>plague doctor and abomination
>blight for days
What are your favorite methods of killing enemies?
>download a bunch of new classes
>only one of them works, and it has messed up class/skill names
Why the dick are these classes not working?
>plague doctor and abomination
>blight for days
What are your favorite methods of killing enemies?
>download a bunch of new classes
>only one of them works, and it has messed up class/skill names
Why the dick are these classes not working?
Other urls found in this thread:
run localization batch file in the localization folder
Awesome I'll have to try that, thanks! It's been a while since I've played this game, couldn't remember why the mods weren't working.
This game might have the best character design of any game in the past ten years.
I can never decide who's the coolest, whose abilities I like and need the most, and who I most want to bang
Is there a way to make skins work like alternate colors? I don't want all my vestals/plague doctors to be lewd.
Blight is OP as FUCK especially when plague doctor is doing 5 or 6 stackable damage per round
It's definitely the best artstyle I've seen in a game since Viva Piñata
Just fits the game perfectly
Also it's Grave Robber or Plague Doctor, Man at Arms maybe as well
Bought the game a few days ago during the Winter Sale. I'm a couple hours into it,my first three or four runs went pretty well,but now the game just keeps shitting all over me and I'm losing money and all my heroes are stressed as fuck. Anyone got any tips on how not to suck at this game?
If your struggling, just send new meat to the grinder
Level 0's only, no upgrades, no items, final destination
sack once ruined beyond redemption
No food or torches or anything? Doesn't seem like my party would last very long.
learn how to use curios, experiment with heroes until you learn what moves are good and which suck. Make sure to level up characters moves, armor, and weapons.
I know when I first started playing I valued healing more than I should have and only ran short dungeons to minimize losses.
In reality, you should be doing long ones, and if you have to, mediums. They keep your guys pretty level, stress them less, and make you way more money.
That's right,just send them on suicide missions and pull out when it's fear they can't finish
>what have we become
I cant make run this game
All the time crash
They won't.
They will feed that come after
Four Grave Robbers. Order the fastest ones in the back and then every round you get Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Lunge.
I'm pretty partial to the crusader and highwayman,but that's just because they're the first two you get. I've been trying to keep those guys alive because they're the only ones I have multiple upgrades on so far.
Haven't tried any medium or long dungeons,but I have been focusing on healing.
I'll give it a shot then.
on the money part you're probably spending too much. Only stress heal heroes that are critical or you know you're going to need soon. Don't nothing removing diseases that aren't actively crippling your characters and don't upgrade until you actually need it.
They're okay, but you'll soon realize that certain heroes excel in certain places. A few of the crusaders moves damage unholy enemies more so he's spectacular in the ruins, while the skellies and fishmen are weak to blight but almost immune to bleed so the plague doctor is good in these places. It's also important to know how marking words and what teams to build around marking. Also healers are important.
I've found a good combination is Jester, Jester, Man-at-Arms and Antiquarian.
Put the Jester1 in first position (followed by Jes2, MaA, Ant) and open the fight with your Finale. It's usually good to instantly kill those damn stress-spamming this position mobs and will re-situate the Jester1 in fourth position.
Jester2 then proceeds to do the same thing, either finishing off the backline minion, or killing the fourth position minion that just moved up.
Now, the Antiquarian is actually faster than the Highwayman and generally outpaces enemies. Have her open with Protect Me on the Man at Arms, buffing his Dodge, Prot and guarding her.
Man at Arms ends the turn with Bolster, raising everyone's Dodge by 5 and Speed by 2.
Next round:
Jester1 and 2 uses Battle Ballad, raising everyone's Speed by 3, Accuracy by 5 and Crit by 2% and then stacking them a second time.
Antiquarian uses Invigorating Vapours, raising everyone's Dodge by 3.
Man at Arms will begin popping Guard Ally on the Jesters, which with the Antiquarian, will redirect all attacks at him with a minimum of 45% Prot and +13 Dodge.
At this point, the Jesters can go to town with Dirk Stabs and Finales, bouncing up and down the line with damn near every attack being a crit, the Antiquarian can just keep buffing every round, or using her Fortifying Vapours for whatever measely damage gets through to the Man at Arms, who himself is just cycling through buffs.
Oh man I having trouble with the champion Pounder. Even with ACC charms I cant realiable hit the matchman.
My team is PD-OCC-GR-Hellion
Does anyone use arbelast? I never see her mentioned in these threads. Not that good?
No reason to have a plague doctor and occultist on that fight. You need single high damage characters. Arbalest and vestal work much better for damage, and both have reliable heals.
I find her invaluable in several boss fights, and she's stellar in a marking party. Just reliable and uncomplicated, no reason to really discuss her.
She is very good but frail a hell and a little slow. Also she cant self heal but she hits like a truck and her trinkets are great
I use the PD to stun the matchman and the Occultist to mark the cannon and pull the rifleman to the front
At normal level my strategy was to buff the Hellion at camp and fight with low light so she always one hit the matchman with Iron swan or If it bleed
Guess you are right, gotta use the arbalest now since the matchman had more dodge
She can self heal but can't at position 4 for some reason.
>Steam Workshop support has long been on our to-do list, but we needed to finish the core game before doing it. Official modding support is coming! We can’t wait to see what the community comes up with.
Victory, perhaps a turning point
Some curios can give you really good loot if you have the right item. There is one tentacle-shaped altar with a red orb on it that yields an expensive trinket if you use a torch on it, however that may leave you in darkness (which increases monster's accuracy, damage and crit chance)
>took 3 damage from a vomit crit
>2 damage crit on a Crusader with like 60 HP
This game has the best art style and general feel of any I've ever played.
Post da highway man one.
Here ya go.
>This game has the best art style and general feel of any I've ever played.
For me is the third place behind Thief 1/2 and VTMB
Fair enough. My second is Bastion, third is likely Metro 2033.
Reposting for educational purposes
It would make a ton of sense if certain heroes interacted better with certain curios- much like trap chance. The Crusader and Vestal, for instance, should get more benefits or higher chance for boons from things like holy altars and confession booths. Graverobber for corpses and graves, so on and so on.
can a drawfag edit this so its a stress skelly holding the goblet, or maybe one of the heroes holding holy water
Ask in the drawthread I got pic related from a nice drawfag in there
It is better to send your heroes to the abby instead of the tavern to heal stress right? What is the worse it can happen in the abby?
Tavern is usually cheaper and heals more stress IIRC
In the Abby it's really easy to get heroes who stay an extra week, or get negative quirks like Calm, God Fearing (which is a pretty bad one), Quiet Mind, Unquiet Mind, Witness, etc.
Plus if your hero visits the Flaggellance hall a lot they can get debuffs on next expedition
So is a gamble between getting some of your very rare trinkets lost or get fuckload of negative quirks
Thanks for the info
I'm still new to the game,but can't you just take a trinket from a hero before you send them to the Tavern? That way they can't gamble it away,right?
Getting trinkets lost is honestly pretty rare, 120 hours reporting in and I've lost one green trinket that I wasn't using anyway
Well shit,nevermind then.
I lost two ancestor's trinkets while two of my guys where in the gambling hall
>open vein
>open vein
>open vein
>open vein
>Crusader reads some books
>Banned from brothels
Fucking skeletons leaving their hentai out
>sending the crusader to a brothel
>I'm still new to the game
He's been corrupted with Deviant Tastes
why are champion cove quests such cancer? Even darkest dungeon doesn't seem as bad
>musketeer waifu is backer only
>have to settle for a nigger
Also the the devs should sell skins
They would make mad dosh considering there is only 3 skin mods worth trying even then they are flawed
There is a non nigger crosscunt mod
>wanna do some missions
>all of them have shit trinket rewards
If I do one quest all the rewards reset right? Im hunting for the plague doctor very rare vial
I'd buy skin packs
>hey buddy, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Kos?
>3 skin mods worth trying even then they are flawed
are you talkin about this mod?
The hair is lazy and doesn't look good in motion
It reminds me of the stylized memory cutscenes from The Witcher 2 a little bit.
>musketeer waifu is backer only
Post the image.
I just learned this from that user, and wow is that fucking lame. I know it's just a visual thing, but musketeers are cool.
>get to the hag
>marvel at the utter shit game design
>hear from a friend how the game ends
>lose all interest in playing it anymore
too bad its backer only
Musketeer would have gotten a lot lewds made if wasn't
>Kos fags
Fuck off
After Dufay the backup crusader gambled away an ethereal crucifix I made absolutely sure to strip anybody of their trinkets before sending them to the tavern
>there are people who still think she's called Kosm despite her most devoted followers calling her Mother Kos and her son being called Orphan of Kos
Just fucking release it, I'd fucking pay for it
Why the fuck did I never properly use Holy Lance before?
The damage and crit on that thing is bloody insane.
Four crusaders with holy lance is the best way to make it through the ruins.
That's how they work by default it just adds a new option to the reskins
Houndmaster frontline with mark+stun and a booty hunter/cockbowmaster in the back is the best comp.
Hellion anything is a good runner up.
>runs two clerics two crusaders
wtf is stress?
I managed to get a weird bug trying to install the Vamp class mod, but after running the localization batch file it changed a bunch of menu text. All instances of status effects or positions or other keywords got turned pink and had their first letter removed. No clue whats goin on.
Pic related, its like this everywhere, even loading screens.
Anyone know how to fix this?
ya dun goofed
It's a bunch of tanks fuckers who just spam damage and make bleed useless, who also have a healer.
Most other dungeons are a solid mix of damage and stress whereas the stress from the cove comes from all the crust and death doors you'll get.
Also you can't get them out of position. They all can attack and cast from any position.
Basically you need to take lots of healers and blight, but blighters either self heal or have pissant heals, and the occultist's not useful in the cove, and bleed isn't useful.
Basically the cove fucks anyone that's not a marking -prot party or a plague doctor grave robber party.
Sure did.
You fucking do all this evil shit and then suddenly change your fucking mind?
Why the shit does anyone even live in this hell hole hamlet, why did we agree to come back here and deal with our relatives douchebaggary.
>Got a crush on me? Have fun being raped by mermaids
>Wow I have a bunch of writhing evil flesh left over after I made the pig abomination. Better throw it in the sewers and forget about it.
>Thanks for teaching me necromancy dude, I'm going to practice on you!
I like alot that
At the star of the game you think he just fuck up big time but as you play you discover he is fucking with the world for power
r8 my hero idea
Back/midline caster buffer/debuffer
Basic attack, average damage and accuracy rows 1-2 from 1-2
Blood Pact
Bleed self for 1-2 damage for 1-3 turns. Target ally is slightly healed and gains prot and speed for 3 turns. Hits rows 1-4 from 2-4. Inflicts s small amount of stress on self.
Ritual Summons
Begins a ritual. Gains resistance to stun and move for one turn. On next turn can cast Diabolic Summon. Very high damage ability. Hits 1-4 from 3-4, getting stunned or moved during the ritual interrupts and cancels Diabolic. Inflicts a medium amount of stress on Allies. Reduces torchlight by 10 on successful Ritual.
Demonic Shield
Guard target ally. Gain high amounts of prot for one turn, but afterwards lose dodge and speed for two turns.
Can guard rows 1-4 from 2-4.
High accuracy spell that reduces speed and dodge of a target enemy for three turns. Hits rows 3-4 from 2-4.
Shadow Curse
Low accuracy. Inflicts weak blight upon an enemy and reduces their resistances. Successful hits increase the damage and accuracy of the next shadow curse for two turns. Hits rows 1-2 from 3-4.
Words of Power
Targets self or ally. Recovers a medium amount of health and purges marks, bleed and blight. Hits rows 1-4 from 2-4. Medium chance to generate medium stress for Allies.
Hits entire enemy field for medium damage, having a small chance to rebuff enemy speed and damage for one turn. Generates high amounts of stress for Allies. Hits 1-4 from 1-2.
Cannot be used with religious characters. Clearly. Camp skills would provide powerful buffs for Allies and a cheap watch but generate stress.
The idea is he'd be extremely powerful and downright broken if not for prohibitively high stress generation for Allies, and the inability to use him with Crusaders or Vestals. He'd also be weak to shuffling to an extent.
Just read all the shit he did
Not the smartest man
I'll knock you out, drag you off the road
Steal your shoes from off your feet
I'm the Highwayman
and I make ends meet
Why is the plague Doctor so bad.