You can literally beat Nier Automata without ever looking at the screen...

You can literally beat Nier Automata without ever looking at the screen. Congratulations platinum games for making "cuhrayzee" combat that doesn't require the player to pay any attention at all to the game.

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good thread

Wait...... the playable character...... is blindfolded... and if you close.. our eyes you can't see anything either!!!


wish the Platinumtards would just fuck off and die somewhere. This is a Taro game first, Platinum second. Idiots. Blocked.

Pretty much everyone I've ever seen is in agreement with the statement "it's not as deep as proper character action games", though

It's just a stylish fun game. Not everything needs to be the mariana trench of gameplay depth

But can you see up Toobie's skirt without ever looking at the screen?

I have a feeling they balanced it around the 1 hit kill difficulty mode considering how generous the dodge is.


>this is the FFXV killer


>m-muh ass!!!

gtfo Sup Forumsirgns

This. Rising was a joke once you learned how to block, but on revengeance difficulty it became a whole other game.


Really makes me think.

>hurr my jrpg is better than your hack and slash
Literally apples and oranges. I know this is bait, but c'mon user...

>lvl 4 and 6
>barely doing any damage
This is going to end up like those clips of Arkham City, isn't it?

Not only can you beat a metric fuckton of action games without looking at the screen this was a demo of the intro of the game likely the easiest section of the entire game.


the issue is that floe is a gameplay god

you casual plebs probably couldn't beat it on easy with your eyes open


>doesn't want to play game that requires skill
>complains that game is too easy

Platinum games has never made a good game. Why is everyone surprised?

stop whining weeb

Stop being reasonable user and just be contrarian, spiteful and mad like everyone else.

Just because its a Nier game doesn't mean it shouldn't be MGR2/Bayo3/DMC re-master, those are perfectly reasonable expectations.

>this is the FFXV killer
As if that game needs any help with killing itself

But if you don't look at the screen you're not having fun. Games are fun. Fun. FUN. A HOBBY. Fucking virgins I swear, get a job you fucking neet and then maybe, when it's time to unwind, you won't complain that not everything in life isnt a challenge because you've had a challenging enough game. Faggot daddy cocksucker incest turd fuck.

What's with the NieR hate campaign on Sup Forums lately?

Are Xbots mad they don't get this game? Is Microsoft viral-marketing Scalebound by bashing NieR? I'm getting tired of this shit already.

Wow are you saying I can beat this game if I just mash a button? Wow, that sounds so fun I bet tons of people are going to do that.

But, that is just 10 seconds of play on a closed platform

you can do this in any game, I'm not seeing what you children are so offended by

Its like you fuckers don't play video games

>watching a fat autistic twitch streamer

>black weeb
>complains that the game is piss easy and then says he refuses to play on higher difficulties

It's like a melting pot of turd.

Try it in any dark souls boss fight and see what happens

I think people don't realise it's an rpg.

You cut off one of it's arms and beat it to death with it for huge damage once you've got the bar down a bit.

Platinumfags on suicide watch.
Bow down to your fromsoft overlords.

I like Floe, he's really good at fighting games.

can you really build a birds nest with nothing but cool whip?

>dark-souls-is-hardcore meme

I don't want a game to be "deep". I just want my hack n' slashers to be meaningful and tough to beat. I wanna feel like a badass because I really AM a badass who mastered the parry, dodge and combos, not because the game decided to treat me with silken kid gloves

In shit games (e.g. Nier Automata), "higher difficulty" simply means "enemies have more health". It doesn't make the game harder, only longer.

play it at very hard then, faggot


No my friend, I'm not letting you get away with your shit. You said you can do it in ANY game. I gave you an example where you can't do it. It has absolutely nothing to do with what you said just now.


>he doesn't know what the difficulties do in nier automata

You want to feel like a badass for being good at videogames and killing? Why would you be a badass for doing that? Just don't buy the game if you're determined not to have fun.

hard mode is ohko

>implying thats somehow good
all it does is turn the game from boring shit to tedious shit

too bad

>Stand in the back,in the safe zone that uis in every souls boss area
>wiggle stick for about 30 seconds while spamming roll for the iframes


Have you tried not buying Automata and playing other games instead?

I'm sure there's something for you out there. If not you could always get some cheese to go with that whine.

The problem with one hit ko in nier is that when you die you get booted back to the menu. It's okay in games like hotline miami where you can instantly restart the level without loading times.


>Have you tried not buying Automata
i will
as well as another million of your potential players
we will take our wallets and will be
>playing other games instead

The main problem is that the director of the game is insane and/or retarded. He seems to be ignoring the fun factor in order to twist and bend the game under his vision. And the designer, same guy who designed MGR, is a huge fan of the first game, so he's just seeing this stuff through.

The only difference is that he actually beats the nier automata boss while being in attack range of it while you're describing a scenario where you do absolutely nothing.

>Nier joins the prestigious list of "action games you can win without even looking at the screen," next to Shadow of Mordor and Arkham City

Fuck modern games, really.

I hope best girl shows up.
I mean it's called Automata, after all.

Mio is shit

Are you implying it matters? It's a Taro game, it's expected to sell badly, if you and other shitters don't like parts of the game you can just go fishing instead, might be more your speed.

It's because it's being made by Platinum and people just assume it's like their other games, the first Nier was an RPG so why shouldn't this one be?

>deepest lore

fucking GOAT

Having fun isn't a fucking hobby you retard.

Plus are you implying that blind people are incapable of having fun?

>it's expected to sell badly
Stop. Yoko Taro still exists thanks to Drakengard 1's financial success, if his first game were to fail he wouldn't be here, directing Automata. Automata is the first time he got a non-shoe string budget. If this game fails, he'll go back to mobile games.

Not sure if post-ironic or genuine tarotard.

>I don't want a game to be "deep"
> I just want my hack n' slashers to be deep
Are you retarded? Being "meaningful and tough to beat" is depth. Unless you think depth means games like DMC4 which are piss easy but have lots of pointless combos so that somehow makes it deep

Dude there are plenty of vids of bosses being beat in Dark Souls blindfolded. Not that difficult clearly.

What's with all the salt lately?

>A disgusting, fat as fuck piece of shit makes himself feel important for a few seconds as he bravely proves that a video game has a fault
Sup Forums in a nutshell

This looks like absolute fucking garbage. That """boss""" is Old Iron King level of shitty.


>not looking at the screen
how do you see the (fat) ass then?
(the ass was fat)

>tfw died multiple times on old iron king by rolling into that lava pit in the middle of the platform

>demo boss

It's a Taro story in a Platinum game.

It looks and plays exactly like Nier, which is basically like an expanded Drag-On Dragoon game. I don't get how it is a "Platinum game".

>I don't get how it is a "Platinum game".
It's has the typical platinium "press X to win" gameplay.

I'm not seeing that nor seeing how "press X to win" is signature of Platinum more than anything else. Why Platinum?

Sound cues alone are enough.

I just hope the game actually tells a story like Nier did. If it's just what Metal Gear Revengeance was to Metal Gear Solid then I'm going to be pissed.

No one played Nier for gameplay, they played it for the writing which was fucking spectacular.

>a 400 lb vidya monk through meditation and celibacy transcends the need for eyesight
Nothing wrong.

Opinion discarded.

Le soulborne is hard for us hardcoar gaymers xddd

The keyword is "impact"

He has no idea what he's doing basically.
"impact" for him is "random bullshit out of nowhere" and "bad is good if it's bullshitty enough"

Same thing.

If the game loses the soul crushing despair Nier had in favour of WOW CRAZY COMBOS I'm going to be pissed.

Aside from mediocre fap bait, does this gamy has anything going for it?

nice favourites list and subs SuperDeathgun