ITT: Cringe Steam Accounts
holy shit you're getting fucking btfo'ed
Women are just memes
>tfw no bf
Every fucking account with an anime avatar.
I almost feel sorry for this faggot, but holy shit how do people not know how to OPSEC?
speakin of Steam, why are some of my friends yellow?
Hi guys do you want my autograph?
>suicide +100xp
I'm I cringe?
>don't even know who Cebruz is
Nuke Sup Forums already.
>I'm I
I should just really kill myself already.
Can anyone top this?
>all these people making fun of him
>their profile have just as much weebshit garbage
Weebs really have no self-awareness.
>7.8 hrs played last 2 weeks
Are you even trying?
Not without combining multiple fetishs together
Lelaboo is making all of these threads. Stop giving him the attention he craves.
lol what a loser.
Based DogyD
Try to one up me on this.
Only weeaboo garbage on my profile is an 80s manga crop, I can mock to my heart's content
Don;t laugh ;_;
Am I cringe?
literally any steam account with anime on it
>53% completion rate
How do you motivate yourself?
add me up loser
>furfag calling someone a loser
what anime is pic?
Am I cancer if my steam avatar is an old man from an Anime OVA from the 80s based off of a western vidya?
this is a guy with a Youtube channel with 40,000 subscribers
>den hurensohn namens GLP in der liste
GLP ist einer der größten hurensöhne deutschlands, seine fette mutter passt perfekt zu Rainer Winkler
Post it, sounds cool.
>tfw I actually wanted to know why that guy got the gold name
>the thread just turned into shitting on this guy's steam accounts
What does game completion rate even mean? All achievements?
From the Wizardry OVA.
Quite simply if 100% means you've done absolutely everything, then less than 100% means you have things to beat, finish or unlock.
>40,000 subscribers
That's not even a drop in the sea compared to the average subs most ACTUAL famous Youtube channels get.
Posmakuj mego siurka user
>yfw you realize everybody on Sup Forums is a fucking faggot no matter what
>yfw you see the profils of the fags who responded to him confidently thinking Sup Forums would worship their perfect profils
>yfw one of them was an even bigger weeb than lelaboo
I need to get out of here
>1 year old account
>VAC ban
>twitch streamer
I borrowed mine from Outlaw Star.
Am I cringe?
i posted in a prev thread with face and you fucks found me right away. good luck finding me this time.
Thought that was it, only old OVA I know based on western vidya. Should watch the Fortune Quest one if you want something similar, that one's entirely self aware though and strays into parody territory
Are we posting accounts we find cringe worthy or is this some kind of secret Steam account thread?
Either way, here's mine. It's so boring that it's cringe worthy.
This guy deleted LEL
shit state
did he delete his whole steam client?
Yes it is. Only state I've ever lived in and I want to leave.
And this is how one faggot will become a small time forced meme who will be forgotten within a week.