games I play, they're either budding weebs or normies.
Aiden Parker
You drank your cousins?
Juan Campbell
I get this situation as well. Like someone has seen one thing in common with you and you exhaust that topic. You could recommend them good vidya or shows but you know they wont take the time to watch them.
Years ago finding someone in common was exciting as fuck. Now with wikipedia and everything on youtube, its so easy for people to ruin shit for themselves or fake it. Its probably why a lot of the normalfags on Sup Forums know just enough to post about (game) and (notorious level) or (super hard boss) when in reality they haven't even played it, but watched LPs instead.
I feel like all the E celeb threads are a breeding ground for these sort of people. And theyll parrot the opinions of whoever they were watching.
David Lee
Here's how OPs conversation looks from the other end, assuming the person he's talking to isn't an autistic faggot.
>great this loser is trying to talk to me about whatever video game again >I'll just tell him I like whatever he says so he'll leave me the fuck alone >oh shit he won't stop asking me questions >I guess I'll just make shit up >yeah he probably doesn't believe me but that's ok because I'll just get on with my life
For real
Adrian Williams
Missed a comma.
Besides, I can down a whole cousin myself, sometimes a 6 pack.
Jordan Thomas
Cross Ange is shit.
Jace Garcia
Not vidya but >you you read comics? I love X character! >ask about the character >huh? >which comics did you like of them? >oh none, but I've seen all the movies/cartoons/games I will never understand why normalfags pretend to be love superheroes while never reading a single comic.
Charles Ross
I tried to talk to a friend who heard me mention Off. I asked her what she thought of it and said she had only watched Markiplier go through it. At least they were honest.
Josiah Campbell
cool story bro
John Williams
Here's your (You)
Marvel cinematic universe caters to the normies, now all the faggots who never gave a shit feel like they have common ground.
Connor Moore
It's not that I hold a mentality like that, it's just that of the people I know almost all are normies so there's little overlap in interests to begin with. What good is the ability to link GitS with other cyberpunk material if none of them are interested in touching books or movies older than they are? It's a frustration borne of the fact that I've got little in common with the people I know to begin with.
Noah King
>someone asks what kind of games I like >say I dabble in a bit of everything >get slightly offended looks like I dodged their question >in reality I was being honest
Lincoln Reyes
>It's not that I hold a mentality like that >none of them are interested in touching books or movies older than they are? Sounds exactly like you hold a mentality like that. Naturally you have no idea what they're into.
Hudson King
Here's your (You)
Nicholas Evans
Jacob Parker
I know what they're interested in, but I am not interested in those things so there's no place for discussion that I can be involved in.
Matthew Wilson
Maybe if you want to have a social life at work or school, you should try to get into what other people are into?
Jonathan Nguyen
That sounds really disingenuous to just get into something for the sake of conversation.
Brandon Allen
It's not at all. If you're not willing to try new things for the sake of your friends and close acquaintances, you're not a very good socializer.
Colton Harris
Superheroes are trash and so are the movies based on them. Writing-wise, games too. But there's nothing wrong with liking that shit, and what then? You can't talk about it or claim you like Deadpool because some elitist faggot will get offended that you didn't read the comics?
Really, am I not allowed to like an anime character because I didn't read the original light novels in Japanese like a genuine fan? No one (especially not normies) cares about your fucking opinion and it doesn't affect my liking of whatever fictional character.
Isaiah Perez
Samuel Ortiz
not really related but normalfags do not give a shit about gibson or philip k dick novels, either that or they dont want to talk to me specifically about them.
John Miller
>I not allowed to like an anime character because I didn't read the original light novels Yes, just like you aren't allowed to like a video game character if you haven't played the game. You are what's called a bandwagoning retard that can't make your own opinions and latch onto whatevers popular.
Jack Gomez
They want an advantage over you by producing a positive impression, even if it involves lying about as much as possible. I've met people like this over the years, they're insanely insecure and more or less psychotic if you think about it.
Wyatt Green
I do it all the time when I'm on Sup Forums
Andrew Anderson
I work in a warehouse, part-time to my university, and about half of other employees are just like me. the other half is full-timers, most of them 40+. >at work >during break, two collegues beside you talk about skyrim >OH IT WAS SO AWESOME I SPENT THE ENTIRE CHRISTMAS BREAK IN BED PLAYING IT >bring up the boring grind and blandiness of it >they actually agree and make their own points about how repetitive and flawed it is, but enjoy it nonetheless >say that some of the flaws can be fixed with mods >oh I don't want to cheat >is really surprised when I explain that mods are not only there to give yourself infinite health, but even vanilla shit like new weapons and armor can enhance it by giving it more variation >just stay away from the weirdo shit like sex mods because your normie taste is not ready for that yet >we all have a pleasant discussion >I don't even like skyrim this was yesterday.
a few weeks back I saw some other guy playing pokemon moon on his 3ds in the breakroom and made some conversation, turned out he was into competitive play. I only play full casual, to completion, using the coolest looking pokemon I can find and was barely off the first island, so I didn't actually have much to say, but still.
half the people, including some 40+, were playing pokemon go back when it came out. some others, again including 40+, can sometimes be heard talking about some game they've found, even stuff that is not necessarily 100% normie, like Stalker. turns out working class has much less prejudices against vidya than one would expect.
Carter Mitchell
Trying new things is one thing, but you're basically saying "get more socially applicable hobbies".
James Edwards
I agree, but I still can't wait to ace Ange in V.
Ian Gonzalez
>Cross Ange got into Super Robot Wars V >Majestic Prince didn't
Ethan Harris
What are you talking about user? It already did :^)
Cameron Peterson
>Only two coworkers at work play games, one is around 10 years older than me, the other one is around 20 years older and only plays WoW >The younger one asks me if I'm gonna get Evolve and talks about how great it looks >Diplomatically say that I'm not big on getting games at launch, I'll wait until it's been out for a while and the DLC is bundled with it >He's cool with that >A year later Evolve comes up again >He says he bought it and all the DLC and then got bored of it in a week This is how most of our discussions go. I've had more serious discussion with anime with some ~55 year old guy who was wondering if I was into it because his daughter is around my age and loves the stuff.
Easton Jenkins
This is a fake cap, isn't it?
Jayden Reed
Sadly no, MJP debuted in SRW X-O, the mobage
Lucas Murphy
Isn't there some retarded secret in DaS2 as well? I remember people posting about leading a pig through the whole Tseldora to the cave with spiders where you kill it and get a pickaxe. I still don't know if it's real. That's some 'my dad works at From' levels of bullshit.
Hudson Long
God fucking damn it.
Austin Ross
>"Did you beat it?" >Oh yeah, like 100 times
Shittiest conversation opener ever.
Sebastian White
>talking to a workmate about the current PSN sales >mention that I bought every MGS title available >workmate brings up Ground Zeroes and mentions he has over 80 hours in it >get super excited and start asking what kind of routes he used for some of the levels >he said he hasn't finished it yet Like what the fuck I don't know if he's lying or just insanely bad. I don't mind if he's bad but then I miss out on cool route discussion.
Matthew Murphy
No, infinitely worse actually, it's the phone game. Sharing a nice comfy spot with Star Driver, Xenoglossia, Zegapain and Godzilla.
Jayden Turner
And then there's the other extreme.
Imagine being so self-conscious that you refuse to let anyone into your shell and come off as the boring husk of a person. All that shit you waste your time on, all those experiences and useless trivia, you can never share it with anyone because you're afraid of being judged.
Zachary Martinez
>>bring up the boring grind and blandiness of it Just out of nowhere? You're coming across as pic related.
Aiden Bell
What if it's a shmup?
Jack Peterson
Don't forget Mellowlink, Shin Chan, and Border Break
Isaac Stewart
Get another hobby user. There's other shit to talk about in the world than your stupid fucking anime video games
Easton Lopez
I figured I would have gone with the ones that would have caused maximum suffering, but yes, those too.
Cameron Campbell
Those series sucked, so that's fine.
Colton Scott
>a friend asks me what kind of games I play >say that: "oh you know, all kinds of things" >they seem annoyed and ask to name specific games >I give up and name some of my favorites >"I have no idea what any of those games are. Ever played Uncharted?" This is why I give vague replies when people ask what games I play. If I honestly say what I play I always get the same answer.
Wyatt Wright
Even worse.
Why is watching a movie 100 times different from completing a shit game 100 times?
Mason Hall
I had 100+ hours in Skyrim, Morrowind and Fallout 4 and never completed any of them. I dont run from quests to quest, Infact in Morrowind I didnt start the main quest till I was about 50 hours in. I generally just explore and discover things, my playtime of Skyrim was padded by way of never using fast travel and refraining from opening the map. The game feels much bigger this way.
Oliver Parker
>Meeting new people >They see a console and start to talk about video games >Get into the conversation >Realize they are people who basically held a controller once and know everything from off hand discussions >That's ok, it's not for everyone >Conversation then moves on to Big Bang Theory and suddenly I'm a loser for admitting I dislike it
Well if I have to lie about my tastes to be friends with people like them, they can go fuck themselves.
Kevin Fisher
>shmups are shit Your taste is shit, fag. Get out.
Elijah Richardson
Pop question, someone from work asks your opinion on a game you genuinely don't like. You only sort of know them.
What do?
Easton Walker
>I have over 100 hours in big open world RPG with 3837294729484 sidequests Have you played Ground Zeroes user?
Logan Bennett
This. A few coworkers ask me what game I'm playing every now and then, and the only time they've ever heard of it was Dark Souls 3, which got the token response of "oh that game's really hard, isn't it?" I can appreciate that they're trying to show interest and get conversation going but most of the time it doesn't lead anywhere.
Isaac Baker
Diplomatically say that I didn't really like it, without going full sperg mode saying why I think it's a bad game unless pressed for details. It's not that hard.
Ayden King
Same, have 150 hours in skyrim and never finished some of the main quests, but you should keep in mind that Ground Zeroes is very different from it and there's no way you can put 80 hours in without completing it.
Angel White
That wasn't what i was implying at all you presumptive dickhead. You sure you're old enough to post on this site?
Thomas Long
Workanon calls you a homo because you don't like his game or says you didn't put enough hours in.
Counter response
Sebastian Torres
no, I'm not autistic. I was sitting just beside them and got in on the conversation like a normal fucking human being.
Levi Williams
I'd just say that I don't really care for that game. Not for my tastes so and so.
Liam Morales
In response to being asked if the game was a shmup, you compared watching a movie 100 times to playing a "shit" game 100 times. How was this not implying that shmups are shit? Please, tell me what you really meant.
Lincoln Wright
Turn 360 degrees and walk away.
John Foster
>Bunch of people talking about a game they like >Jump into the conversation by saying you didn't like it That's not normal.
Nicholas Powell
>All that shit you waste your time on, all those experiences and useless trivia, you can never share it with anyone because you're afraid of being judged.
Jace Russell
Holy fuck i'm mad.
Ayden Robinson
If you need more than 1 hour to start enjoying it, it's a poorly designed game.
And if he calls me a homo, I can report him to HR for discrimination :^)
Jeremiah Garcia
This isn't even a valid response.
Aiden Sullivan
The person who asked me what games I play didn't even know what Bloodborne was. He only seemed to know big budget AAA games like The last of Us, Uncharted and Mafia 3. I have nothing against him, he obviously doesn't play games that much, but I expected him to at least know Bloodborne.
Easton Long
This is the Sup Forums equivalent of "what kind of music do you listen to?". They're not expecting a real response, and they certainly don't want an autistic list of bands they never heard of, they just want to pin you as a "rock" or a "pop" kinda guy because they only know like 3 music genres.
Mason Mitchell
From your point of view. Got any other smart replies you fucking genius?
fucking protip; I don't give a fuck about your opinion on shoot em ups you pathetic little cunt.
David Green
you're both retarded and this argument makes no sense whatsoever
Elijah Long
If you don't care about his opinion on shmups then why are you talking to him about a shmup that you enjoyed and asking if he beat it?
Chase Wright
And you can just go and fuck yourself.
Adrian Bennett
In my case, not really. The person asked me to name specific games. Not just a genre, games. And I did.