It's here

This was stickied as recently as last year, don't let a good thing die.

Other urls found in this thread:

gay pornography is not allowed on Sup Forums - Video Games

>janitors are actively killing Sup Forums


I still think 2016 is better than 2015s.
The editing is insane for 2016.

Stick this mods, it is very important to our culture.

I agree for the most part. Didn't really like the pulp fiction one though.

I think the highs are higher and the lows are lower. I still think 2015 was a little better overall: Electric Bodybuilder, Anikirby, Broken Moon were all top tier.

Credits song was goat

It's the new faggot janitors who don't understand

Mods aren't around to slap them on the head

I'm sorry user, but retards actually think Gachimuchi is some twitch meme it won't happen

What the fuck? That was literally gay and not in a cool trap way.

Either Mowtendoo finished this, or someone else did.
I'm glad it happened though, it's one of my many favorites.

fuck off.

So janitors are literally boycotting this because it got popular on twitch?

haha, i love Sup Forums culture! us oldfags right?


is gachi dead? Why hasn't this blown up

>you will never be this good at video editing

>tfw no bf

Is reddit still wordfiltered

Consider suicide.

Really? That was my favorite part. Van being dungeonmaster for the black guy who's name i forgot was great

Donkey kong ruined it

but that was the video that they remixed from me, that was the best part!

Do you think these gay pornstars know about these videos?

Billy does. He loves them

Billy and Van know. Herrington completely embraces it

No fuck you

Billy's been to Japan for Gachi events and Van introduced him to the videos.


It was uploaded. People made threads. Jannies deleted them all.

What's the name of this guy?
He's in this video too

Of course

>Tfw no cute sissy to bully.

new meme:

If this tread gets deleted, everyone start making new ones en masse. If the jannies are cunts then we can cunt them back.

>you will never become a living meme icon loved by all by fucking mens asses, sucking dick and showing jabronis who the real boss of this gym is


thanks for posting this, heard about some annual video that they were making.

>showed my chick friend boss of this gym and oh shit im sorry
>fucking loved it
subscribe to my blog

board culture is board culture

Almost forgot about this. Thanks for posting.

The quality always catches me off guard.

i only recently found out that this kazuya dude totally died. fucking shame too as i thought he was the most handsome of them

rip in piece kaz

Which one of them is Leatherman?

Tell me you're having a chuckle, user.

Fuck you.


anyone have the pokemon or/as one? I remember it from a thread last year but have never been able to find it again

Any recent pics of him?

Is that video games? Because that did not look like video games.

This one?

hey buddy i think you got the wrong idea, my feels are two blocks down.

no I remember it being like groudon vs kyogre but that's all I remember

Is this a jojo reference?

this one?

yeah that's it I think, thank you user

How is gay porn videogames?

Is RazQ involved?


Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong site, Reddit's two blocks down



neck thyself peasant

I'll show you who's the boss of this image board

Didn't get to post it in the other thread but.

Stickerbrush Symphony and Pulp Suction were great.

Still nothing comes close to 2011.

get the fuck out faggot

jesus christ that barbbie girl part is killing me.
I cant handle it.

why is Japan always ahead of the meme curve?

die, you degenerate barney fag


>go to my usual gym
>see this guy there alone
>whatever, doing his own thing
>asks me for a spot
>get talking, seems like a nice guy
>become gym buddies
>one day catch him mirin me in the shower
>"dude, are you gay?"
>"no.... yes"
>cool with it, as a joke show him boss of this gym
>fucking loves it, totally gets into it
>top tier bantz everytime we go to the gym now

we're all gonna make it brahs

what's the name of the black dude dancing in the american flag thong?

Ricardo Milos I think.
Don't know since it could be the name the japs gave him.

He really wants to show you his deep dark fantasy

it's clearly vidya related


>tfw no bf

That Undertale part holy fuck. Crying tears of joy.

Fuckoff faggot, stop spamming your fucking stupid profile you disgusting shitposting animefaggot. No one likes you, no one wants to be your steam friend, just fuck off with your incessant spamming.



Yes,I am salty. I am salty, because steam friends threads are leaking again. What the fuck does that Tomokofag contribute to this thread (or any of them he spammed himself to for that matter)?

i like watamote too, what are you trying to get out of posting your profile everywhere? its getting to the point where im actually wondering if youre just a cute shut-in girl who just wants a bf. i mean, i know thats bullshit but why do you keep posting this?

Give us the sticky.
Show us you still care.

So the whole video is just JoJo references?

kill yourself triple-q

lol no i just want a bf
i managed to met 3 cuties from here already

Seems like it to me.

Fuck off faggot

Hello jojo fans
i came here to say that your fanbase is shit.
You fucks see your meme anime in everything.
New Pokemon Trailer Come out - JOJO LOL
some one does a pose - JOJO EPIC
a person has muscles - ORA ORA XD
Then you go and comment on every song that get referenced.
i cant go into the comment section of a queen song without seeing
You fucks also believe that you a superior to all anime.
Your fanbase is split into two cancerous parts.
animeonly and manga readers.
AnimeOnly are Cancer because they think magical breath powers with no define logic is amazing.
MangaReaders are Cancer because they think they are better than anyone because they read a comic book.
Also you guys forget one thing
jojo is not a
table top rpg
video game
its a fucking anime

2016 started kinda slow, but around halfway mark this really started hitting it. From then on to the end it was just amazing.

are you grill at least?


Fuck you!

Im just a faggot

jesus christ, this. i like jojo but dont dare fucking say it around here. i share your hatred for those fucks ruining a perfectly good anime.

He's being ironic you retard. He literally posted that hamster girl which was spammed even worse than the "ironic" jojo meme was

pls go and stay go

reminder to report, hide, and sage all off topic threads


doesnt change what he said. jojofags are the fucking worst.