Let's go boys, I'll hold it open for a while. Make sure to set password to on when searching.
Late night SFV Lobby
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Pity bump
Did anyone ever join
Does anyone want to play SFV
OP isn't even here is he? Also what rank are you guys, I'm a shitter so I probably shouldn't even join.
Rookie that just started from Roachistan here,will be able to join soon.
I only have 250 LP pls no bully
Looks like we're all shitter then. Does anyone want to start a lobby?
If someone makes a lobby I'll join for a bit
I created a battle lounge,pass is 4321.
CFN: ThatRedPyro
On the way
Can people join after you start?
Yes but only two people can fight in a lobby at any given time, for whatever stupid reason.
Sit still Rasheed goddamn
I might leave after this game, it looks like my connection doesn't agree very well with you guys.
Oh c'mon,Mika was more mobile throughout the match.
I had to move a lot because I couldn't remember rashid's buttons
It's still open if anyone wants to join,newcomers and pros all welcome!
I swear I changed it back to first to 1,why is it back to 2 again?
>Silver guy wrecking shit in a rookie lobby
good games to both of you
dw I get bullied all the time
>tfw whiff the stun and end up losing the round and then the match
Join already,it's ass beating time!
taking a short break for a bit, I'll come back if the lobby's still open
Are there no other enthusiasts?
Not gonna let this reach page 10 yet!
I mean I could join, but I'm super plat so I dont think this would be too enjoyable for you guys.
Also I'm europe.
>Wrecking shit
It wasn't that bad for me
More importantly,it was fun
Expecting to see you guys later on.
Learning how not to get beaten up is actually important too user,you can come IF you want to,that's the only thing that matters.
Password is 4321
I would but I'm in Southern California and a Plat
You could try to beat us using only light attacks. Or give us a half lifebar head start. Or get really drunk and then play.
Since there seem to be some pros in here, what character should I buy with my banked fight money if I'm still shit at this game? I bought Akuma because I remember how to shoto from Street Fighter 2. What other DLC characters are sorta noob friendly?
>Backing up from a proper fight
One of the guys was from canada and the other somewhere in the U.S.A,netcode isn't that bad.You can still join as long as you think you'll have fun.
It's still open if anybody wants to play.
how do i stop bison from scissor kicking me
Is a garbage unranked nigger Allowed to join?
Why not,hop in.
Why does it feel like some people just straight out forget about the existence of v-reversal? Is it some instinct to save bar for trigger?
I'm a rookie shitter so I don't even fully understand what v-reversal is or when to use it. It's probably contributed to the many times my ass has been destroyed.
Whats your league?
Rookie of course
usfiv adventures were so much more fun
bronze shitter here. is the lobby still up? post the details please.
It is up,
password is 4321.
>Not first to two
what about muh runbacks?
We can change it,and it was requested to be set to 1.
Oh jeez these bars, i'll see how this will go when I get to play
Joinin again in a bit
Shaan here. Brb need to change music settings.
I wish the PC version of SFV showed keyboard prompts instead of PS4 buttons. I'm still just guessing on which buttons do what when it comes to menus.
>those taunts from Karin
>Got my ass handed over to me the round I taunted
Well,I guess I deserved to lose that round.
The lobby is still up and going for anyone who wants to join.
>teleporting Akuma
was it laggy on your end too dude? I want to know if it was just me?
It was a little laggy, yes. You were jittering about quite a bit.
That's strange Pyro was 3 bars to me and it was smooth as butter while you are 4...
oh well
Yeah Akuma was jumping around a bit for me too, nothing too serious though.
lmao 2ken
And for some reason you were jittering around for me,although not terrible.
Yeah I think thats enough for me
was fun guys
Shaan here. I'm done for now. Was fun but I'm in the mood for TTT2 now.
>Karin teleporting all over the stage and taunting
Losing my shit here. Good games though, gotta finally catch some sleep. Hope to see you guys later when I'm out of shitter Rookie league.
Yeah,it was fun while it lasted.Hope to catch you guys some other day too.
>usf4 adventures was so much more fun
>posts a Max episode