He needs to be nerfed to break the tank meta
>hitscan hook that takes literally no skill
>insta kill shotgun
He's broke af
He needs to be nerfed to break the tank meta
>hitscan hook that takes literally no skill
>insta kill shotgun
He's broke af
Other urls found in this thread:
>hitscan hook
what did he mean by this
>please nerf everything that kills me
People still do this? Sad.
your fucking retarded
>tfw the M2 hits at just the right distance
Honestly as someone who abuses it all the time, I think his biggest bullshit OP element is actually his M2. It absolutely wrecks Reinhardt shields, and hell fucks up pretty much any tank from outside of their range. With D.va and Reaper you have to get into shotgun range, with Roadhog you can either hook them to pull them into your range or just stay 10m away and get them with perfect point blank blasts anyway.
He's only good because of D.Va and Ana
If those two were nerfed, Reaper fucking destroys Roadhog as he is
>Roadhog is creating the tank meta
Rein and Zarya are the tanks that centralize the meta. Roadhog's just a pain.
It's hitscan.
Overwatch players should be fucking gassed. Fuck you fags and your constant whining
Once again people have no idea what they're talking about. Ana is the driving force behind the tank meta with her Biotic Grenade and the effects of Biotic Grenade lasting for five out of ten seconds of downtime, meaning that Ana can effectively keep one team super healed or block another team's healing for HALF THE MATCH.
If you nerf Ana and her 100 percent healing boost then tanks will become less viable because DPS heroes will be able to outdamage Ana's heals. After Ana has been nerfed, Soldier 76 can be brought down a notch as well.
Also anybody who says Roadhog needs to be nerfed is beyond retarded. Get behind your fucking Reinhardt's shield. That's what it's for. If you don't have a Reinhardt, get behind another tank. If you don't have a single tank because you're retarded and won't switch, shoot from afar and don't get into his fucking range. Roadhog is:
-Slow as shit
-Has no shield
-No armor
-Is basically useless if he can't get a hook
Heroes who need buffs:
People who need slight nerfs:
Soldier 76
People who need major nerfs:
Symmetra shields make people immune to one shots from him.
>Once again people have no idea what they're talking about. Ana is the driving force behind the tank meta with her Biotic Grenade and the effects of Biotic Grenade lasting for five out of ten seconds of downtime, meaning that Ana can effectively keep one team super healed or block another team's healing for HALF THE MATCH.
fucking this
Yeah lets just conveniently ignore Ana the character single handedly ruining the entire game.
Make it so that the hook can be shot down.
Problem solved.
I only disagree with you on Symmetra. She's fine as she is right now, you only have yourself to blame if you nor your deathball can kill her before her gun warms up.
The rest of your post is on point, though.
>making soldier even stronger
What did he mean by this?
Huh so Kaplan lied I guess.
make it so that the hook is a fucking projectile so it's harder to land
All roadhog needs is a 2 second increase to his hook CD when he whiffs. It prevents him from "fishing" as easily.
His M1 has a spread wider than his own hurtbox, and starts its damage falloff at 5 meters. It's damn near useless against anything other than tanks, unless the enemy is closer than melee range.
His M2 is a delayed projectile that has the same issues as his M1, but starts 10 meters away from him. Any closer, and the most he can hit you for is 50. If he's able to stay at 10 meters and poke at you, then you need to either get closer and take no damage, or move the engagement.
His hook is bullshit, but it's really all he has. He's the biggest target, with no armor, shields, movement ability, or way to stop damage. He's a walking ult battery for the enemy team.
But he is a really tanky assassin. His method of assassination just requires someone to walk into hook range where others would attack the backline.
He's more a frontline assassin than a tank, but he's not OP. Just annoying to finish off thanks to his high HP pool and his massive self-heal. His attacks are finicky and don't do much damage 90% of the time.
But his hook...
That fucking hook is all he has.
>another faggot thread about faggots complaining about balance of characters they don't play
Roadhog isn't the problem, it's D.Va and Anna.
Also I think a few of the offense heroes might need some small buffs Reaper probably needs a little less fall off and maybe more spread to compensate (better against tanks at a distance but as effective as he was before against squishies), it's pretty sad that he loses to all the tanks he's supposed to beat.
Blizzard literally posted on their forms it's s very fast sphere projectile Nigger
That "pop" is so satisfying
>hitscan hook that takes literally no skill
as opposed to all of the other hitscan weapons that take mountains of skill?
The video explains it more as a delayed hitscan and he provides examples of this. I honestly didn't know this, I thought it was a fast projectile too, but it isn't apparently and you could actually miss more hooks by treating it as a projectile. I have to test that shit out.
Expect it's not hit scan can't be delayed you fucking retard. Hit scan is instantaneous if it isn't it isn't hit scan.
This. To break the tank meta, simply nerf D.Va. I mean Reaper counters Roadhog pretty well, but he can't stand up to D.Va that well. And D.Va's counter is pretty much just Zarya: another tank. Seems to me like we can hit two birds with one stone.
You really need to watch that video. It's a delayed hitscan. You're better off tracking the target like zaryas beam to get the best hook.
>having to succesfully hit something 3 times or more to get a kill
>one hitscan with an autocombo for an instant kill on anything with 200 health
I have watched it but there is literally no such thing as delayed hit scan. Hit scan is instant if it doesn't happen instantly it has a travel/register time making it projectile. Is this your first FPS?
Just make ana either heal less per shot or reduce her fire speed.
Or revert dva health back to what it was.
She heals tanks way too effeciently thus causing this boring ass slow meta.
Hell I stopped playing until something is done of either her or dva/roadhog.
Dva was fine at launch. Why did they buff her?
Winston doesn't really need buffs, he's only fallen out of favor right now because he's completely useless in tank meta. Once there are actually squishy heroes on the field that can't just sleep dart him and walk away, he'll be picked again.
You didn't watch the video did you?
D.va wasn't fine, she was an absolute joke. The recent buffs have gone too far sure, mainly the extra 100 HP, but at launch she was a worse pick than Winston. Fucking Winston.
>Symmetra. She's fine as she is right now
>She's fine as she is right now
>fine as she is right now
>fine right now
The answer to every character is "Kill them before they can do damage", numbnuts.
But her damage was never an issue, and good players worked around her range limitations to do silly damage. Hell, when it was 5 meters, you even had a chance to get away from it.
Now, those two meters make it almost twice as hard to get out of her danger zone, after which she's doing 120 damage per second and can not miss.
But M1 bullshit aside, her new E is pretty neat, and her turret storage buff was pretty cool.
But her ult is now retarded. I don't even see teleporters, the things that were the reason people picked her before, because her shield generator is fucking stupid good.
75 shields in a 50 meter range, that ignores walls and still is one of the fastest charging ults in the game.
Backline assassins can't do shit anymore. They have 75 recharging health to burn through on the targets they have to kill fast, before people can respond.
Frontline fighters will always lose against their counterparts. McCree can stun and FtH his mirror, not kill him, then die to the very same tactic. Junkrat can no longer bomb+M2 squishies, ect.
And no, just finding a way past the entire enemy team, then finding whatever tiny ass corner she hid it in and covered with turrets doesn't always work.
Drop the shield gen's effectiveness with range, and then it might be stable, but for now it's a win-condition. Either you kill her and take the point before she sets it up, or you're in for a hell of an uphill slog.
I agree OP, if you get hooked you may as well put down the controller.
>I don't even see teleporters anymore
I wish I played with your Symmetras, every single fucking one I play with still puts down the god damn useless teleporter.
And how does that make the hook any less skillful to use than any other hitscan weapon or ability?
Nigger I am subbed too that channel and watch almost every video that doesn't make it right you literal retard if it doesn't happen instantly it isn't git scan how is that so hard to understand you fucking retards do this every roadhog thread.
>implying you somehow havent lost 25 health already to random shots?
but honestly, even as someone who favors zenyatta, roadhog isn't bad if you know how to bait with corners and can keep your distance
ana does need a nerf, i've yet to see a team with a solid ana lose a match in the past month even though the rest of the team was garbage
>ITT: People that don't understand how Blizzard Balancing works
Just wait until the next OP cycle.
>Put down the controller
>FPS game
The hitscan being scanned is what's being delayed you double nigger. You push shift, then the hitscan is scanned a second later.
But it's not
Yes? Welcome to this century.
>25 health
You know her shield gives 75 now?
But he proved it was right. Just because there's a delay doesn't make it a projectile. There's a delay on the animation > then if you track the target it hooks. If it worked as you're trying to explain how it does you would need to lead the target or something but he clearly demonstrates you don't have to do that therefore it's not a projectile but some kind of delayed hitscan.
>Playing an FPS game with a controller
How is that different from, say, Widowmaker headshots?
Answer: Roadhog has to be in the thick of it and has a cooldown.
I don't see the problem. Have you missed the last three generations of consoles? They're filled with fps games. Did you miss Halo?
>Playing an FPS game on a console
Why do this to yourself, user?
The guy in the video even says don't take his answer had a 100% proof....
>want to play some clasic quick play for some boxes
>If your on offence you might as well just quit when the payload enters the home stretch because lord knows your team isnt getting through that wall of over shielded Symetra's
Dva is way more cancerous, desu. More mobility, more tools, better ult. Her and Ana's grenade are what makes the tank meta work.
I swear everyone who complains about dva's ult must just be the worst players
>nerfing lucio again
D.va's ult is literally only good when it's paired with Zarya's.
tfw always go the full stall comp at the last point
works every time
>Lucio needs a nerf
And you fucking lost me.
Moreover, the major problem with the game is sheer amount of hybrid characters - heroes that do too fucking much for one player slot. When the game released 76 was the "swiss army knife" character and his only appeal over McCree beside accessibility was his range of utility.
Fast forward a few months and we have D.Va who can switch between a tank and a DPS hero on a fucking whim, also we have Roadhog who's less tank and more DPS despite having the most health in the game (no, his giant hitbox is not an argument, EVERYONE has giant hitboxes). The fat fuck shreds Rein shields and one-hits most of the roster. And that's not even getting started on Symmetra who has:
>a tank's shield
>a healer's regenerative health ability
>a offense hero's wild CQB melting left click
>a defense hero's area of denial turrets and
right click
>a defense hero's spawn distance negation tool
The list goes on, but you get the fucking point. You want to fix Overwatch? Force players to build a working machine (team) from the parts (people) you give them. The solution is to fix the game at a design level, not to be lazy and simply give heroes all the roles because players by and large can't coordinate the roles on their own accord.
I've gotta stop playing quick play. Its always annoyed me how close the cart is to the defend respawn. TF2 has about the same distance but has a fucking ~10s respawn timer to allow a good offensive team a clear victory.
>Did you just wipe the floor with the entire defending team over 3 times in a row? Too bad they're already back and now some cunt swapped to mei, lucio, or symmerta and is just hoping around on the cart like a cunt.
Her ult is good for utility more than killing people. Will D.va get kills with her ult against competent players? No. But she can use it to force them off of an objective for a moment if they don't have Rein/Zarya shields available, and if they do they're forced to use said shields up and have nothing left afterward. Not to mention she can also use it when her mech is destroyed to force people to react/fall back to it and get herself a new full HP mech.
Widow also is incapable of handling herself in a close range battle. She can't heal herself, and on top of that, she needs to hit precise head hitboxes instead of the massive cube that Roadhog has.
Honestly though, they're both balanced fine, Hog is just a bit strong as other anons said due to Dva and Ana.
>some random faggot knows more than the actual hands on director of the game
>Dva was fine at launch. Why did they buff her?
D.Va has, by far, the most vocal fanbase of every other character.
It is 100% proof and you can test it in game to find out for yourself.
D. Va and Ana are the main problems of the Tank meta
There's situations where you're just in a bad spot and can't get cover without diving into a trio of enemies or are simply too far away.
It's just fishing for kills while causing your team to scatter, but it has great synergy with a few ults, and it's fucking annoying when there's noting you can hide behind, or worse, when you are behind cover that didn't cover your pinky toe and you're evaporated.
But yeah, her ult isn't her problem. It's nowhere near Phara-Tier.
He clearly does though.
Dva and Hog are the problem. They prevent a flanker from killing healers entirely. If they weren't so OP right now Ana would be a non issue.
>in a casual game
it's not a comp game, it will never be balanced.f
fuck off. can't believe this casual trash replaced an incredible game that tf2 was post a shit tonne of valve fuckery
>He needs to be nerfed to break the tank meta
But he's not Ana's nade. Are you fucking retarded?
How bad are you at the game to not realize you need to focus/kill healers?
*Rein & D.Va
>If hook misses it can get stuck on things for 0.5 seconds
Now you have risk/reward
>hit scan can't be delayed
I didn't know you could be this retarded.
>nerfing roadhog's hook
it'll never happen. Jeff Kaplan plays him everynight with his intern on Ana pocketing him
>not ana
Literally nerfing ana would get rid of the tank meta. You understand that the meta exists because of her right?
What the hooks needs to be is be harder to hit and not stun you so if you're being dragged you can attack.
am I missing something or does he not actually prove his theory that the point in the animation he's speaking of is a guaranteed hook?
Roadhog is manageable
D.Va with her 1000 mile radius ult is not.
>Just kill the healer lol there's never a situation where you can't do it lol git gud lol xD
i'm convinced that these "nerf roadhog" threads are made regularly by one really butthurt person
roadhog is a lame tank with no damage mitigation and only does well if there's another real tank on his team to pick up the slack
>people saying another other tank is the reason why the tank meta exists
>realizing that ana's solo healing potential with her biotic grenade is the sole reason of the existence
Her grenade heals up tanks extremely fast and melts anyone that's not a tank and has no source of sustain. Her sleep also shuts down ults, but her real problem is the biotic grenade.
If you nerf ana, the triple/quad tank can't exist because no other healer can heal them up fast enough. Mercy is not in a good state because she doesn't heal tanks fast enough and she usually dies before getting off her ult, which makes lucio and zen a much better pick (lucio for the speed, ult, and constant sustain, zen for discord that melts other tanks), but it's always ana + zen or lucio.
At this point I feel like you're just baiting or trying to save face. Watch the video on on 0.25 speed if it's too fast and you're unable to understand it.
Good! You're learning. Now, why can't you kill the healer?
>people failing to realize that Ana wouldn't be a problem if shit like ROADHOG and Dva weren't able to clock block any dps or anyone in general from killing her
Especially Roadhog like he is the main problem in tank meta but let's just ignore that I guess cause everyone can be shit except him
What did they change about torb? He's being used a ton now.
>The healer is being protected by 4 tanks that can out duel almost every character that's meant to be a tank killer
>Just kill her
And yet you think that nerfing the healer will somehow solve this problem.
he means what he says its a hitscan hook lol it really is broken
>roadhog on my team just keeps hooking the other teams tanks and ignores everyone else on their team
He is literally the easiest hero in the game but people still fuck him up
THIS is why they need to add tutorials for every character that you have to do in order to play the game against real people.
Those tanks can only cockblock the DPS because they can get healed to full by Ana in a couple of seconds.
>ana wouldn't be the problem
>throws biotic grenade and heals them to full hp in less than 2 shots
You want to shred roadhog, play soldier. He's the main counter to road right now. He can't hook you and you constantly charge ult from him. Know how to aim and he's dead with the consistent headshots
D.Va's shield changes were a mistake
D.va + ana is bad enough without also adding that
This is true he's still a giant unmissable target.
Regenerating armor is nice.
Because the healer has insane burst healing which keeps the tanks alive way too reliably. Have you not been reading the thread?
The tanks are unkillable because of Ana. How fucking dense are you?
how would you even go about nerfing ana withour destroying her?
yeah this is blizz and they'll just delete ana from the game if they feel like it, but you'd have to completley rework biotic nade to be totally useless for the nerf to have any effect
this isn't every other game where the healer's some worthless healslut like mercy that can't defend themselves. enjoy getting slept