
>Being a pawn for some withered Cammie Elder
Anarchs are the only right choice.

Other urls found in this thread:


Didn't they get beaten by Chinese?

fuck off commie scum

She is a literal communist, not an anarch

>we kicked them out
>60 years ago

They did. The free state was destroyed in 1998 when the chink vamps turned the anarchs against each other

is thaumatergy worth using with the uo patch? i heard it got nerfed

>being this dumb

never go anarch

You just don't get it, do you? You're doing the dirty work for some asshole sitting in his ivory tower who is funded by someone you will never even hear about, and you're fine with it? Sharing would work for Kindred but nobody tried the real system yet! FUCK THE CAMMIES!

Are you implying that she couldn't have been around sixty years ago?

>Not being neutral
You dumb niggers are just asking to be munch for some elder

I never really got Anarchs. You're fucking vampires, paranoid predators that have a really hard time working together and constantly scheme to backstab each other. You need a god damn hierarchy to keep your shit in check.

I stayed neutral/nominally Cammy but on good terms with everyone until Lacroix double-crossed me. Then I sided with the anarchs. Caine himself says that Nines is the last, best chance to restart the free state.

Sabbat for unlife.

Goddamn how many times do I need to report these threads? The annoying NV fags got moved to /vg/ back in summer like they should, don't know why this gets a special treatment.

>thinking you was ever neutral

you'll always be someone's pawn even if you don't meet them personally

Does anyone have a clean, high-res image of the purple swirls? I keep poking around in the game files, but I haven't found it yet.

Forget the Free States, Gehenna starts literally weeks after Bloodlines's endgame

didn't gehenna get retconned

>actually believing Gehenna is real

>Being the pawn of some unknown entity is worse than actively sucking the dick of people who are visibly manipulating you


>Do not talk about video games on my Sup Forums
>Do not like what I don't like
Take your pick

Gehenna fucking happened mate. Its what ended the oWoD.

So Gehenna is the Antedilluvians waking up and killing everything, right?

Communist landwhale.

You just don't get it

We're all slaves, fucko

Yeah thats the Vampires end of the world.

Lot of other things happened though. Pretty much every old wod line had an end of the world scenario that kicked off alongside Gehenna.

THIS BELONGS TO FUCKING /vg/ YOU RETARDED IMBECIL, READ THE RULES. Jesus christ you empty headed waifufags are the bottom of the barrel shit.

Not Opening up the Coffin.



should be retconned then. Gehenna should be something that always seems just around the corner

What were they for the other games? You'd think one apocalypse would get the job done.

Is Gary the most based character in the game? The Nosferatu have the right idea anyway, just infiltrate the system without ever actively fighting it and play all sides.

Pretty much, but bear in mind Gehenna isn't caused by the Antedeluvians awakening, but rather is a symptom of God's return to Creation.

Hi Games Workshop

Official fatfu of VTMB.

Four scenarios for gehenna in werewolf

1.) The Last Battleground:

Basically the major battle between the Wyrm and Gaian forces takes place in the umbra, with both sides gathering likely, and unlikely, allies to fight in the spiritual realm. Now some battles do take place in the physical world, but the spiritual world is where it's at.

2.) A Tribe Falls:

One of the 12 tribes (since in later editions and works the Stargazers are considered to be more in works with the Hengeyokai ) ends up walking the Spiral, or forced too, and joins the Black Spiral Dancers to undermine the other Garou tribes and to help with the final push by the Wyrm. Other scenario's that are presented is that one of the tribes falls to the Weaver, and what would happen if the Emerald Court fell to the Wyrm.

It goes into some really good depth, and was actually the setting for the last WtA game I ran.

3.) Weaver Ascendant:

The Weaver ends up being the big bad guy...The forces of Gaia "free" the Wyrm from its madness and thus join up to tackle the Weaver...

4.) Ragnarok:

Everything and anything that could go wrong...Book of Revelation, Norse Ragnarok, *insert end of the world scenario*, as well as the other previous scenario's...Everything goes crazy....

They give afterthoughts on possible things that could happen at the end, but ultimately of course leave it up to the ST's. I hope I was helpful enough it has been quite a few years since I have even cracked these books open, wish I could have been more informative but I despise typing on the computer for too long of a time.

What happened with Mage?

Dude they completely ended the owod to make nwod, and it was pretty fucking awesome. Especially the news ticker.

There wasnt just one scenario for each line, there was 4 or 5 for the GM to pick. Shit like the demons retaking creation with Lucifer (or killing him) and a crazy mage trying to remove the concept of death from reality and the werewolves having their final battle with the wyrm. You should look it up or download the books if you want more. Its been a while since I read this stuff.

will you fuck off alredy

The mods seem to disagree with you though

The game must have the best cast of voice actors ever done

everyone is fucking great

This desu, I'd rather have 10 Overwatch and Witcher waifu threads, with porn somewhere in there.

What are downsides to siding with Strauss if you're Tremere?

>commie going on about her rhetoric

She has to be the worst recruiter for the Anarchs. Sure as fuck made me wanna stay away from that faction.

>get to have the best undead dad
>advancing Camarilla's goals
>can probably snatch Chinatown for yourself
>don't even have to open it
No downsides whatsoever, neon8.

No you have to fuck off. That's the whole point. Continuous threads about one game belong to /vg/. It's as simple as that.

Yeah, and I do not understand why. It's clearly stated in the rules.

Not an argument. Those break rules too, and so does this.

>Communism would totally work for Vampires guys.


>willingly backseat janitoring

you're annoying

>The crew of the American Antarctic coastal station has vanished shortly after a desperate email was dispatched to Washington, DC. The text of the email was simply, “The blood gods are here.” >Communications with Palmer coastal station have been similarly silent.

Well it makes perfect sense for me. I don't want to be fucked around by elders, but I want to have buddies.

What happens to humans at Gehenna?
What happens to ___me___?

well somebody has to do it since mods won't just fucking move these threads already.

And you're a retarded faggot, how about that?

literally you

Just ignore him.

Oy vey, Regent! You forgot the best one.
>remain a low-tier part of the pyramid until the end of times

Just filter the threads and move on, lad. Stop wasting your time arguing with fans of the game in threads about said game.

b-but user, she a cutie...

You fucking die son. Or you go to heaven..or some other things. It really depends. For example in that Lucifer example if you side with him you turn Earth into a new paradise. The reason Lucifer and the demons fell in the first place is because they tried to make Earth a better place.


Can I get a sauce?

the fuck is this?

I've got 4 minutes in VTMB, anyone got a startup guide for it? Any must-have mods, or should I start vanilla?

What anime?

>I don't want to be fucked around by elders, but I want to have buddies.
Vampires rarely have 'buddies' for long. It goes against their nature. Eventually someone gets ambitious or greedy or backstabby and you find yourselves bitter enemies instead.

Thanks for keeping the thread bumped, by the way.

You'd get bloodbound to your senior tremere clansmen to ensure loyalty to the clan leaders

>The Tremere clan weakness consists of an initiation, which requires all neonates to drink from the blood of the seven elders of the clan when they are created. This means that all Tremere are at least one step toward being Blood-Bound to the clan, and therefore must watch their step very carefully when around their leaders

In game though there are no downsides

The cutest girl in the game!

kizumonogatari part 2

Wesp's patch (basic) is all you need, neonate.

I wouldn't have to argue with anyone if the jannys did their job but alas, they don't. The threads that they do delete and don't delete is so inconsistent it's ridiculous.

looking at the numbers, no, they couldn't.

tzimisce in horrid form don't have any innate way to deal aggrevated damage and still are susceptible to bashing/lethal.

A garou in crinos is doing aggrevated which the tzimisce can't soak, and even if the tzimisce was going agg the werewolf can still soak it.

So yes, 1 werewolf could slaughter entire groups of tzimisce in horrid form

Typical whore whose only purpose is flaunting her pussy to attract new members to the group. Shesn't not even good at that, judging by Anarchs' state in the game.

The retarded waifufags would keep the thread bumped just fine even without me. If anything I'm making the thread hit the bump limit faster, idiot.

Oh shit it's a vampire anime that's not sparkly. Thanks!

Cheers, good cunt.

Do you drink any elder blood in the game? Other than random blood packs.

Oh shit, that's right. The bump limit! God, I hope they don't start another thread right after. That would be a lot of time and effort spent on nothing, wouldn't it?

>Do you drink any elder blood in the game?
I don't think you can do diablerie in the game.

the naturalistic argument is just as bad applied to vampires as it is applied to people

>people inherently flawed
>best give them power over me to make sure people don't assert power over me

My question never got answered in the last thread. Doesn't Aggravated damage still fuck up werewolves even with their soak/regen, so even in vanilla, you're technically supposed to be able to kill him with claws/Talmahera blade?

Blood drinking isn't diablerie. Diablerie is drinking the very last of a vampire's blood and draining away their soul as well.

could you shitters take your general where it belongs?

Dude its constantly talked about in the books, Vampires just fucking suck at having friends. The beast alone makes it really hard considering how it reacts when you meet other vampires.

No. It belongs right here. :)

the metaplot-lite/free toolbox is what nWoD aimed for
for better or worse, oWoD had story, characters, and canon

you're just wasting your time now

Best you can do is to report the thread and hope jannys move them to /vg/ like happened to New Vegas threads in the summer. Those got moved a hell of a lot faster though.

Could it be that.... No it can't be... that multiple people are tired of your circlejerking?

You can drink blood packs containing elder vampire blood in the game

Oh. Then I'll rephrase it: I don't think you can feed from another vampire in the game.

the ip count didnt go up so no

I'm more talking about the logic than the metaphysics. What's possible is ambiguous, though.

Elder packs even go for less than $400 a pop, I imagined it would be a lucrative business donating blood as an Elder since everyone would want to make sure they never received multiple packs from the same donor.

Funny how the unique poster count doesn't go up when someone complains about this thread.

This is just embarrassing for you now.

I don't know what to tell you, other than the fact that there are more people than me who dislike your shitty game. If I take a screencap as "proof", you'll just say it's edited, so can't really win here can I?

You realize that there's a unique poster count down in the corner of the page, right? Its that number that says 98 / 20 / 37 / 3.