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>mfw I own a PS4 and PC but prefer PC

>>mfw I own a PS4 and PC
Same but I've been leaning more toward my PS4 recently as result of my love for weeb mecha games. Either way I'm set for time being.


Cool, persona 5 is free :)

Yakuza 0 runs at 60 on PS4 so no biggie

I wouldn't wind playing Nier on PS4 since it's 60fps on both Pro and slim.
But I can't resist the temptation of much higher res.

>that one retarded spammer BTFO

Why are you using Nier in the OP?

Stop port begging for Persona 5.

uh, no?

bait & switch

>Playstation official trailer reveals Nier to be released on PC
I'm content with stealing at least that from the Sonyggers. :^)

>Digimon and Yakuza this month

It'll be nice using my PS4 for something that isn't Rock Band for the first time in months.

Really who cares. It's not like there is a shortage of games to play. Fuck well get to emulate it at some point assuming they don't try to cash in on a port. And with how well retro rpgs are doing on steam/ the inevitability that consoles will die off it's only a mater of time.


But they can still play it

fucking delete this right now if you know what's good for you

>Really who cares. It's not like there is a shortage of games to play
fucking this.
I didn't buy a single game during the steam sales despite having money in my wallet I was gifted.
I'm too busy playing Bloodborne right now, and my backlog for emulation as well as steam games is so fucking long.
I'll probably use it for RE7, then we've got Nier, Nioh, RDR2 and the entire switch launch on the horizon.
I didn't even touch FFXV yet.

There is no shortage of games for single-system cucks, being idort just means you buy even more games you don't have time to play.

You are as retarded as MAFIAA and BSA shitheads.

I have both a PC and a PS4 and I'm mad the pc version of Automata still hasn't a release date. I'm going to buy both version though because of physical.

Umaru poster btfo

But they can't go "Muh exclusive", which is a victory in itself.

Stay mad, Sonygger.


Sup Forums's analogies are garbage.
>haha stole your game!
both of you can enjoy it the exact same
>haha enjoy your leftovers!
they're getting the exact same game and possibly even better
>thanks for beta testing!
the console launch rarely ever has serious issues and isn't actually used for testing the PC version, that needs to be tested separately.
no one has emotional attachments to games, seeing other people play them doesn't actually destroy their egos.

Too bad I sold my PS4 last week because I literally hadn't touched it since I finished Bloodborne. But I don't really think a glorified musou game would be worth holding onto it for.

>Yakuza 0
>glorified musou

>being this falseflagging PCuck
You have no idea what yakuza and persona are, cuck.

most Pcucks are ex sony fans so he probably does.

>im fucking plying
Most PCucks are ex-nintencucks.

Good luck next time, Sonygger.

what sense does that make?
once a nintenyearold always a nintenyearold.
there's very little overlap between PC and nintendo style games.

we know for sure there was a huge migration to PC after the PS2 because the PS3 was so shitty. Steam only got really huge during this period and now PCucks are having to be convinced to come back to playstation with nostalgic games like crash, yakuza and persona.

>selling something with almost no value

I raise that there's a roughly even distribution of ex-sonyfags, ex-nintendofags and no previous consolefags among PC gamers.

Nah, why would someone with all the games move to a no game system. Nintendo guys are mad at sony for killing the, so they move to PC which they see as a non competitor.

what mecha games are on PS4?



Remember when this cancerous ugly fat cuck celebrated Star Citizen being assured exclusivity?

I just got Gundam Breaker 3 and Super Robot Wars: MD, and SD Gundam G Generation. I have SRW V on preorder and Im waiting for The new Gundam Vs.

This dude's saltier than the Red Sea

What's taking that cancer so long to kill him?


Isn't he a dead man walking? Also isn't he leaving all his money to his wife's son? What a cancerous cuck.

Didn't he came out on Neofag and basically used a ohwaityouareserious.gif to someone asking for a Persona 5 PC port?

Are people seriously asking for P5 on PC or are they trolling?
I like to think people aren't that fucking retarded to think that a Sony exclusive where every single mainline game that only has been on the PS would end up on PC.

Josh Hardin is pretty based

i mean i was planning on buying a ps4 for persona 5 anyway, so it's cool

>Own a PC and PS4
>Will get a Switch once some non-Zelda comes out (Mainly Pokemon)
>Will upgrade to a PS4 Pro once developers start utilizing it more

Feels good not being poor

Expand the Mind, Not the War
Burn Pot, Not People
Wars Will Cease When Men Refuse To Fight
Love is Lovely, War is Ugly
War Machine Off Campus
Bring all the troops home now
It will a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the Air Force must hold a bake sale to buy a bomber
Bread Not Bombs
Give Peace a Chance
All Weapons are Boomerangs
Swords into Plowshares
Drop acid not bombs
If pro is the opposite of con the is congress the opposite of progress
All you need is peace
Either you get tired of fighting for peace or you die
These colors don't run the world.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.
How did our oil get under their sand?
Go Solar, not Ballistic.
Who Would Jesus Bomb?
Buck Fush!
Say can you see my democracy? (With pictures of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld) Asses of Evil.
It's the oil, stupid.
War is expensive, Peace is priceless.
Read between the Pipelines
No More BuSh.
Smart weapons, Dumb president.
The only thing we have to fear is Bush himself.
How many Lives per Gallon?

"1, 2, 3, 4,
we dont want your racist war.
5, 6, 7, 8,
no more killing, no more hate."

"Whose streets?
Our Streets.
Whose war?
Their war."


Does it feel good being a consumer whore that has to double-dip on games?

You promised us that we'll get new games on PC and now we're not getting them? Fuck you sega, I'm done supporting you.

Actually, it'd be weird for Nintendo not to try to get P5 onto the Switch. Or maybe not, since it's already been out for a while in Japan. But Atlus already has a version that is about correctly scaled in the PS3 version. Getting it to Switch shouldn't be all that much hassle.

>he fell for the "Switch will have strong third-party support" meme

>Persona 5 platforms: PS3
Good day one pirate

It feels good being able to play anything I want instead of shitposting about the games I can't play like all of Sup Forums

what does nier have to do with that?

From a consumer perspective he's right. Why would anyone care if more people got access to a game?

>X platform choice community shits up the game post release by talking about it even if we can't even play together
Don't even try making that kind of argument. It's doesn't even make sense.


>if something has been exclusive before, it cannot ever escape or change its platforms of release

Would rather have a pirate on PS3 than a sale on Switch or PC any day.

>If I want long enough, just maybe a console exclusive would finally make it to the PC
Spoken like a a true pc cuck


Why do you think his wife lost all that weight? She's getting ready.

Because is said company pays for a development of a game they have every right to keep it locked to their fuckig platform. Competition breeds effort.

Jesus fuckign christ its not rocket science.


>game developed entirely on PC then ported to PS4
>not released on PC

Makes it even more unforgivable.


All games are made on PC you idiot even Nintendo ones, or did you think they made them on calculators?

No one argued if they have the right or not.
>Competition breeds effort
What do you mean? Multiplats are made with less effort due to less competition? How do you measure this other than having an opinion that x or y platform has "better" games?

Probably because if that game got released on consoles it would be massivily downgraded.

Iwata made games on calculators.

>Probably because if that game got released on consoles it would be massivily downgraded.

Exactly and just like if Persona 5/ Yakuza got released on PC the fanbase would massively turn toxic. Exclusivity exists for a reason.

You're aware 88% of steam gamers have PCs weaker than PS4. When was the last time a game was made for that 12%?

Except it wouldn't hurt the actual quality of the game.

Where did that get him in the long run?


This so much. Don't bother explaining why exclusivity matters to PC fags. They just don't understand. They want everything given to them and are salty they have no worthwhile exclusives so they look at games like Bloodborne and Persona with envy. It has even gotten worse since emulators are a thing of the past.


Is rpcs3 functional yet? sonnigers can neck themselves.

Nope. Get fucked.

Just wait a decade, we're getting there.

President of one of the most powerful and successful Japanese companies?

I was trying to make an admittedly edgy joke about him being dead. You are correct as could argue.