Who is that one ASSFAGGOTS hero you can play and always enjoy?

Who is that one ASSFAGGOTS hero you can play and always enjoy?

Pic related for me.


Lich and Witch Doctor

Weaver, Bat or LD. Winrates above 60-70% with all of them and they're all so much fun.

>got on dota
>this fags aghs makes his ult spammable as fuck
I mean the damage drop is saddening but holy fuck all that respawn time.

I can only enjoy the pain of others

Anti-mage because I hate fun

Nature Prophet
I like that feeling when my team is killed left and right but we won anyway. I'm a little pissed if my team killed more though.

I haven't played doter since this faggot got changed, can he still make 9 other people miserable?


anyone want to play with me

it's the 3rd and I gotta go back to the army today after holiday block leave

I'm honestly fucking amazing but I only play when drunk (like now cause I gotta leave) so keep that in mind

I wanna use mumble and just goof around

Earthshaker, Legion, Weaver, and TA. I love those characters and I always go back to one of them every few matches.

I love NP but I always fucking lose as him. I think I have something like a 30% win rate. I just can't seem to get the rat going effectively.

>user do you play that hero because you like him or because he is so op

I... I j-just like him

Yep. Not fun to play with. Not fun to play against.

I've always wanted to get into Warden, but the community-wide stigma against him has kept me away. Should I pick him up anyway? How is he in 7.01?

pls respond

I'm a real fun cool guy I think

I think he's genuinely better than before even though they still have BB. His new ability is great, and with the ult being spammable all you need is good timing and you can teamwipe.

You sound one of those weird JO craiglist ads.


pls dudde man come on I just wanna dota

>Try monkey king for the first time
>Lose horribly

How the fuck do you play this dumb hero

>when you split push and soak your retarded team to a win

it's like they're fucking trying to lose but if you're a god abathur you can bring the game back

depends on your bracket. I'm 5k and I often play with 1k friends and spam Arc there because there are so many retards who still don't know what Arcs spells actually do

I mean he got nerved and stuff but I still like him, if you are a good player on a hero you like, you can abuse him, no matter how "nerved" he is

And afterwards maybe you can stomp around on my kid's train set and eat crab meat in my freezer before it goes off.

Unironic techies picker here.

I enjoy that techies always has something to do. Especially after the remake, techies is now at least an aoe silence on a stick in team fights, but outside of that is very active in pushing and map control.

I also like making bads mad

I just play for his sarcastic comments when something bad happens.

that isn't me man I'm not like that pls play

What're you talking about? Since his nerfs he's a waste of a team space that's barely noticeable.

imo playing him as a pure rat is pretty game losing in pubs unless the enemy has few counters against you. The best success I've had with him is utilizing him as a ganker in the early game by rushing phase + drums, then transitioning into either blink for better escape, or sheep/orchid for utility against their carry.

One can't have too many branches..
I'm actually hating more than loving the new reworked Q

Sven all day, every day


Invoker or tinker. Cause win or lose you are pissing people off

I always play Nova

You know what they say, user.
Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth/Sixth/Seventh/Eigth/Ninth/Tenth/Eleventh time's the charm!

But that's what I mean. You don't notice him when you go up against him and forget that it's a techies match and boom. It doesn't impact the match at all, just makes you mad.

Then when you're on his team, it's basically 4v5.

I kind of like his new suicide though.

>Feel my cold embrace

I can't beat my dick fast enough


Hey Bulldog

>FREE invisibility
>And a bash

How can you complain?


guys pls play with me I'm like 12k mmr

Same here. So much fun. So many bugs.

>So many bugs.

What sort? Because if we're talking lots of bugs.

if you are really that lonely, try to use your ingame mic more, maybe there's one retard out there who likes you, you ask him if he wants to play again and everyone is happy

So how is doter these days when it comes to HUD quality and performance? Haven't been playing since 7.00 dropped

Can you level up with custom hotkeys?

>giving people a second and a half to react to his shit in a game full of adderall abusing faggots

Yeah fucking great idea valve.

The sort that don't feed the other team.

I wish bm wasnt so easy to counter.

>Can't level up custom hotkeys
>Inscribed gems on courier not working
>Shop is horrible
>UI is just wierd

I may trigger some people with the following words, but reddit is actually fixing the game slowly, but it seems like valve just stopped giving a fuck about the hud

performance is fine

Yeah. I love playing her but if you've not won by 20 minutes you might as well go AFK.

So I heard the buffed lycan, which I like, but I noticed they took away his wolf's rapid hp regain, can I still early rosh with him?

>tfw I got an assists on accident on one game and went 0/0/1

Maybe I'm the only one but I really like the new UI. The shop works well, I like the backpack thing, and I can see more.

If I knew what I was doing she would be my favourite, but I can't figure out how to play her without being a useless piece of shit.

I know there are people out there that can do it though.

She's so hard to balance
She either is pure garbage or she requires 4 heroes to keep her back

The hp regen was moved over to his passive, so yes you can. Problem is they reworked rosh so that he has less health but much more armor, so doing him early isnt as easy as it was before.

but user, compared to the old shop, the new one is not working well, what are you talking, it's a huge step back

There's a lot to do with the team too. If you're doing fine solo in your lane but they're all fucking about you're doomed anyway.

I've had no problems with it. I'm not saying it's great for everyone, just that I'm fine with it.

I used it a lot than just for myself.

I used for saving allies and preparing for gangrapes on popular chokepoints and doing baits so yes, for my playstyle it was a nerf.
Plus when you got agha and warded every camp and you get so much dosh you will 6slot within minutes.

Dumb auto attacking is perfect for my skill level.

The most fun I've had in any moba is Ares in Smite. Legitimately the most fun support I've ever played, at least if you fight people who aren't wise on how to make him 100% useless.

The only other character that comes close is Bard from League.



I like hallowing out a jungle and then shitting on people.

What the fuck happened to windrunner, she feels weak as fuck.

>team loses HARD
>so hard that you can't jungle safely

Playing him is a bet these days

Thats when you pull out the old strat where you rushed Vanguard and just bully supports and mages.

But yeah nowadays i just play phoenix.


Ares is fun because of his status as Bruiser Tank, but I do prefer Ymir in that regard, since Ymir has a sort of pseudo escape. Well that and the fact that Ares Bolster ability feels almost completely useless, imagine if they replaced it with a shield bash like Bellona has

i would just spam this guy literally every game back when his ult would give magic immunity

The eternal stun cow isn't as good any more

I miss the days of charging at someone across the map and being guaranteed a kill, no matter who they were. Now people ride eachothers dicks as a 5 man and have wards all over the place

Who's the best gank machine now?

Is there any better feeling than punching someone at level 1?


I like Dazzle

Probably someone like Zeus. His aghs is great.

Did he get a new Aghs?

he got a new ability instead of increased damage of his R
He gain a new cloud that will spam his current level W on a medium/large area.
Range: Global

Damn now it's actually kinda worth while now.

It can be killed though, I think


Literally the best ADC Riot ever made.

It used to be Shaco but riot has ruined that champion and game, so probably Clinkz

explain clinkz to me

He's not that hard to explain. Just a basic AGI carry with an invis spell and damage modifier. Plus he can use his ult to gain extra health for a while on jungle creeps.


What did he mean by this?

Seriously is he supposed to be gay or something?

>I miss the days of charging at someone across the map and being guaranteed a kill

ah, yes, playing DotA 6.60 -apem in battle.net against clueless noobs who have no idea what they're doing
those were the days

This, I enjoy stealth gankers and I'm pretty good at ranged carries so I enjoy clinkz a lot also hes a spooky skelly

Lost Vikings

Can't think of any others off the top of my head.

this nigga

>be a total shitter on every hero I play
>literally stomp on everything when I pick naix

i'd wager I'm propably one of the best lifestealer players in my mmr range.
That's not saying much though.

He just wanted blue tangos

I'm that with necro. I suck as almost everyone but I'm good with him. Funny how you can have one strong hero for no reason.

Also tell me your secret as I suck at lifestealer.

clinzz isnt "your typical agi carry but with stealth"
clinkz has some of the highest physical damage output of all heroes, starting from level 3, and generally heavily outdamages most other carries until way into the late game.
thanks to his +30 damage arrows on level 1, he's also a pretty strong laner who can dish out incredible physical burst damage during ganks and early fights, too.
his big weakness is his garbage HP - his ultimate sort of remedies this, but it's not up at all times so the hero still has to play cautious and try to avoid being spotted and focussed by the enemy early in a fight.
clinkz is best when he can get an at least ok-ish start into the game, and then roam the map with his huge movement bonus from skeleton walk, looking for kills and pressuring the enemy. he does ok as a regular carry, but will usually lose manfights against most other carries in the late game, so keep that in mind.

There are several things I do differently.
First, ALWAYS go phase. Get a casual Wind Lace then get your armlet.
I prefer sange and yasha over echo sabre after armlet, racecar build. If enemy has alot of silences, don't hesitate to go manta instead.
I always find myself saving my rage to avoid disables instead of using it for the atk speed boost to kill faster.
Also, in teamfights, I prefer to save infest to save myself instead of using it to intiate. With infest, always keep in mind the aoe nuke damage, it can give you kills you wouldnt get otherwise.
I got all-right in talents. Full defensive, it makes you a beast lategame.
And remember, you can man up on ANYONE with open wounds and rage.

this, and Greymane before he got nerfed for no fucking reason

Above all Huskar