Power corrupts
Money makes you lazy
Both makes you Valve
Power corrupts
Money makes you lazy
Both makes you Valve
that is fucking DEEP
>Sup Forums - Philosophy
Valve still has the best digital distribution platform and is pushing the industry forward with innovative hardware and software.
I don't understand your point OP.
>pushing the industry forward with innovative hardware and software.
>innovative hardware and software.
>Valve still has the best digital distribution platform
A monopoly on the market that 95% of publishers have to grit their teeth and bear with
>pushing the industry forward with innovative hardware
VR is DOA gimmick
>and software.
Valve doesn't make any games anymore.
I don't understand your point.
Gabe did nothing wrong.
I want to be valve how do I become it
>if you don't like the latest Uncharted/Paper Mario/Halo, then you're an evil entitled child who needs to respect the company
>but you have every right to hurt every type of insult at Valve for the crime of not milking their games with pricey rehashes?
Sup Forums, I don't get you.
>Be Gaben.
>Decide to develop a platform to sell your vidya.
>Add social media features to platform.
>Start selling other peoples vidya on it.
>Make enough money from licensing and distribution fees that I no longer have a need to take risky investments into designing and marketing my vidya.
>Laugh as I can literally sit on my ass and I make money.
>mfw all the upset nerds that I don't make Half-Life 3.
Nobody force then to sell their games on steam or prevents them from selling their games outside of steam at the same time.
Neither does steam take a larger cut than any other publisher.
But not releasing on Steam is basically saying "I don't want to put my game in front of the majority of the market share!"
The only reason you do not put your PC game on Steam is because you have a competing sales platform you own.
>Valve still has the best digital distribution platform
That tends to happen when you have a monopoly.
> pushing the industry forward with innovative hardware
We just plain don't have the tech yet to make VR worth it. The Vive while neato is far to gimicky, unresponsive and to much of a hassle for common consumer use. I can get behind experimenting but even then they're a multi-billion dollar company, surely they can higher people to make other products or update their preexisting games on the side
>and software
Another game engine that makes pretty enough graphics prettier.
But even indie devs like Undertale released off of steam, and had massive success. He just so happened to also release a version on steam.
>But even indie devs like Undertale released off of steam, and had massive success.
>He just so happened to also release a version on steam
>Implying there is no correlation
>Implying the game would continue to have been a success sold strictly outside of Steam
This is may be one of most extreme delusions I've ever seen.
And we're in Sup Forums, so that's makes it really impressive.
I'd rather they invest their time and money in unfucking Steam than on DOTA, CS, Half Life et al
Ever heard of Cave Story?
Go look up the effect Steam had on the sales of the game "Sequence" versus the Xbox Live Arcade.
It's amazing how explosive Steam can make an indie game user.
When was Gabe's last public appearance? Haven't seen him in a while.
Now i just realize gabe have jew nose all the time. Its just the camera angle always faces directly so its subtle.
the fuck yall on? Valve is constantly doing shit and improving the greatest thing to gaming. and thats ignoring their shit like cs and dota