What are your thoughts on Zul'jin being a ranged assassin?
Thoughts on him, discuss.
Hots thread
>playing HOTS
>talking about HOTS
>being in the same building as a computer with HOTS installed on it
no need to be salty, with that amount of salt you'd slip straight into the hots/lol community
>two arms
>he didn't play Warcraft II
I'm glad they're getting a new AA ranged assassin that feels very different than the others, I'm interested to see how the berserker flavor of wanting to stay at low health works out. I imagine in competitive/voice coms he'll be great because taz'dingo plus palm/divine shield/ancestral will give you a good 7 seconds of free reign but in QM will be a nightmare to try and coordinate with healer
He's the troll cunt you rescue in one of the first missions as the orcs to get trolls. in parallel with the humans who rescue Alleria Windrunner to get elven rangers.
Point being is that most people know him as one-armed.
Most people also know him as dead, what's your point?
That didn't stop Blizzard from putting Warcraft 2 Gul'dan
I saw comments on youtube about people crying him not being one armed.
>warcraft gul'dan
>probably has one of the most useless ultimate move ever
>blizzard trying to convince us that RoD is good
Wait Zul'jin is legit?
Kel'Thuzad someday?
That when people die they go to HotS universe and live to fight again.
He died with one arm.
Zul'jin is legit, if you want proof search for heroes of the storm youtube and check their channel.
then why doesn't Ragnaros have legs?
Wasnt he spoken of at like Blizzcon 2011?
tiny legs under his slug
Yes, Zul'jin is coming out tomorrow I think, if not then probably next week.
I dont know, i started playing hots late 2014 early 2015
The real question is why does he have tusks? I never had them in any of his appearances.
idk man, i only played Warcraft 1 and WOW.
HOTS isn't so bad, I played it for the Nexus Challenge and it was pretty fun once you are forced to play through 15 games.
>That when people die they go to HotS universe and live to fight again.
Not all of them are dead, or have died by the time they end up in the Nexus. Jaina for example is Warcraft III/early WoW era.
>forced to play
Yeah, I knew something was off.
>He was hiding them under his mask/scarf!
Yeah, no, he'd be a raincatcher if he did.
>Game is godlike design-wise
>the gameplay is boring and shitty
raincatcher for life
Its faster and more fun than league of legends.
only thing league has better might be the amount of different playstyles.
t. one whose only played AI matched to rush for the skin
the one arm zuljin looks the coolest, but i guess they wanted a more streamlined troll in the game.
most wow players will recognize a troll by the tusks and axes and mohawk
who /abusingraynorinHL/ here?
Why didn't they use his most memorable appearance as it was in warcraft adventures?
Because he looks weird as fuck in the actual game
man, i sownloaded that leak some time ago.
really need to play it
i had sound syncro problems though, have to solve them first
Its a fun little game if you're versed in the early warcraft lore.
A fucking shitshow though, but still worth a playthrough.
Don't forget the walkthrough, you might need it more than just a few times
The guys who made the game are the same guys who made Zelda CD-i
im an experienced classic adventure game player, do i need a walkthrough? is the game that unfinished?
Nah, it has all the gameplay parts in it and can be finished.
Its just a bit "unfinished".
problem is that some of the problem solving are pretty out there.
so, zul'jin today or tomorrow?
the announce video was released on youtube 27th december.
do the math
w8, is it out on live servers? or PTR?
if anything, ptr, but i doubt he's there too
hots is shit
he will be released without a PTR test iirc
Some solutions are beyond retarded and requires you to backtrack to places you wouldn't have thought of
Is Lava Wave really only useful on certain maps? I'm confused as to when I should take it over Sulfuras Smash.
never, because lava wave is more fun and gives you shit tons of free exp and pushing.
just learn when to use it
first post best post.
DotA is the only good ASSFAGGOTS. each shitty MOBA is just a worse, more dumbed down game than the last.
>game is godlike design wise
>but the gameplay is boring as shit
how does this makes the game design godlike?
The game is shit exactly because of it's design. It's nothing more than already existing casual dota and lol alternative maps with "muh teamfights from the start +no farming" shit
sgt hammer is my favorite
i want to climb in her tank and fuck her silly while we both are sweating like greedy, lustfilled pigs
I think he meant graphically, not game design.
Sen'Jin > Vol'Jin > Zul'Jin
Fite me brev
i want genji fags to leave
>Why would you play The Legend of Zelda? It's just casual Dark Souls.
>Why would you play Counter Strike? It's just casual Arma.
>Why would you play Mario Kart? It's just casual Assetto Corsa.
>Why would you play Ace Combat? It's just casual DCS World.
how can anyone with an IQ above 90 enjoy this casual garbage.
It's a watered down LoL - an even more casualized version of what is propably the most normie-tier retard friendly game in existence, next to WoW and Overwatch.
Yet Blizzard somehow managed to set the bar even lower with Heroes of the Storm.
>m-muh discussion
That's not how you do a HotS thread. Post waifus now.
>I don't like this developer so you're all dumdums
he wasn't beaten on heroic when he died canonically
Can do.
No nigger Heroic is the omly mode he canoncially dies in. in normal he gets away.
Thats wrong though Malfurion and Cenarius only show up in heroic mode and force Rag out where you kill him.
There's only one Tychus skin worth using.
Especially because even as a zerg, he still talks shit to everyone, especially Kerrigan.
>I wonder... Which of these orifices do I smoke out of?
>Hehehe, all of them!
What your favourite,user?
I main Aba.
>Implying others play this shit
I like the angelic negro
artanis for the big switcheroos
just q up to them and leave enough room between you two for a max ranged e
then switch them over half a lane hehe
>tfw playing as glorious master race Varian Wrynn
Truly there is no better feeling.