Buyers remorse thread. So what absolute dogshit did you get meme'd into buying this sale...

Buyers remorse thread. So what absolute dogshit did you get meme'd into buying this sale? I already refunded Nuclear Throne and all the Ys games.

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I pre-ordered Spore.

I didn't buy anything during the sale.

I memed myself, but I'm considering returning Starcrawlers and Subnautica.

Starcrawlers I'm on the fence about since it's a blobber and it was only $13, but I wasn't very impressed after playing it for 2 hours.

Subnautica seems fine but it's not all that much better than shit like the Forest and runs even worse.

Not strongly motivated to return either of them, but I stopped playing at the 2 hour mark since I'm considering it.

Fallout 4
GTA newest version
cities skyline
bioshock infinite
Brink (enjoyed it and it got too much hate)
Prison Architect
Serious sam
Sniper Elite

Spore - felt empty after the first run
Stronghold 3 - A buggy and unrefined mess
Bioshock: Infinite - Annoying to play and pretentious story

I fell for the Dragons Dogma meme

you missed out on ys, user. should've at least kept oath in felghana

That game is such a damn letdown after all the shilling on here. Got it on release and couldn't even be assed to finish it.

refunded Spacehulk Deathwing, such a fucking mess of bugs, had so much potential

>Serious sam
You serious?

Pandemic Inc: Evolved - I was hoping it was better than the flash game to make it worth the purchase.

Probably also going to return Duck Game.

Contagion is fucking dog shit

I bought Bloody Trapland for 15 bucks because a friend wanted to play it

I regret ever purchasing Lords of the Fallen

Buying RIFT at release and getting so god damn hype for it, I should not have bought that but at the time it was the shit

Is RIFT still alive? I heard its been sub-free for a while

Fell for the Cities Skyline meme. Two hours to build a functioning city, and will probably never touch again.

>surely it can't be that bad.
>nah it's just really fucking boring.
felt even worse since i played the other diablo games for the first time just a little while before.

I was drunk on new year's and bought GTAV, Vermintide and XCOM2

I woke up that morning, immediately regretted giving these people money and requested refunds

megaman legacy collection. it was half off and I've always wanted to get into the series but its pretty boring and bland

Your post implies you dislike the companies, rather than the games. Just curious: how'd Firaxis arouse your ire?

Heard nothing about how amazing the new Doom is. Bought it and it's no different than any other FPS, except that it has callbacks to the older titles.

It was really my fault. All the praise was about how the game refused to innovate or modernize, refused to have any kind of plot to drive the action and was nothing but just shooting stuff until it died. It sounded fun on paper, but I realized pretty quickly on that just mindless shooting can get... pretty boring.

Also, no co-op in campaign? Pathetic. Halo: CE had that 15 years ago.

Released the same game twice.

I only bought Furi this sale and its my GOTY for 2016

Damn, I bought the new Doom too based on the praise. I haven't played the other ones, either. Shiiiiit.

I got Wolfenstein The New Order and there's a fucking blurry line about 2/3 towards the bottom of the screen. Pissing me off, mate.

People warned you that the vanilla game has a weak content desert midway through. If you have the attention span to get passed it the later parts of the game are worth it.

super meat boy
don't starve
salt and sanctuary
Dark Souls 2
L4D 1 and 2
metro 2033

L4D, dark souls 2 and necropolis are by far my biggest buyer's remorse mostly because in the christmas spirit I bought a copy for 3 other friends while they were cheap so I essentially payed full price for each of those games

Nu-Doom is excellent if you like old fashion shoot em ups. That user probably doesn't have the interest in older shooters to appreciate the days before modern "realistic" shooters.

Cities Skylines is basically a modern Sim City 1. Almost no gameplay to speak of since it's so incredibly easy, it's entirely a game based around leaning back in your chair and slowly filling your autistic evening painting a larger and larger city and watching it.

I don't blame you for disliking it, but I find it a hell of a lot more entertaining than other autism timesinks like Stardew Valley

Duke nukem forever

Duke nukem forever
fallout 4
rome 2 total war

>refunded Ys
Kill yourself, senpai.

>Getting don't starve
>Not together

There isn't much of a point.

kek nu-DOOM is a modern console casual shooter

I got both, that game is just so lame I dont know how anyone plays it
the only reason it was tolerable for the 3 hours that I played it was because I was with 3 other friends

Doesn't matter if it's casualized compared to earlier titles, it was a step back towards what was good.

You know the saying if it ain't broken don't fix it? We've been living with a sort of "fixed" shooter for years.

>buy Enter the Gungeon when it came out
>almost immediately refund it because it wasn't anywhere near the $30 it was priced at

>buy it on sale now for $10
>still kinda regretting it but I think if I keep playing it I'll enjoy it more

I almost got this because it looked like it had a better feel than BoI

Are the shit meme guns really that terrible?

>$30 it was priced at
that game is 14.99, same base price it has been the entire time except for discounts

>buy it on sale now for $10
the sale price was 7.49

Its not that. I just don't like BoI kind of rogue lites

>So lame
Why? It's literally a survival crafting game. If you didn't like that genre then why the fuck did you buy it?

>implying I dont like the genre
that game is just bad, I cant even put it into words

Mostly Indie stuff. Lisa, Undertale.

Stardew Valley was good though

I don't play modern shooters either. Nu-doom is the Force Awakens of shooters. Nothing but member berries.

By your logic, every pixelated indie game is good because it's a throwback to a style from your childhood.

Honestly, if I could bask in any nostalgia-fest, it would be the platformers of the early 2000s. Namely Jak and Daxter.

Honestly, I envy how easily impressed you are. You must be very happy most of the time.

Resident evil 1 and 0 just wasnt for me dont ever plan on playing them again

>if it ain't broke don't fix it
Thank god Sony ignored that when they introduced duel analogue sticks.

There's nothing wrong with memberberries, user, I just expect more ingenuity from my games. I can't play the exact same thing over and over and still be entertained.

Please don't execute me.

The earliest shooter I really remember playing with full consciousness was the original Halo.

Am I going to regret my nu-Doom purchase? I heard the praise and rumors of good optimization, and I jumped on it.

Of course, I also understand that I should just launch this motherfucker and play it and find out. But I'm having too much fun in Euro Truck 2.

I picked up Euro Truck 2 on a whim, and WEW LADS. It's comfy. Perfect to play with a steam controller.

deus ex mankind divided

the fucker had a broken side quest so i updated the game

now the entire game is broken and unplayable

thanks square

I only bought Revengenacnaengance and I already played that on the PS3 so I know exactly what I will get + bonus DLC I didnt buy back then.

I bought spec ops: the line because everyone said it had a great story. It did not have a good story. It also had terrible controls and bad gunplay.
I killed the water thief, killed Riggs, killed the civilians who killed Lugo, killed Konrad, and got a ride back home

>Implying I don't like the genre.
For a genre that mainly consists of eternal early access garbage you don't really have a lot to justify your love of the genre.

>refunded Ys
We didn't want you in our threads, anyway.

Since you have literal babby taste youll like it fine.

My wife, not that it happened this sale.

Good shit.

Pay attention, his argument was that it was just "shoot it till it dies". This is a retarded argument to make towards a shooter, especially classic ones that move at a high speed.

>Sup Forums asks for the same shit, rages when it's changed
>Sup Forums asks for new shit, rages when it's the same.

>the games aren't fun because they're not finished
>stop liking what I dont like
alright I'll keep that in mindno I won'tyou're an idiotgetmadkidain't nothing gonna break my stride

The Witcher 3 on ps4.
This game's combat is fucking terrible. It's fun to break, but once it's broken it's only fun for a little bit. The writing is okay, I guess. It's a whole lot of "Any time you try to be nice you'll just get fucked and whoever you're nice to will also get fucked because that's GRITTY and REALISTIC." But at least it's slightly engaging to keep trying to find good ends. Exploration isn't real, it's just going to the question marks and finding the chest or whatever. There's nothing worth finding in between them. I don't even know if the game has music. I've put like 5 hours in and it was either so understated and not-noteworthy that I didn't even realize it was playing or there's just straight up nothing.
The dungeons are pretty nice I guess. And the game's awful pretty. But I feel like this was worth $15 and not $25 and it is definitely not "game of the year two years in a row."

Mercenaries 2. The first is one of my favorite games so I ignored all the flak I heard but damn was it shit.

Also definitely Fallout 4 and less so MGSV, I need to push myself to finish them at some point

Honestly, I don't get buyer's remorse because my "To-Play" list is so fucking long that it probably will be months or years until I even play that game, and by then I've forgotten when I purchased it or for how for much.

>buy a game
>don't ever feel like playing it

What's her name?

Fuck I forgot I even bought this.
Friend wanted to try it out. He liked it but I thought it was shit. Stopped just short of two hours so I could refund it and he kept begging to play it so I didn't refund it immediately in spite of not wanting to nor ending up playing it.
Now it's a day past the two week window.

they arent fun because they are survival games, being unfinished doesnt help either

no one can stop you from playing what you want, but you genuinely have shit taste

I dont get this meme. What kind of combat is better in a similar game? Are you playing on normal?

I don't buy games I dont play, but people do tend to gift me things i wont play at all or for a long time.

>refunding ys
the shittiest of taste

Titanfall 2


>literally CoD except every automatic weapon handles exactly the same
>every customization """"unlock""""is the same fucking camo pattern in an uglier color or going in a different direction

Similar games don't really have better combat, I suppose, unless you're extending the similarity threshold to shit like divOS. They tend to have better everything-else though. And divOS is kind of all about the combat in spite of being a wrpg.
For example VtM:B's combat is criminally horrible, way worse than TW3's, but the game had me hooked from the onset and the setting/dialogue/general roleplaying elements carried me through the game. TW3 I really have to force myself because outside of the shitty combat, the rest of the game is just mediocre and doesn't Do It.
They also put a lot of focus on the combat in TW3, which is another problem because it still blows.
I'm on the difficulty below Death March, because I was advised to not play on Death March by someone who'd played the game before me.
This has been my general combat experience, except sometimes drowners decide they have superarmor and whack me in the face for negligible damage because gourmand is ridiculous. And also heavy attacks are absolutely worthless and I switched to them here only to see if the damn thing would rotate between the hits and do something.

As an aside the NPC AI here, while not actually part of my problem with the game, is pretty funny to me.

I really can't say it's a bad game overall. It's just really mediocre and the lame combat is way too big a focus.

Only partially related, but this is currently the only steam/recommendation thread.

Got a $15 steam giftcard from my brother, what should I get? I'd like to stay at/under the giftcard value.
I was eyeing Stardew Valley when it was on sale, but then the price went back up. Worth it?

Stardew Valley is like if you took all the nice things out of Harvest Moon and then made the core gameplay of it more interesting.
But no one in their right mind plays HM for the gameplay so why would Stardew Valley exist

Sup Forums memed me into buying dishonored 1.

Shitty story, ugly world, ugly characters, shitty stealth, overpowered abilities, etc.

A friend of mine got the newest 3ds Harvest Moon game, and its put me in a virtual farming mood. I don't want the 3ds games though, looks too similar to minecraft.

I didn't listen to the warnings and bought Gungeon. Isaac is still way better.

Bought battlefield 2 bad company when it first came out because it was the "superior" cod. Didn't like it, and I realized that I just don't like realistic war shooters at all.

Also tried out dishonored and killing floor. They were both pretty boring.

>there are multiple people on Sup Forums with different tastes who become loud and annoying when their taste isn't met


I am so fucking glad I pirated Owlboy

The character that was set up to be the final boss from the very start dies without you ever getting to fight him. The real final boss is a total fucking pushover and it makes zero sense why you're fighting him

it's literally zombie panic remastered, but zombie panic is utter dogshit to begin with just get NMRiH