Don't mind me, just being the funnest Special Stage

Don't mind me, just being the funnest Special Stage.

Runner-up is Sonic Advance 3's Special Stage.

Fuck anyone who says Sonic 1's Special Stage was fun. CD was shit to, don't deny it.

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw seeing those "3D" graphics for the first time as a kid

all the special stages were awesome
there is a rom that has endless blueball stages

>when you hit a bumper and start frantically jumping
>don't know how to stop going backwards
>too far in to slow down


>endless blueball stages

tell me more

I always wondered if the ones in S3&K were randomized.

I'm not the only one who can hear the song now right? Sonic 3's special stages were actually fun and difficult not at all like the bullshit that was sonic 2's and 1's. Sonic Heroes was kinda alright but had some issues, none of the advance game's special stages were good and sonic 4 eps 1 and 2 were pains in the rear

dont think they are
I think this is it
I can test it out

So you can never, ever finish?

that download doesnt work for me.

this is it
It requires cartridges and a real genesis I think.

I had the PC version of Sonic 3 and there was a way to play as many blue sphere levels as you want. I think I played more Blue Spheres than the actual game itself.
Never confirmed this but I heard there's like 128,000,000 possible levels.

I got it working in fusion
Just play sonic and knuckles 1 which goes to the no way screen then press ABC at once.

Yeah, you can do the same thing on Mega Drive by connecting a Sonic 1 cartridge to Sonic & Knuckles. There are hundreds of thousands of levels, obviously they were proceedually generated but should all be possible to beat, in theory. There being that many, obviously playtesting was not possible.

How do we get Special Stages back?

Fuck you and your opinion, I love the Blue Spheres the most probably but I really had a lot of fun with the Sonic 1 & CD ones. I don't remember the Advance titles beyond falling down on the snowboard in SA1 (that was SA1, right?). I think the only one I dislike is the overused Sonic 2 half-pipe special stage and I think I only dislike those due to how much it's been done.

What do you mean? Sonic Mania will more than likely get them back based on the big hidden rings. Also Sonic Generations 3DS had the special stages from Sonic Heroes in it.

Sonic 2 special stage was more fun
Way better music and it wasn't as difficult. Not to mention it was simpler, what was even with that ring bullshit in this stage?

Looks slike 3D world runner on NES.

This is horse shit, It didn't say don't get red spheres.

>name is literally Blue Sphere
>whole fuckton of Red Spheres
>"hrm, red usually indicates a warning, maybe I shouldnt touch em and grab these Blue Spheres"

Are you the same man who didn't move until you read the manual

>CD was shit to, don't deny it.
Git gud faggot

sonic 1 special is great, better than half pipe and blueballs at least

>a total of 134,217,728 levels in all. However, after level 128,016,000 some of the previous levels begin to reappear. After completing all 134,217,728 stages it restarts from the beginning.
How did they even find this out?

Chaotix and Satern Sonic 3D blast are GOAT.

The background art in the CD stages were gorgeous and I've always wanted proper stages of them.

It should've been obvious dude. Sonic is blue and is good meaning you should get them, Knuckles is red and shown off as being bad back in Sonic 3 meaning the red spheres should be avoided, the yellow ones let you jump high like how Tails can fly and the white ones with stars are bumpers are like any other bumpers in the previous games.

count the squares

How do you get to the special stages in sonic CD anyway?
Vidya dementia aint so fun

i didn't like the special stages in any of the old sonic games

>How do you get to the special stages in sonic CD anyway?

Same thing as Sonic 1. Get 50 rings by the end of each stage and jump into the giant ring.

Why does SEGA milk sonic 2s bonus stage. Here are a list of games which it or a variation of it appeared

>sonic 3d blast
>sonic pocket adventure
>sonic advance "can't remember which one"
>sonic heroes
>sonic rush adventure or original sonic rush
>sonic colors ds "i think"
>Sonic generations
>sonic 4 episode 2
>sonic LEGO dimensions
>sonic lost world?

green/blue = good
red = bad/warning

it's a very basic concept in videogames and in life in general. it should have been obvious.

>tfw knuckles chaotix has the best special stages but no one cares.

Music for the thread.


If you can see it then yes.

mate just plug your sonic 1 cart into S&K and you get infinite blue sphere stages

>traffic lights
red = stop
red wire = the one with voltage
>on your computer/console/most other electronics
green/blue light = everything's fine
red light = somethings wrong
>on Sup Forums
blue board = safe
red board = not safe

this might actually be the reason why red is used as the bad/warning color. our brains are literally wired to associate red with bad because seeing blood = injury = bad

oxygen makes blood turn red, but your blood is exposed to oxygen without leaving the bloodstream since it transports oxygen

>>traffic lights
>red = stop
Depending on a country, it's either green for "civilians go" or "cars go".

Yes and?