Where did everything go so wrong?
Where did everything go so wrong?
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>posted on wrong board
>can't delete the thread
The shadows on all that scene are terrible
That's a big mistake.
>there's been like 3 thread posted on Sup Forums that were meant to be posted on other boards within the last two hours
maybe you're doing this on PURPOSE
Same thing that killed Star Wars.
Don't blame me Hiro still hasn't implemented a way to delete your own thread after 30 seconds or something. Just sage the thread and report it.
for you
Comic book anything always goes to shit when the crossovers start happening.
Does this thread go in Sup Forums or Sup Forums? I kinda wanna see it
capeshit in general has almost completed its second decade. marvel capeshit has been going for almost a decade. if you think its bad just wait until the disney machine gets star wars into full swing.
Pretty easy OP. For one thing, multiple releases a year oversaturates the market. Then, there's the fact that the MCU actually makes the entire thing completely boring and stupid. I watched about half of Civil War before getting bored and I was honestly kind of annoyed at how often they had to throw in a scene that had basically no purpose other than recognition that their movies, tv shows etc are all connected.
Crossovers killed cape stuff.
>Haha, now all of this shit is in one universe just because :)
>if you think its bad just wait until the disney machine gets star wars into full swing.
yeah i mean this is already happening. There's really no reason for Rogue One to exist. It was a totally medicore movie that didn't even add anything to the story of the universe.
>high budget one off that came out right on the razors edge of "big budget movies still have practical effects and aren't CG shitfests" that wasn't expecting a sequel
>worn out hyper connected series of brands made to sell multimedia material and more or less embody in film why comics themselves become shit
if anything cape films are pure kino, like comic books like spiderman, they began as single stories unsure if more would be made, and then became massive shitpiles that were moire brands and vehicles for corporate publishing then actual entertainment
>that wasn't expecting a sequel
Except it had sequel bait after credits already.
they didn't own any of the rights to those films, and that was done to maybe get studios interested
the MCU when it was pitched wasn't something marvel was on for right away as most of their properties had been sold off
also, spiderman 3 has sequel bait bro
>X Men movies have been going for 17 years
>"Where did everything go so wrong?"
In the 60's when they started to exploit artists like Jack Kirby and giving all the credit to Stan "The Hack" Lee.
When Disney bought Marvel, Bendis start writing main arcs for the comics and they shifted for the tumblr/normie audience instead of the fucking nerds who read these fucking comics all of their lifes.
They fucked up with Ultron origin and changed lot of weird stuff just because X-Men and Fantastic Four movie rights are with Fox until today.
Someone needs to fire the guy who put Miles Morales origin for Peter in the new Spider-Man movie too. Its fucking retarded.
If Marvel was still good, they would make dark movies of the 2099 line or "Earth X", just to link them together in a crossover movie with the actual movieverse.
Also,It was asking too much for a real Age of Ultron movie with the avengers dying and someone traveling in time to stop the genocide machine?
>If Marvel was still good, they would make dark movies
>dark movies
Fuck off back to BvS.
>there will never be a Hellboy 3
Shame. Instead we get this bullshit. At least the animated movies were alright.
BvS isn't dark, its a mediocre movie with shit costumes/enemy designs.
Captain America 2 is darker and more mature than BvS.
>cant cap off the Hellboy trilogy
>At The Mountains of Madness in perpetual limbo
>Crimson Peak underperformed due to bad marketing
>got demoted to producer on Pacific Rim 2 as punishment for Crimson Peak underperforming
Being Del Toro is suffering.
At least he got to have his fat ass animated and put in a Hideo Kojima game.
The problem with modern Marvel movies is the postmodernism.
Marvel movies are crafted with a tinge of "haha can you believe we're watching this in the theater? Superheroes! How ridiculous!" because audiences find it easier to digest than a conventional and heartfelt superhero story.
"Haha lol! The monks are talking about wi-fi passwords lmao! That's good because for a second I was almost immersed in a world that didn't remind me that I'm only watching this movie so I can post about it on Facebook later!"
The same formula has been used on the recent Mission Impossible movies but at least those movies are actually getting better.
>Character says something quirky
>Violin pizzicato version of the main theme plays in the background
>Close up of all the other characters reacting
Sup Forums has gotten to the point I'd rather hang out with normies.
bought reviews will only hold this shit up for so long, kids will feel the capeshit fatigue eventually
But you are right now, who do you think is shitting up the place?
>gets popular beyond recognition
>racks in loads of money
>wants more money
>lowers quality to attract every lower common denominator
>fanservice for those other fags
gg ez
it retconned the weird death star flying bug people from the prequels
He's only in the trailer, he won't be in the game. Poor De Taco :(
It added great scene with Vader and best space fight since A New Hope
>marvel now
Looks like a bunch of cosplayers posing at an airport.
>Hugh Jackman has played Wolverine for nearly two decades
>there are people posting on this board that were born after Hugh Jackman's first performance as Wolverine
they werent going to figh in a crowded area as to not get civilians hurt.
You can't spell Sup Forums without Sup Forums.
but what about the kids being born right now that haven't even heard of capeshit? It's a constant supply of people to market to
Someone post the DC CW comparison
you idiots are fucking stupid
Jackman ruined Wolverine and X-men.
If you're using "normie" then you never belonged here to begin with
fassbender was pretty good mind you
Seriously, casting him as Wolverine is as silly as casting Tom Cruise for Jack Reacher. He just doesn't fucking fit the character.
I can't remember the name of the dude, but there was a B-list actor in the 90s that was short and hairy, would've been perfect for Wolverine. I think he played Mario in that shitty live action movie?
That was Bob Hoskins you fucking shitter. Nice bait.
i know you are, but what am i?
is it me or video games engine look better than CGI nowdays ??
better how? in-game cg looks great nowadays but still isn't as realistic as pre-rendered.
I can agree that it gets obnoxious at times, but on the other hand Superheroes in tight colorful suit arent really a material for a serious, immersive movie. It would come off as too self absorbed and ultimately seemed like an edgy kids cartoon to most normies, like early X-Men movies
Stop bumping the thread newfags.
Put sage at the options if you want your post to not bump the thread.
I think Levi Schrieber would've been good, lord knows If I spelled his name right, guy who played Sabertooth in Origins.
user are you okay? I'm sorry I seem to have upset you.
hands down the best cgi I've seen in recent years was the Captain Harlock movie
This post makes no fucking sense when you base it on the image.
Taking an action still from one film and comparing it to a non-action still from another. It makes no sense.
Fassbender is the best thing to happen to Hollywood in the last few years. What an incredible creature.
Crossovers have existed almost as long as capeshit has
Your favorite vidya company has been bought out by Disney. What happen?
I know thats why i was referring game engines.
But still, it seems that video games are closing the gap with CGI.
Just look at the CGI leia face and how bad she's animated.
SSS with photogrammetry and motion capture does 10x times better.
No arguments here
Got ultra heavy handed with the morality and shoving it in your face. The entire movie was revenge solves nothing. New superman does it to.
Doesn't help that Tony is a grade A douchebag that gets all bent out of shape about some black lady's kid dying when he and banner fucking created the enitre Ultron incident. Fucker needs to lock himself up instead of the witch chick.