Only ever played Fire Emblem, what do I need to know going into this game? What are some useful tactics for someone without a lot of SRPG experience?
And what's your favorite starting class?
Only ever played Fire Emblem, what do I need to know going into this game? What are some useful tactics for someone without a lot of SRPG experience?
And what's your favorite starting class?
My advice is don't get memed and play any other version of Langrisser II instead.
Der has the worst balance and lowest difficulty of all of the versions. The only thing it has going for it is the branching path. The original Mega Drive Langrisser II is better as an srpg.
People parrot it because they think it's what you're supposed to say.
I've been playing the one on the 3DS and it's complete shit. You spend more time slowly marching your units towards the enemy army than actually fighting them. Once had a map where I spend 6 (SIX) turns doing nothing but moving towards the enemy.
The 3DS one isn't even made by the people who made Langrisser as a series.
Red pill me.
Never heard of this series.
It's an SRPG series with art done by a dude known for drawing his anime girls with pubes.
You forgot that the music of the Mega Drive game is 100x better
Might as well ask here
How do the other Growlanser games compare to 4?
why don't you just fucking play it and learn as you go instead of leaning on strategy guides and 'pro-tips' to hold your hand you drooling retard
are SRPGs a dying genre?
This. These threads are always created by faggot retards.
Der has an amazing soundtrack. If you have the means to look at the tracking for the OST, Noriyuki Iwadare did some INSANE work on the back end. Probably the single greatest tracking accomplishment in music on the SNES.
FE: Fates did pretty well I think
>bitch summons me and tells me that I personally have to confront her enemy on her behalf
>I never asked for this
>servants of her enemy are all over my dick telling me to join them and kill humanity (only after they tried killing me like 5 times)
>but when I say fuck them both, somehow I'm the backstabbing asshole
Conquer end was right, taking the power for yourself is the true route
It can't be dying if it's already dead.
>Last Front Mission was an abortion, series probably dead
>Last Langrisser a super abortion
>Last Growlanser never localized and series probably dead
>TO and FFT dead
>Fire Emblem gone to shit
>most other noteworthy series dead
>All that's left are mediocre handheld/mobile games, Nu Fire Emblem, Disgaya and other subpar crap like Stella Glow
Gee I dunno user.
It's not good when the best srpg in the last 5 years is fucking Grand Kingdom.
?, it's pretty standard SNES stuff, and sounds like shit compared to the MD version
What kind of retarded word is langrisser supposed to be? Never even heard risser here in my life.
Stella Glow was okay (at best) when it was still called Luminous Arc 2, but the second go around was really pretty bad.
At least TO died on a good note
1 = 4 > 2 = 3 > others
>Stella Glow
delet this
Okay I know it's not great but I really enjoyed it
All three Luminous Arc games fit the "ok at best" bill. Same goes for Summon Night.
Also, I forgot to mention Shining Force being dead.
Shining force got remade into a shitty budget JRPG series with art by tony taka
I still love SF1 and 2.
I played and beat SF2 so much when I was a kid it was insane.
Shame they dont make tile based SRPGs anymore.
The tracking itself is the accomplishment. FZero only used 5 channels, and is one of the only launch titles that uses the voice switching, which is was pretty impressive in its own right— but most SNES soundtracks had each channel assigned to a voice and worked within the limitations of only having 8 sounds going on in the track. For example, Uematsu rarely changed the voice used in a channel, even for FF6. The tracks are pretty barebones, with a melody and maybe an accompaniment. Good music. Iconic music— but not amazingly technical.
SD3 was pretty good, but even that only had one or two channels changing voices, and that was usually back-and-forth between two voices.
Iwadare's tracks are on a completely different level that any other. Constantly changing the voices on channels, so instead of having one channel have the same voice as the melody, he'll bounce it across channels so that the first note doesn't clip off when the next one plays. (listen to the percussion line on Gundam Wing Endless Duel to hear this happening) He gives this treatment to percussion line. Same for the bass line. There's at least three discrete, independent musical elements going on simultaneously in each track. Sometimes four. It's incredible.