Last AC game I played was Revelations. I heard this and Black Flag are quite good. Is it true, which one is better?
Last AC game I played was Revelations. I heard this and Black Flag are quite good. Is it true, which one is better?
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black flag duh, rogue is no bigger than freedom cry, and that game was a dlc in black flag
Black Flag is the better game, Rogue was more of an afterthought and Ubisoft wanted a last-gen game to be released at the same time as Syndacate.
I recommend Black Flag and if you want more of what it has to offer, play Rogue but don't play it straight after Black Flag otherwise you'll get bored fast.
Black Flag is very good, but it is hardly an AC game if you care about plot and lore. They could have kicked the assassins out of the game and make it a game about pirates only and not much would have changed.
Didn't play Rogue, but I heard some very positive opinions about it.
Except even the AC part of the game was better than most AC games.
Black Flag is by far the best game in the franchise.
So I should play Black Flag first right? I don't know why but Rogue seems more interesting because of the setting and that you play as a templar. It seems they are really similar and I don't really feel like playing the same game twice. Are there like really big differences?
m8 trust me fucking buy black fag you wont regret it
If you actually care about AC lore and narrative, then, you should probably pick Rogue first. Otherwise, I guess Black Flag.
Both are fuckin great, it's just that rogue is shorter
And I prefer shay over Edward
Ight fair enough
Rogue is a DIRECT sequel to the Black Flag. You get to kill most of the characters you meet at 3 and Black Flag.
Rogue is the best assassin's creed
Don't let memesters fool you, Black Flag is absolutely excellent while Rogue is just ok. It's not a bad game at all, it's good but it's really fucking overrated here.
Either way you're good to go with both of em, ignore the rest of the series.
Yeah I mean it looks like they are just shitting new games at this point but I went to the supermarket yesterday and I saw them both with really good discounts since I would buy them for the 360 and I said, meh what the hell.
BF is a good game, mostly because you can fuck around as pirate and assassins become irrelevant and shit.
Rogue is more or less the same but with ice and shit, also much more shorter compared to BF though this one runs better on my toaster.
An okay game, slightly worse than BF but still good.
Don't let the memesters fool you. Black Flag starts out great, becomes questionable, goes full retard, then has a pleasant ending.
Rogue starts out with everything being thrown at you at the same time, then calms down for the rest of the game.
I enjoyed BF much more than rogue. While bf didn't do that good of a job with the assassin's story in my book, the rest of the game is a spectacular pirate game. Rogue didn't add a lot to the pirate gameplay, but it has some pretty interesting ideas and tries hard to nail the assissns gameplay and story. I think rogue falls short especially for the story, but I still respect that they tried.
Also rogue really is a direct sequel and is super short. If you could only play 1 do bf, but ideally you would at least try rogue after you beat bf one day.
you heard wrong
but this all depends on how much you have affinity to be fond about the naval setting, or naval gameplay
at its core, it's about as bad and boring as ACIII, if not worse, because at least that game still had the original scooby crew keeping the modern day storyline somewhat engaging
BF and onwards has constant interruptions to the historical parts to make you do mindnumbing af fetchshit in a hipster-ish office building
Play Black Flag if you want pirate adventures in the Caribbean, play Rogue if you want Irish Templar adventures in the North Atlantic.
Black Flag is better but Rogue is also good, just not as great.
>Black Flag has a lot of different outfits
>characters constantly say things about Edward's outfit that makes it weird to not use the default outfit
stfu AC3 is bad and you should feel bad
>Mfw the guy who threw the briefcase at Roman posted on Sup Forums the day before saying he was going to do it
Rogue is IV but in III's setting
What is this a picture of?
Upcoming AC, apparently
the next trilogy in the series
So they're going after the woke blm we wuz kangz audience huh?
leak of the game thats gonna make AC great again
Assassin's Kangs, apprently.
We gotta be PC, so I guess the new protagonist is going to be black, muslim, trans with xe/xis pronouns.
>implying being a transsexual nigger Muslim Xercies assassin sounds bad
Come on, that's not fair. There's no reason why there wouldn't be a nigger assassin from Egypt who was a slave from Nubia or wherever.
Shays reason for betraying the Assassins was fucking terrible. Why was he so sure they knew activating it would cause an earthquake? I just couldn't play it after a little while because his reasoning is so weak and stupid.
Egyptians assassins were mentioned as early as AC2 actually. And if I remember right it was a female assassin being mentioned.
Because the same thing had happened in Haiti, and the earthquake triggered exactly as he grabbed the artifact. It's 100% logical to assume that it was their fault.
>Why was he so sure they knew activating it would cause an earthquake?
the problem was it happened before, and after he caused all those deaths in portugal, they wanted to do it again
Rogue doesn't have endless tailing missions like black flag
>which one is better?
Depends, where would you rather sail?
THIS. Fuck those tailing missions, they suck, it's fine once, but it's another thing to have half the game consist of that shit
What did you expect from an Irishman in the 1700s? Alcohol destroyed what little of his brain the syphilis didn't.
Nice picture but Rouge has really downgraded graphics sadly.
If Shay's brain is destroyed, how can he make his own luck?
Checkmate, atheists
Thats still a pretty fucking weak argument, no one is supposed to understand how the hell these relics really work in the first place.
I mean, the assassins wanting to go for "third times the charm" was pretty dumb as well, but its not like the templars wouldn't eventually go bumbling in there either.
>none is supposed to understand how the hell these relics work
and that is a good excuse to go and fuck with them even though it killed thousands of people 2 times already
Ice is more comfy, imo
Rogue is better than BF
The fact that you don't fully understand how it works doesn't mean you can't come to a simple conclusion about it behaviour, based on previous observations. It was pretty logical to expect another disaster.
>Edward is only 22 at the start of BF
He's dumb as a door but compared to the other protagonists when they were around that age, he seems older
I don't know about that, if you got an artifact that you were asked to collect and have an earthquake happen just as you get it, it would plausibly be a coincidence, sure, but if it also happened before I would start suspecting something. I'd at least be wary of the people that want a third go at it for the funsies despite the risk. Probably not outright switching sides, but I'd at least distance myself from people that show such irresponsibility
I persoanally hate ice, snow and winter and love sun and warmth so BF all the way when it comes to climate. However, north North America is much more interesting culturally...
I played them both.
Black Flag is the better game. It has the better environment, campaign and stuff to do. Rouge is like an expansion disc and the story is VERY short. I mean VERY SHORT. You have like two missions per an act, if you don't go for collectibles it is short as fuck. The only things Rouge does better is it fixes a few problems with sailing, ramps up the difficulty on a few areas and have a proper city / sizeable land portions (copied from ACIII) while BF is just tiny islands for most of the time.
The only thing I remember fondly in rouge is THAT story level (you know what am I talking about) and the Storm Fortress battle which is maximum suffering.
For me, based solely on how fondly I remember them it would be:
2>Brotherhood>Black Flag>Revelations>1=3>>>>Unity
Although I think all of them up to 4 were pretty good. Lost interest in the series after Unity turned up to be a total crap, so I didn't play anything newer than that.
2>brotherhood>Black flag>Rogue>who cares
>The only thing I remember fondly in rouge is THAT story level
Black Flag
Fight me IRL faggots
1. AC 2
2. AC Brotherhood
3. AC Black Flag
4. AC 1
5. AC Revelations
6. AC 3
7. Rouge
8. Unity
9. Pip pip govner watch t its jak the ripper
Is syndicate that bad???
the worst of the bunch, only thing that it was good for was the sfm porn
All subjective. Honestly everything after 3 Has made me wanna jump off the planet. Black flag had the gameplay though, so it is high up. Ubisft skullfucked us bad, lads.
With each month and year as we all enjoy such a wonderful game, I look forward to each exciting change. I'm so greatful to be a very patient person. It allows me to enjoy and be excited over new game content and tweaks where it's needed. No game is flawless. But what a beautiful wonderful game Black Flag IS! The good always overshadows the not so good that eventually get handled as time moves forward. Black Flag is going to be awesome! Thanks for all you do for those dedicated to creating such a wonderful gaming world and an incredible storyline! Hats off from my family to the Black Flag family!
The setting and recreation of it is fantastic as compared to the boring designs of Black Flag, but yeah if you thought AC characters were weak to begin with, Syndicate is full blown retarded.
The villain is literally a moustache-twirler, and the unnecessary 21st century segments just keep getting worse.
I almost wish Desmond was still around. I mean fuck, at least he was better than these weird walking simulator segments.
This is the correct hierarchy though. End f the day all that matters is AC1 and Ezion trilogy
Yeah, from that first modern day segment in Black Flag I knew they fucked up big time killing Dazza
I always had this idea about an AC game where you play as a spaniard raised by jesuit priests mid 18th century in Japan after Charles the III banns the order in 1773, and behind the expulsion there could be a Templar plot or some shit. Aways thought it would be cool.
jk killin desmond and the end of the world plot so that the templars can start a video game company heheh xd
I want them to finally reveal the next one, brahs.
That is what pisses me off from the games, I mean just trash the fucking present day storyline it was pants on head retarded
wtf even is freedom cry
You all niggers are dumb as fuck. The next is in Egypt, but that's from a cancelled game called Osiris cancelled in 2013
we wuz dlc for black flag
Free The Slaves the game
fucking dumbass, we've had a Ubifag release all that info, the next farcry is a western
stop with the cusses
I was perfectly fine with the modern day stuff back when it had a purpose. Now the plot is literally asking some kids from Sup Forums to hop into the animus and help find some apples.
I have those threads archived, never once is that picture brought up as the game itself. AC 2017 started dev in 2013, a reverse image search says that pic is from 2012
I wasnt refering to the picture, I was refering to what the ubifag said
Rogue is fucking massive, the pacing is hilarious. I was barely halfway through the game and already had elite upgrades + sitting on like $120k
I think it's a great add-on to AC4's gameplay and surprisingly fluid ship combat
If I remember correctly dev startet in Jan 2014, atleast that's what some other ubifag said.
These DLCs, holy shit.
AC2 > AC4 > Rogue > AC1 >>>>> AC3 >>>>>>the rest of that shit (unity, syndicate, etc)
I think people gets too harsh on AC 3. Really love the duo Haytham/Connor interaction and stuffs. If Lee died first then the father and son wouldnt have killed each other.
The one I hate the most in Kenway saga is Achilies. Fucking failure mentor who has to resort using Connor for his revenge at the temple.
I'd switch AC1 and Rogue but fine taste lad
I played every assassins creed game apart from syndicate. Is it worth a pickup?
The story and the characters as well as their interactions are amazing, especially like you mentioned the Haytham and Connor stuff. Except for the Modern Day part of course.
AC3 has other problems, it's just a bare-bones, boring fucking game with lots of failed ideas. Also it holds your hand way too much and the tutorial lasts 4 fucking hours. It was a dissappointing and anti-climatic finale and couldn't live up to its hype.
Won't be worse than Unity
Well if you played every single one why not just finish the job? It's decent and I had a better time with it than with Unity. Still one of the worse entries.
Every so often in these newer AC games, I keep wishing they'd bring back the Hookblade. I don't care if the new guys can just leap upwards and accomplish the same movement-- I just really liked the "thunk" of grabbing stuff with the hookblade
maybe it's just me
I really liked AC3. It had some bad elements, like the overcomplicated economics or useless new recruit system, but it was overally still very enjoyable. I also really liked the modern missions.
I wanna talk with a Ubifag again
That sounds fucking rad as hell
Do we know anything about the 2017 installment yet?
Its gonna suck dick
Could any of you tell me why is Unity so bad, I've heard that it was a pile of shit but the setting seems interesting and the trailers obviously looked good. How did they fuck it up?
I think when Ubi develop AC3, they tried to create a big story line like AC2 (it has the longest amount of cutscene iirc) but somehow it didnt work because the motive of Connor was false from the beginning unlike Ezio which leads to unsatisfying ending. Since AC4 to Syndicate I felt the lack of story during Animus traveling, nothing really sticks out.
The modern part is stuck I guess, if Desmond didnt side with Juno then the world would end and the whole circle will repeat again. But killing him without introducing another protagonist is also a bad way. I mean his dad could play the role. After all the reason they travel back to the past is because of current events.
You missed the leak or something senpai?
Look up "Assassin's Creed Empire"
Basically they want to make Ass Creed great again
They had big plans for AC3 and that's where the problem was. Wayyyy too fucking amibitious, they wanted to create the next big thing and fell on their faces.
Forget about good stories, characters and the MD. All the talent left years ago, Ubi doesn't have good writers anymore. Just pray that they can make the games themselves fun now.
They had a back to the roots approach with that one but it miserably failed. It would take way too long to tell you why exactly it's such a piece of shit, so I'm gonna go ahead and tell you what it did right:
>beautiful recreation of revolutionary paris
that's it. Now imagine everything else sucking donkey dick. It's just not good.