Ok this game is very beautiful and artistic, but honestly it's really boring...

Ok this game is very beautiful and artistic, but honestly it's really boring. Half the game is just riding across empty desert.

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It's pretty relaxing during those times though. Makes for a good contrast to fighting the Colossi.
I can definitely get where you're coming from though.

PS2 could do only so much

The first time I played it I spent a lot of time hunting lizards and fruits so it wasn't boring.

>Half the game is just riding across empty desert.
Are you some kind of speedrunner? Half the game. Jesus Christ that is some expedient colossus killing.

it's a great 2-3 hour game.

>play game that's obviously not meant for you
>shit on it on Sup Forums because god forbid a game isn't suited for everyone
>use the word "artistic"

>Half the game is just riding across empty desert
no it ist. Much of that time is spent platforming and navigating

I really enjoyed the empty land. Gives it that mysterious vibe about the world that existed before

I thought 16 colossi were just too many. I got through 10 and realized I was only just a little more than half way through. It's been 10 years and I've tried 3 times to beat this game and I just never can, I just get so bored

Too many? I didnt think it was enough. It could have used another 10 more at least.

>game that's not meant for you
>game's box does not say "sorry this game isn't for a particular type of gamer, you gotta enjoy the game in order to enjoy this game"


Leaked video of the sequel

Seriously though, ICO are one of the worst developers out there. Think about. SOTC took 3 years to make. And the end results are an non-meme empty world, the definition of an empty world and 16 enemies whcih you can kill in 2 hours on your first palythrough.
They first wanted to do 40, other devs would have accomplished this in 3 years, if not 40, 30 for sure.
Besides the game being arguably THE most unfinished first party release of all time, it also runs from 10 to 25fps. Half the dev time went into the horses animations, which i do agree, to this day are still, probably, the best horse animations in any video game and the other half went to the 16 colossi. I forgot that there are also black sprite lizards with NES-tier animations that you can kill to boost your stamina a little bit. It also took them 8 years to make the last guardian and we all know how that turned out.
What defines a good developer? Knowing how to work with his devkit/API provided, knowing the limits, good programming, finished products. How is tram ICO still a thing is beyond me. They are incompetent.

Looks more like Bug's Life 2

>shadow of turkroach:attack of a manlet

It's not that the fights weren't fun, I just wish they would break up fight after fight after fight with a little SOMETHING. It doesn't have to be outright cutscenes but just little clues, hints, dialogue, whatever.

I felt the same way with the last guardian, it was like 3 hours in before I got any indication as to what and why I was climbing around these old ruins.

Ah, I see what you mean. And I agree. It was just a straight run from boss to boss without much else.

You could do fun tricks with your horse.

The Last Guardian is better, try that OP

Not him but I would have preferred less collosi with more to them, like more attack cycles and weak spots and whatnot. Those colossi like the worm in the cave and the turtle looking one near the geysers could have been a lot cooler if they had more to their fight. Like the bird you fight on the lake-- jumping on his wing and getting carried with him is the hypest thing to ever happen in a boss fight, but you don't do much after that. You just climb on his wings. I wanted a bit more to that. I don't know what I would add to that encounter... but something.

Also #15 was a big dip in design fidelity compared to the rest. That fight had problems. Would have been a lot more enjoyable if they made three little changes:
1) make the grounded stones near the walls wobble whenever he does a stomp attack, to clue the player in
2) same with the stones lodged in the middle part that are supposed to fall. Some kind of dust effect.
3) make the bridge extend a little out because the window of the plunge attack is too tight imo. Unless you weren't supposed to hit his top spot with plunges. I dunno.
I still love the game though.

>the definition of an empty world
Bitching about SotC's field really is the easiest identifier between the plebs and the men.
>16 enemies whcih you can kill in 2 hours on your first palythrough.
Closer to ten hours: howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=8348

6/10 game at best desu.
