Got my second permaban in assfaggots

Got my second permaban in assfaggots

Not even a warning or temp ban this time. Just a flatout permanent ban.

Here's the log for those interested (as usual without the other player's reply to show how *I'm* the problem, not them)

Games are out of order which is even better

Other urls found in this thread:

Learn to enjoy the game without raging like a spasmo.


>toxicity every match from other players in ever form
>made it to level 30 a second time without losing my cool
>lose it 2 times and im permabanned over anyone else
riot needs to stop making hugboxes

You deserve this for being a autistic cunt

Nice blog you whiny cunt. You're "the problem" here as well.

lol players lel

Interestingly a bug exists where you can still actively do things buy shit spend money and more despite being permanently banned

Good job riot

Now i can spend money on a permanently banned account

>Being an autistic faggot on anywhere outside of Sup Forums
>Calling people faggots IRL
>Being surprised that you're banned

I wonder if you're literally this autistic or if posting on Sup Forums has warped your view of reality so much that you think this shit is acceptable anywhere else. You dumb faggot.

This is why you play dota not
A game for little kids who have money. Reddit card

>play game for kids and glass boxers
>get banned for something as little as 'gg ez'
what did you expect my man, play a better game

Implying they don't have your MAC address from your graphic card and just marked it as ban evasion
Dumb shit

cute autism
here's a (you) ragelord

Quit playing shitty assfaggot games. They did you a favor you should be thanking them.

top kek

i thank them

what should i play next

overwatch is casualshit with hugbox builtin as a feature

the mods were trying to help you find a better game

>Being a thin skinned cuck

You should get gassed desu.

I'm not the dumb fag that got angry in League and managed to get banned because I got butthurt.

Whose the real thin skinned cuck here fag?


>Sup Forums memester who doesn't know how to turn it off outside of Sup Forums gets banned

how many times per day do you think this happens in video games?

>That Karma skin
What's wrong with your hair?

So what dipshit? Your master plan was to just get on Sup Forums and post your retarded story and cry like a little fucking pussy in a sad, desperate attempt to get people to sympathize with you?
Why the fuck are you playing a MOBA anyways? What kinda of a broke ass, cardboard box nigger are you?

upvoting for visibility, fuck riot!

>from a free game

>playing Blizzard cancer

You deserve it. No pity from my side.

>Whose the real thin skinned cuck here fag?
You user, it's always you

savage af

>playing LoL
On one hand you deserve all suffering you can get
On the other hand I want you and your kind to stay on your containment game, so banning you is bad


I believe this is working as intended.


>played halo online since 2
>everyone trash talks
>get to Halo 4
>"jeez dude you fucking suck"
>you've been audio muted for 30 minutes

What in the pussy shit is this?!

Is this LoL or Dota 2? I legitimately can't even tell anymore.

>spew a bunch of nonsense, vitriol and hate at another player

MAC address is not something that is broadcasted when connecting to servers

> go fuck yoruself good luck
> no youre actually fucking cancer
> kill yourself
> really
> irl kill yoruse'f
> so really kill yoruself

Yea I can't really see why you were banned, thanks riot for being so awful

ITT: underages not remembering when online gaming was mature and you could have some hard banter without kids getting all butthurt.

>ITT: underages not remembering when online gaming was mature and you could have some hard banter without kids getting all butthurt.


is banter

>people voluntarily play games where chat gets policed in every round

care to explain this lolbabbs?

I think 1v1 games are more your thing


>Playing assfaggots
You deserve to be permabanned from life too, you fucking faggot.

Its not even policed, the chats are logged in every game you play dumbshit

incidentally i try to stay on single player exclusively because if i die or lose its my own fault not due to someone else

That's because most online games were and still are server ran by admins who set the rules for their servers.

By choosing to play a game like League you set yourself up to w/e Riot thinks is accepted and what's not.

Choose one, you dumbo.

>harassment and vulgar language clearly defined by riot
>spew a bunch of vitriol and shit thats clearly not allowed
>a player reports you for it


No matter what your personal feelings are, you can't use faggot in public spaces anymore. I don't even care, and I'll report everyone I see using it just because it's usually a trip to instant ban and there's nothing more fun than getting ragelord kiddies toys taken away.

Maybe grow up a bit before playing with and against other human beings. Leave the autistic teenage anger on Sup Forums. Or just play single player.

>No matter what your personal feelings are, you can't use faggot in public spaces anymore
im a faggot, its okay

>banter meme
Don't use a word when you don't know its meaning.

>I get to police your language

Fuck you faggot.

>defending paper skin faggots that cry when someone hurts their feefees online

The guy I quoted called it banter to what OP was talking about

So according to him

is banter.

maybe you should learn that what I was comparing was sarcasm

>game developers set explicit rules, well defined in what tone
>call someone a faggot in game, a term clearly defined as not being allowed
>get banned


I don't play lel but I don't go on tribunal and ban every case just cause.

>suppression of free speech is ok as long as it supports my political stance

op they are fucking fag lords who got you banned this shit needs to go people need to get a thick skin or gtfo

>agree to a game's terms of service
>you will not say x, y, z type of things
>you're an x, y, z
>get banned for it

Theres nothing political about this, you agreed to not harass other users, use offensive language that was clearly described by riot and got banned because you broke the rules of their game

you fucking retard sjw cuck shit talking is part of the game but you wouldnt know what would you? why dont you go back to crying over the fact that sjws like u are on the way out and ppl like me are running things now

OP here

They really should include the text from other players so shit makes more sense

That's one of the big reasons why League is fucking awful. On top of the locked content, the overpriced skins, the awful balance, the slow gameplay, no denying, etc.

Play a real ASSFAGGOT. Even Heroes of the Storm is preferable, because Blizzard isn't as Jewish or hugboxxy as Riot.

>calling someone a faggot is part of the game, even though the term faggot is clearly defined by riot as being unacceptable to use.
you wouldn't be banned if you didn't call him a faggot

>Not even a warning or temp ban
>second permaban

It's almost like they know that too.

Determining the words people can and can't use is absolutely political. Tyrants have tried to to this since the dawn of time.

It doesn't matter if you agree with Riot's policies or not, but free speech argument doesn't work on online games, forums or other similar private services.

Kill yourself, cuck.

>league is awful because I can't call someone a faggot and tell them to kys

because its from the pastebin

No its not

Riot owns the game, you can only use the game if you agree to their rules

Don't follow their rules? can't play their game

theres nothing political about this

League is awful, primarily because of cocksuckers like you.

Literally even Heroes of Newerth is better, and it has a playerbase of 20,000 people.

>Gets banned for being a complete autistic faggot
>Come back to the sekret club trying to get validation
>Called cancer and autist
>"Fucking SJWs"
Not even here supports your faggotry, go be cancer somewhere else.

>Don't follow their rules? can't play their game
90% of the players on this game break the rules
you would know this if you played it

even the employees you encounter fucking break the rules

>league is awful because I don't wanna follow their rules

Its their game, they set the rules, if you don't obey their rules you can't play their game. Its that simple.

>90% of the players on this game break the rules
then report them thats what its there for. Riot serves millions of people every year, they can't be everywhere at once.

You think a criminal gets caught if no one calls the cops?

OP here

Here was the first ban if you ant to see how tame it was

>toxicity everywhere I go from other people in every form
>made it to age 30 without losing my cool
>lose it 2 times and murder someone and I'm permajailed over anyone else
God needs to stop making hugboxes

>insults a bro who brings up a good point
>shows himself to be a sjw cuck

wtf is wrong here this is Sup Forums along with Sup Forums and Sup Forums the top boards on here. and now you sjws are trying to make this another cuck board? gtfo now cuck

The assumption of what is accepted is absolutely political. By your logic you can run a club with sign out front that says, "No Niggers" and it's totally fine because it's part of the rules.

its not a public place. the owner is free to police it if he want or eject the person

its a videogame dude, chill

>Riot serves millions of people every year
>they can't be everywhere at once.
the game itself whether youre level 1 or in diamond, its there

the entire game is a problem

>90% of the players on this game break the rules
Horseshit the few that might don't do it in a severe enough way to get reported/banned. Don't go bitching when cunts get banned for being cunts. Literally "wah other people break the rules" is a fucking kids argument, you sounds 12.

You need to work on your banter.

But at the same time people need to stop being massive pussies.

You're making it political

You can't go do and say what ever you want with someone elses stuff when you agree to follow their rules.

Its riot's property, you can only use their stuff if you follow their rules

Don't like their rules? don't agree to it, go play another game that has different rules that fit your desires..

> By your logic you can run a club with sign out front that says, "No Niggers" and it's totally fine because it's part of the rules.
No that is not my logic. Its illegal for a club to discriminate based on race

as long as you dont act upon it its fine. if you DO actually not allow niggers, thats discrimination. but your allowed to have a sign that says no niggers

*exception: publicly viewable areas can be considered public. its why you can answer your doorbell in the nude and get fined for public indencency

You calling someone a nigger loving faggot kike and being banned for it is not an infringement of free speech. You're a fucking moron.

>a bro
>sjw cuck
Oh ok, so you're an underage retard, go figure.
>People shit on OP for actually like an edgy sperg
>Fucking sjw cucks
Maybe when you grow up you'll realise no community likes you, we have a tolerance for banter here and no line is uncrossable to most people here. That entirely different to dribbling complete shit because you get mad at games.

suppression of speech on private property ( a server ) is not supression of free speech.

someone goes into your home and starts complaining you dont have the genderfluid cissexual bilateral toilet for xisses gender needs, you kick him out. its your right.

>playing the gayest ASSFAGGOT of them all
you deserve it

If you don't want a hugbox you should stop playing kids games like League, Overwatch, etc.
In general the less kids and the less females the better the multiplayer.

Please kill yourself

And their rules are fucking awful, and you're awful for defending the rules.

A pool with shit rules is still a pool with shit rules. All the adults with cars will go to another pool, and you will only have kids going there for lack of alternatives.

you deserve it and I enjoy it

keep getting mad you little bitch

>In general the less kids and the less females the better the multiplayer.
jesus fucking christ this site sucks cock now

Well deserved, and from the chat logs it also sounds like you were either really shit or intentionally feeding

Basing the assumption on what is considered appropriate is a political stance in itself. Believing you can protect homosexual words by banning mean words for "homosexual" is a political stance in action.

What about Mugabe's "no whites can own property" rules. That was legal so that makes it ok right?

deal with it. your an adult, right? or are you the child who screams and yells about the pool rules not accommodating them

These are some pretty shit bants. It's almost like you're just a whiny faggot who throws a fit when things don't go right and then tries to justify it with "I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT." You didn't really think you'd get justification here, right? You have to actually be funny for that.