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racist fucks
if you EVER said that to me in the streets id lay you the FUCK out no lie
>implying you could kick my ass
You think you can knock out a heavyweight boxer, manlet?
give me one reason why hating niggers is a bad thing
What video is this from
We're gonna build a wall and catapult your ass over it.
>give me one reason why hating niggers is a bad thing
african immigrants have more education than whites.
its the united states and its racist culture that's the problem, not blacks. Imagine being in an environment where the only way out is drug dealing and the schools, being a business because of capitalism, purposely do bad to receive pensions.
"Perhaps most surprising is that, by many measures, the most-educated immigrant group in the U.S. isn't East Asians. It's Africans. According to Census data, more than 43 percent of African immigrants hold a bachelor's degree or higher -- slightly more than immigrants from East Asia"
"African immigrants to the US are among the most educated groups in the United States. Some 48.9 percent of all African immigrants hold a college diploma. This is more than double the rate of native-born white Americans, and nearly four times the rate of native-born African Americans.[18] According to the 2000 Census, the rate of college diploma acquisition is highest among Egyptian Americans at 59.7 percent, followed closely by Nigerian Americans at 58.6 percent.[19][20]"
im not joking. united states needs to go.
This only happens cause they can only get there by plane
>This only happens cause they can only get there by plane
and how the fuck did your kind get here?
>Give people diplomas out of pity because of the color of their skin
>Oy vey! Look how smart the blacks are, eh goyim?
Show me their stats for STEM degrees and maybe i would care, The fact is 80% of college majors are bullshit
why is awoo girl joining wojack and gross frog in the punching meme T ~ T
My kind got here on flying pyramids..cuz we wuz kangs
>Give people diplomas out of pity because of the color of their skin
>complaining about blacks getting free rides
the irony is too much here
who cares. the stats are there. are you implying that colorado, which all their art majors cant outdo africa?
Mods, ban anyone spamming salt emoji's in the chat
what are you talking about?
Im saying that if you get wall jumpers the statistics would be way worse
>hear his lines
>immediately remember this
Speak English you fucking spearchucker.
>Garrett shows up.
white people getting btfo itt
speak Arabic you faggot snownigger
Blob and Planet weren't funny. I know this was pretty much impromptu stuff and a lot of it was funny, but Blob and Planet aren't creative or funny enough for this otherwise perfect video.
s..stop it
At least if I spoke Arabic I wouldn't fucking butcher every other word with my over sized let me but that in to words you can understand
Shiiieeet nigga least if I finna speak that crazy shit I'd speak it good, ya hear me dawg?
Hating on superior cultures makes you look jealous.
>hating on
Why do Americans always add prepositions after the verb "hate"?
answer the question faggot.
>only numbers are percentages
This is why Wikipedia isn't an acceptable source.
damn user go back to Sup Forums as if your lips are the norm. journey the world before spewing shit.
fucking cancer.
See what I mean? Jealous.
I like to think it's one artistically talented conservative weeb who is very dedicated.
>Mudafuka ass bix-nood welfare pimp muh ride honky hoe finna toe a bitch
Now translated into proper English
>I've been a bad slqve masa, please shove your mighty white member in my wife's ugly nog ass while I pathetically rub my tootsie roll dick between two of my greasy disgusting dog shit looking fingers
Maybe niggers in the US should actually stick around and raise their fucking kids
My parents did.
Now I own a movie theater in the rich part of town.
How is she enjoying yoga so much? I thought you were supposed to keep calm.
Do you think the ironic racists from Sup Forums are mad that Sup Forums blurred the lines, or do they love it?
I'm sorry your bull hasn't been treating you good
>Be un-PC for the sake of it
>someone comes along and legitimizes it, making it not as funny anymore.
I'd say not, imagine if a group started using the swatsika, they wouldn't find it funny to draw it wherever possible. I miss the habbo hotel kinda days where that kind of stuff was at least a bit taboo.
>Muh muddafuckin dick man...fuckin white woman luv it man
> I realize I am inferior to the white master race, but still cannot end my life for the same reason a dog can't, I lack the mental capacity to commit such an action.
I keep seeing this dude posted here and finally checked out a bunch of videos and info on him the other day.
Are people just fucking around when it comes to liking this guy? Is it just like watching a train wreck? He seems like the picture perfect example of having your head very far up your own ass.
>Calls himself 'low tier god' and attempts to pride himself on winning as low tier characters
>BUT, when he loses he complains about balance anyway
There's better guys to watch than this guy, but it's quite amusing him chimp out over the smallest shit.
He's like dsp if phil was actually okay at a few games. ...a few
There were probably always racists there, they just didn't have as many easily ruffled feathers before as they do now.
>some non-BBC havin' cuckhold was nad wnough to make this
>mfw they jerked it to BLACKED whike crying white genocide afterwards
No good rednecks, russians, and rustbabbies
>Are people just fucking around when it comes to liking this guy?
Nobody here likes him except as a living joke. Don't mistake being posted as a sign of appreciation. People post Anita all the time and nobody fucking likes her.
He's the best troll
I bet your boss is Asian. That is assuming you have a job.
Doubt anyone likes him. There's also the whole "piss is unsanitary but give me 1000$ and i'll drink it" thing.
FACT: Any woman you've ever fucked or will fuck would rather be gettin' piped down by Low tier god's BBC than your tiny greasy cock.
>Implying you have a job.
Well, not all of us are on welfare Tyrone, let's leave it at that.
His Black Baby Carrot, you mean?
I really don't remember people having a shitfit over Happy Negro having sex with a white girl. Sup Forumsfront gets offended too easily and wants to start a personal army for a movement. They've recruited a bunch of reddit and are trying to get other boards to join. I know Stormfront has been trying this shit off and on with Sup Forums since at least 2011, but it only now really picked up traction.
Kek, goes both ways bud ;).
Sup Forums has always been extremely heavily right wing and stormfag-like any time political discussions came up. It was like that even in 2007. That's why i have always avoided them. It's just that now, they have their own board in Sup Forums so it's more concentrated.
Wow...this is the power off Nigger reading comprehension...
Sup Forums used to be big on anarchy and left wing during the Bush years.
>conservative weeb
>Sup Forums has always been extremely heavily right wing
spot the newfag
stormfags were here sure but Sup Forums was libertarian/classical liberal overwhelmingly.. stormfags were made fun of.
What are you talking about Tyrone :)?
even if he was good they wouldnt like him anyway. and you know why.
>I know you are but what am I?
a leech on shit skinned leech on society :)
Sup Forums was never liberal. Libertarian yes, and right-leaning. Never anywhere close to far left though. Liberals have always been shunned here since the start.
whats his youtube name?
It makes sense considering Sup Forums was created to be about anonymity and free speech. This website is the complete antithesis to political correctness, so trying to outlaw people from saying "Nigger" of course will not fly with this website.
Sup Forums is just jealous of him because they don't have the BBC gene
>not right wing
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