What went right?


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Almost everything. It's still a few features short of being the greatest Hitman game, though. Blood Money is still the pinnacle of the series in my eyes.

Can't fucking wait for season 2. Hopefully 3 too. If they make them good and add features that extend back to the first season as well, it might just be the best Hitman.

combines the gameplay best hitman (blood money) with some gameplay upgrades of absolution, the only problem of the game is the story, but the story of season could be a very good HITMAN story, and not a generic cringy shit like absolution.

They fixed everything Absolution did wrong

The business model surprisingly.

I think Hitman is the perfect example of why episodic games can be fucking cool as shit. Instead of having to wait for a sequel 3 years from now we are going straight into Season 2, and they are addressing the issues people have with the game.

In a world of shitty F2P and microtransaction garbage, Hitman is the example of how gaming going digital isn't all bad. I know people joked about Square going "HITMAN ISN'T EPISODIC IT'S A PLATFORM REEEEEEEEE"; but Hitman as a service is actually great.

The platform thing was laughable because no one believed they'd actually pull it off. The mad men actually did it, though.

I have to agree. Personally I dislike getting my game in chunks so I waited for the full season to be released before buying it, but I can see how the game benefited from being episodic.

it's fun

lots of things. most notable exception is escalations though. i really like the concept but most of them are just tedious as fuck

this, IO took a lot of risk making hitman 6 a episodic game, the initial reaction was pretty bad, but hopefully people is seeing the good game that this hitman tm.

I love what they're going for. When all the seasons are released, it'll be around 15-20 huge maps all accessible from one menu. This probably means upgrades from season 2 and season 3 will be accessible in season 1 maps as well, which will add a new layer of replayability every time new content is released.

Escalations are great, they actually give you a reason to use all your unlockables/starting points. The problem is their lazy ass stopped adding them, Bangkok only has two while Colorado and Nippon simply have one.

Literally everything, the game is fucking awesome.

I'd love to see the stuff they cut from the Alpha make a return, namely hostage taking, briefcase, better selection of weapons and customization.

But the only thing I REALLY don't like about the new Hitman is the generic and unremarkable selection of weapons they give you. Hitman has always had an eclectic selection of firearms....but this shit is just dull.

The fact that they mounted the sights back to front is also fucking hilarious.

I really like how they handle the story, more like the "sub-plot", as in the previous hitman game.

I really don't see the point in SMG/AR weapons. Even if you want to go in guns blazing some of them only carry 90 bullets.

I think the weapon selection is the most disapointing part of the game.

Also, the game needs elevators. It's ridiculous that even the Bangkok hotel level didn't have them. They're kind of a staple of the Hitman series and this season is completely lacking them.

I heard it's a limitation of the engine, but how fucking stupid does your engine have to be not to be able to handle a moving box with you in it?

He didn't deserve to die, what is wrong with you?

Other than the game feeling like it leans on Opportunities too much, it's awesome.

honestly the story is the least important feature of a Hitman game for me, but I really liked the tone of this one. No cartoonishly evil villains like in Absolution

>They're kind of a staple of the Hitman series
>Fucking elevators

47 is a hitman, if they pay him well, they would kill almost anyone, if this not for victoria who triggered 47 autism diana would be dead, and diana is was the only person that 47 have a emotional connection.

Are we really "going straight into Season 2"? Any source on that? I don't expect the second season to start in 2017 desu

>all the shills in this thread
Literally kill yourself, you fucking retards. Hitman should never have been episodic.

but so many of them have complications that are just annoying and nothing else.
for example when you have to get a certain disguise without pacifying anybody so just for the escalation they added a ready disguise to the level that you have to look for.
another example: tripwires and landmines. sometimes you dont need the device to deactivate them, but theyre still just an annoyance. if you do need the device, its sometimes in an actually random location, so if you want the high score or something you have to get lucky.
lastly, some complications dont make a difference at all so youre just playing the same level several times over.

like i said, i like the concept and there are some really good escalations, but most are just not fun at all

yes, i just wanted to say that the story of season 2 could be very good, the shadow client already is better villain that all absolution villains.

anyway i want a episode where we must kill the black policeman and birdie, or kidnap birdie and force him to work for the agency.

Post tracks



I don't think IO gave any official news about a release date for season 2, but I suspect the episodes to start coming out during 2017. They don't have to finish all of it to start releasing the first episodes, and since season 1 was a success, IO have moved to new offices and got 50 new employees, which might speed up the development a bit.

I honestly don't want any connections to Absolution in this game. I just want to forget that mess.

How did you ding dong the ching chong?

>stop liking what i don't like!

If this game was cracked, you'd never see those retards in Hitman threads. It's always just poor kids crying because they can't play it.

But it already has a relative of Absolution villain in Hokkaido.

>stop not being a fucking mongoloid who wants his game divided into small pieces instead of getting the full game at once
I swear, people like you literally deserve to be in prison or something, because of your stupidity. I still can't fathom how this shit actually pulled through, especially with something like Hitman, you always got the full game with a certain number of missions. Video games are becoming increasingly more and more shit. Thankfully, there's enough old video games which are great.

But the first season is $60 for ~8 levels. Including the tutorial levels.
Absolution had 20 "levels"
Blood Money had 13 (1 tutorial 1 non-mission level)

Is the second season really going to be released at full price for another 8ish levels?

Same old fire extinguisher + breaching charge combo. Elusives are pretty much chores by now.

That's just a small nod, though. It's not even directly implied they're related. They just have the same last name and are sort of cowboy characters. There is no direct mention of any Absolution characters if I'm not mistaken.

i understand, the reasons i want a mission with birdie and cosmos is because i hate unfinished stories, aside, that is a good way to kill "absolution 2", and birdie is character i like, the only good in absolution for me.

not the gore, the gore sucks..bulletholes appear randomly and the first shot never leaves a bullethole on the body..wtf

English isnt your first language

so many of absolution's levels were A to B filler that no one wants to play twice

and 2016 iterates on the levels more than BM did, which is basically not at all.

whether or not he needed to 47 was paid to do his job

You can't really measure it by number of levels. It has half the number of levels BM had, but they are twice the size and have more than twice the depth and ways to kill your targets. And there are contracts and escalations on top of that. I haven't really even gotten to contracts and escalations yet and I already have 100+ hours in the game.

If you really don't think it's worth the full price, buy it on sale. You'll get more than your money's worth.


Its you're you fucking dumbass..

Pic related: the largest level in Absolution vs the opening level of 2016. The 20 levels of Absolution were shit.

A contract is a contract.

Im a retard who took the long stupid way
>started as hotel security
>pacified head chef
>pacified all the kitchen staff
>pacified the bartenders
>pacified the waiter
>pacified the wandering chef
>food critic all alone
>snapped his neck
>silent assassin

was streets of hope really the largest level Absolution had, i would have though that Death Factory would be



Hitman premise works really well for episodic content so we can continue to get quality levels for years instead of waiting every four.

Even if it was, they couldn't use it as a comparison because people stopped playing before that.

Stabbed him with lethal poison while his personal guard was away, resulting in the other guard seeing me through a wall and me failing the mission. Still pretty salty about it.
I just hope there are enough elusive targets for me to still get the SA suits.

Needs more missions

I don't doubt there's plenty of replay value. All the Hitman games are like that. I did pick the game up on sale and it's great.
Though I also got absolution at full price when it came out.
It's more of a breaking even thing for me, I know season 2 will probably be great too.
But I'm definitely waiting for the sale.

>killing an ET on the spot without an accident
Just pacify them and take them somewhere secluded, snap their neck when coast is clear

poison is an accident

Poison is an accident mate. Also, pacifying him and taking him somewhere would mean I'd need to subdue a lot more guards/people, considering he's pretty much in the middle of the restaurant.

I'll wait for a sale per episode, but if theres an elusive mission on a new map, I'd buy it full price

Poison is not an accident, it just doesn't count against the SA bonus.

That seems like a useless distinction.

Fire extinguisher + Breaching charge

It's an accident, bro. They'll even comment that the guy died through sheer bad luck.

I know about that, but I stubbornly didn't use that because that feels like cheating. Honestly seems like a glitch to me, though then I don't know why they wouldn't have fixed it.

It's a necessary distinction is escalations/contracts. If an accident kill is needed, a poison kill won't do the job, and obviously vice versa. When you kill with poison, you get a message on your screen saying "poison kill", not "accident kill".

Oh okay, I never play those modes except to get specific challenges that unlock gear.

Cause if they removed it, shitters will complain about being able to unlock those outfits cause they can't do ET SA. Remember the last ET where they made you able to kill the companion the target was with?

Fair enough, but for all intents and purposes it's an accident kill in standard gameplay and there's no need to make a distinction between the two for an ET.

How exactly does that work? Just throw them on the target's route?

Pretty much. You can line up a dozen of them and make a chain reaction of explosions ending with a bang that kills your target. It's a cheap way of getting SA though so I don't do it during serious playthroughs.

Won't they notice the breaching charge and tell somebody to go get it?


>drop one of your 2 nreach charges somewhere out of the way
>pick up a fire extinguisher
>find target
>drop fire extinguisher
>drop second breach charge FROM YOUR INVENTORY, don't equip it and drop it
>detonate charge
>charge blows up fire extinguisher which blows up the target, counting as an accident

>Put fire extinguisher
>Put breaching charge ontop
>Breaching charge does fuck all but make a small pop
>But because it is on top of an extingusher it turns the extinguisher into a fucking bomb
>Because it is the extinguisher exploding it is an accident
Easy SA

Pretty sure you can manually detonate it and it will still be an accident.

That is not how this works

I think some kills that currently count as accidents shouldn't really count. I couldn't believe I got silent assassin after shooting Silvio out of a literal fucking cannon.

As a reference. Ol' cowboy won't be joining the plot with his tasteless retard pushover.

what the 15 year olds don't realise is that if this game wasn't always-online and episodic, there would be no sequel.

option a:
>pay $60 and finally play the game halfway through the year
option b:
>pay $10 six times and play 1/6th of the game every month

seriously, the number of pirates would have ensured barely any sales and boom, no season 2, no more hitman ever

the always-online is annoying on very rare occasions but hey I'll take minor inconvenience over no more hitman games

>I used to complain and bitch about the episodic release and always online
>then I finally bought and played the game
>it's fucking awesome

Why don't you play along with them?

You can only manually detonate it. The point is if they see you holding it then it counts as a crime.

tried for a long time to get him alone, eventually just walked out to the back door of the kitchen, angled myself out of sight and headshot him with a silenced pistol, slammed the door and ran out the back

I don't get the people complaining. Are they just impatient babies? Nobody forced anybody to buy the episodes before the full season was released. That's what I did and I'm very happy with my purchase.

>crouch behind table
>place gun just in view of guard
>he takes it away
>throw coin near railing
>break his neck
>leave the map before waiter or bodyguard comes to check and finds the body

Not unless you are wearing a security outfit.

What are the unlocks for doing SA on Elusisive targets? I thought all the unlocks were 'complete 5/10/15/ ET'

>They decided to unlock all the unlockables at the end of the season
Pretty cool

This method trivialises elusive targets to the point I online do them suit only.

disguised as a chef in the kitchen, stood behind the counter that was behind him and his guard, threw the knife at the guard and give the target ample time to admire my pistol before putting one between the eyes.

Anything but subtle, but I feel like I put on a good show.

Now all they need to do is make the ET rewards unlockable in case you jumped in late and missed like a dozen of them.

Terminus suit and Winter coat are the SA rewards, 1/5 respectively.

ET are boring as fuck and are prone to AI bullshit like X-ray vision through the wall. I used to do them proper. Now I just farm them for the suits and move on to do other shit in the game that I can actually sandbox trial and error around.

So, you get the Terminus suit for 1 ET SA and the winter coat for 5 ETs SA?

Yep. The other suits are just rewarded from doing ET in their respective regions and just doing X amount of them.


Ah damn, Winter coat looks nice. I've wasted chances just so I could use the newest silent sniper.

>seriously, the number of pirates would have ensured barely any sales

Piracy has never EVER been a problem, at least not in western countries such as the US where most videogames are sold (and sold through discs at retailers such as Walmart). The problem isn't piracy, it's developers (and their investors) needing every game to be a blockbuster unless it opts for micotransactions of a subscription service model. Hitman current hits the sweet spot.

>the always-online is annoying on very rare occasions but hey I'll take minor inconvenience over no more hitman games

My Internet was out on Christmas Day due to a truck slamming into a pole, no videogames for me. Also since I have a data cap now, always-online connections are a major problem if IO fucks it up.

Sucks that there isn't really a map that the suit looks good on. I'll probably use it as my default all through season 2 though.


Colorado is clearly the best choice for suit only sniper assassin runs.