Previous Thread: >Post references and keep them in a single post >Keep it vidya >The character(s) must be of vidya origin >No bumping your requests >Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests >If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. >OC requests are okay as long as you only request once >Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported. >Please bump if the thread reaches page 10 >Have fun
Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them! NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Requesting you pick any fetish you want and attach it to Aigis and have fun with it and do what you want with her.
Cameron Reyes
Requesting a Brachydios variant of Galette Krone from Azure Striker Gunvolt.
Blake Gonzalez
Requesting Battle Girl from Pokemon X/Y topless and using a butterfly workout machine to work on her pectorals thinking that it will make her breast's bigger.
Kayden Wood
Finished lines for , previous sketch at . Coloring might take some time. What do you think so far? Might add some more shit in the background.
Matthew Wood
Requesting traps/cute boys in qipaos
Julian Flores
Your waifu wants you to do your very best! She loves you, idiot.
I got you Makotofag
Connor Lopez
Your waifu loves you! Your body's a temple and she sees you as a divinity to praise!
Logan Anderson
Mimikyu doesn't work that way.
Gavin Taylor
Requesting club titiboo Kumatora balancing some books on her head.
Joseph Bell
My waifus
David Gomez
OR here I like how this is going
Please take your time
Ayden Anderson
Requesting Link and Agitha dressed as each other.
Josiah Anderson
Plasma man, from ss13 of /tg/ server
Dylan Collins
Whose breasts?
Anyone but May.
Carson Cook
Joseph Carter
Sebastian Myers
Requesting Mai Natsume showing off her ass in her skin-tight pants to the viewer.
Kayden Taylor
Requesting a Sumika celebrating New Years
Ethan Nelson
Requesting Vanessa in a "fuck me" shirt and lacier panties creating a small fire tornado on her finger.
Michael Morgan
Colton Jenkins
Evie from Paladins bashfully flashing her tits Titfuck's okay as well Evie's
Joshua Sanchez
Noah Davis
Anyone willing to take a request of Gundam Breaker 3? I'd want her cosplaying as one of those "Gundam Girls" mecha girls, wearing sexy versions of Gundam armor, like Barbatos since that's the new one.
Hudson Jenkins
Requesting Adult-Milf and tick Arina from Waku Waku 7 happily carrying mini Rais and Arinas like the trainer is carrying those Pikachus, please.
Christopher Hughes
Toes still kinda look the same size, but other than that it looks great! "Egyptian" shaped feet are best shape.
Nathan Foster
Logan Lopez
Tifa. They need to be weighed and measured.
Camden Cox
Requesting a drawing of any Sup Forums-related female you want to draw wrapped up in a futon, and how they would try to escape it.
bonus points if the futon has a fitting pattern on it.
Easton Ross
Requesting Momoko from wonderful pink (girl on the left) Wearing a Santa outfit similar to the girls on the right. slightly lewd would be appreciated
Isaac Sanders
7th Dragon Psychic
Ryder Hughes
Requesting cute and sexy happy new year Re-Class. She can do some fireworks.
Brody Kelly
Requesting a mashup/fusion of Jack of Blades (Fable) and Handsome Jack (Borderlands)
Handsome Jack of Blades
Jack Carter
Cooper Martinez
Jace Myers
Requesting Opalneria in a full fancy new years kimono
Jace Bennett
Cameron Harris
Requesting Makoto Nanaya trying out a chinese dress, and since her hair is too short for covered hairbuns, requesting you have her tail in a cover instead.
Noah Allen
Requesting Sin from Guilty Gear Xrd in the same pose like Shia Labeouf. JUST DO IT! Because his theme music has the same title.
Liam Reed
Requesting Sky getting wrapped up with tape in her Space Princess outfit by Risky Boots.
Angel Young
Requesting Tifa from FF7 eating a big plate of spicy hot wings, gloves still on.
Kayden Nguyen
Misty is flat!
Michael Hall
Requesting Villager sucking dick all the way down.
Wyatt Stewart
Caster and Protagonist (Male) from Fate/Extra wandering in the 'jungle' area? Maybe with him leading and holding her hand.
Nolan Evans
Requesting Otacon groping Snake's ass proudly or shyly.
Daniel Reed
Requesting Hime (right) using a Suguri (left) that is completely coiled up in chains as a body-pillow while sleeping on a bed
Sebastian Russell
Requesting Driselle being fucked through her leggings or through a hole in her leggings, face down and ass up.
Camden Wilson
Why is she so popular?
Austin Hill
Not quite the exact request but hope you like it.
Noah Ross
Anthony Butler
Can someone please do Mai Shiranui posing like Chi-Chi and Bandeiras or any character of your preference looking at her with a happy face.
And Andy watching meanwhile he's hiding somewhere if you want.
Zachary James
>Brown >"Exotic" >Skimpy outfit >Hyped up
John Collins
New game came out recently. Also she's my waifu.
Hudson Brown
That looks nice.
Brody Richardson
Justin Butler
This is pretty good for a meme girl
Isaac Jackson
That is cute and she super tiny like pixie too?
Jaxon Watson
I guess it was MDF's influence that made me do this. btw not at all the guy you were talking to OR
Jaxson Turner
Asher Brown
swinging her rifle by the barrel like an axe (there's one on the stock) or brandishing a Ryobi power tool arsenal, complete with hardhat, gloves, and whatever other safefy clothing
Liam Smith
Still works.
Adrian Hughes
Requesting Elphelt Valentine popping open or guzzling down a champagne bottle in celebration for the New Year. You can add Ramlethal or I-No or Dizzy but no Jack-O.
Ayden White
Thanks a lot user that's fine by me becuase I sort of thinking of the pixie from Nocturne when I made the request anyways.
Jaxon Scott
Requesting Ashei spreading her ass open with some added gape.
Xavier Sanchez
Why are you so angry
Nathan Gray
Vert wearing the Crysis Nanosuit - not wearing the helmet/visor - please?
Christopher Bennett
What Game was that Guy from ?
Easton Ramirez
Requesting this Home Alone 2 poster but with 47 as Macaulay Culkin and those thieves from the Hitman Christmas Hoarder as Harry and Marv, and changing the title to Hitman.
Mimikyu works in mysterius ways. Thanks, will do. I see what you mean. I'll work on it.
Elijah Bennett
What a shitty, uninspired character trait.
Nathaniel Edwards
those are some nice mechanical joints and i do like the way went about doing the outfit. plus mc as demifiend in the corner is a nice touch.
Josiah Phillips
Thanks for your input. What are you going to do about it?
Jace Jenkins
Glad you liked it dear requestfriend.
Brandon Rodriguez
Nice. Could be a bit more massive but still good.
Juan Sullivan
Nathaniel Evans
I'm going to get salty and whine about things I don't like online.
Jason Hughes
Requesting the left pic with Julia and Bob from Tekken.
Ayden Robinson
>Mimikyu works in mysterius ways. Unlike a woman, its eyes are actually not up there.
Logan Green
I want the four girls here drawn in the 4 Heroes of Light/Bravely Default artstyle please. Storybook theme optional.
Blake Bailey
>btw not at all the guy you were talking to That was me. I tossed my canvas, wasn't going well. More May is good.
Jason Ross
Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" as a baby, hugging a poptop plushie from the game "Starbound" with a large "2017" showing in the background to celebrate the New Year. The cuter, the better.
Alternatively a midnight fireworks display with 2 large bursts in the sky shaped like their faces (mariel and the poptop's).
No lewd allowed, it will be ignored and instantly rejected.
Requesting Shantae wearing these shorts and being unaware of the text on the back.
David Gray
Requesting Sombra wearing a sombrero next to a bottle of whiskey like the meme cat pictured. Or if you feel like it you could use the Muertos skin.
Anything you want, really.
Jason Johnson
>provide references
lol fuck off if you're such a silly cunt that you can't use google then I doubt you can even draw
David Lee
You're asking a pretty big favor of someone when you request. Maybe you can do them a solid and let them get started right away without having to use Google.
Lucas Cooper
Requesting the fusion of Chie and Yukiko with the proper fusion clothes
Isaiah Wright
I hope this is a false flag, I really do.
Jaxon Murphy
Requesting Ajna being trapped or stuck like in the first image wearing only her spats/bike shorts and asking for help.
people tend to ignore request without pictures you know. They may not be needed but drawfriends do look for request at a glance and if they like or recognize the character in the reference they may do it.