How is this now that it has been 2 years and they might've finished the fucking game

How is this now that it has been 2 years and they might've finished the fucking game

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has it really been 2 years already?

its as good as its gonna get
same with battlefield 3 and 4 it took a lot of time for them to polish it to the shiny turds they are now
fun enough i guess

1 year and 1 month

Isn't a new one coming out this year? Maybe it will be the battlefront we all know and want more of. I hope

Is it worth playing for a month for 5 bucks with that EA Vault thing?

Are vehicles still a powerup?
Is the gameplay still outfit/loadout based instead of class based?

Wait they're making another one?

yes, but it's going to be shit
>already confirmed none of the maps from BF1 are coming back
>already confirmed there will be sequel trilogy shit and a bad campaign
>absolutely 0 chance of any prequel stuff
>more bland barebones maps, will probably be barely any at launch again
>game will be 50% DLC again
it will be horrible.

literally ALL they have to do is make a competent and faithful remake of Battlefront 2, put it in their new battlefront engine, put all the maps in the new battlefront IN ADDITION to everything in BF2 and some new modes


They've confirmed nothing, we know literally nothing aside from the fact its coming out in 2017.

they literally said ON STAGE at e3 that it will have sequel trilogy content

and a campaign

They didn't mention Battlefront 2 at all at E3, you are mental.

It looks so pretty
Damn shame they fucked it regardless

thats where it was announced you absolute retard

It hasn't even been announced officially.

>and a (((Campaign)))
No fucking Clone Wars I bet. Re-creating Geonosis, Felucia, Kashyyyk and a whole other fuckton of Clone Wars maps and battles is way above their budget.

>The game will have "bigger and better worlds," Jorgensen said during a previous call. He added that it will make use of content from "the new movies," though he didn't name any outright. The first Battlefront only featured content from the original Star Wars trilogy.

So it's going to be fucking trash, basically. Not even a trilogy's worth of content and they're already going to make a Battlefront based with shit from the fucking Nu-Trilogy.

Battlefront is dead if they don't at least use some Clone Wars assets.

Pretty sure he was referring to the Rogue One DLC Battlefront got there.

Man fuck those Swede faggots at Dice. The new trilogy is horrid and only nu-male redditors would call it "good".

It's $30 right now for everything. All four of the original planets plus the free updates with jakku, giving the heroes movie appriopiate costumes (like Luke's hoth outfit), Bespin which may be the best looking thing I've ever seen in video games, the Death Star, Jabba's Palace why, and Scarif from the new movie, a bunch of new heroes mostly bounty hunters who didn't have a single line of dialogue in the movie, they even fucking put Greedo and Lando's co-pilot from RotJ in and a bunch of extra cosmetic shit.

That's a lot better than when you paid $110 for just the first four plants. Literally half the game is DLC, and if you want to wait a year, you can get it when it's actually complete for like $30. I don't know how the fuck this industry works anymore.

The game itself is really fucking arcadey and shallow. Well worth $30, but holy fuck you should NOT buy this at full price when it first comes out.

>>already confirmed none of the maps from BF1 are coming back
They already desperately scraped everything from the OT, what the fuck are they going to do if they don't bring that back? 2 maps from Force Awakens, 2 from Rogue One and a few from the new movie released through the course of a year?

It's probably because making assets for the Force Awakens heroes, characters, locations and the new movie constitutes a new fucking game of workload.

Their marketing will probably revolve around 'muh strong independant wimminz' through Jyn and Rey. But as we all know SJW's don't play video games so hopefully this game fucking bombs. Bring Prequel content back you lazy, abhorrent fucks.

EA, if you're in this thread: I like your game. I do.
But EVERY time I try to play that boss walker assault mode I get one of these guys.
I was able to accidentally enjoy about 2 hours of the game once before a infinite jew pack aimbot empties the server.
Fix this and I guarantee I will buy the DLC. Gay Jabba the Hut level and everything.

In BF1 they have an anti-cheat system that actually somewhat works in place, but it still allows hackers to go on a rampage for half the game before finally kicking them.

Im not going to buy it if it has zero prequel content

Prequels put the OT to shame when it comes to Vidya content

Yes they literally did just that

Bought the Ultimate Edition for PC during Christmas sale.

Zero players for Rogue One and most DLCs.

Finally managed to get in a round for Death Star. Not my cup of tea.

Refunded in seconds.

For real why is it a big fucking no-no to make Prequel vidya? It has so much content besides muh empire and muh rebels. Is it because Disney doesn't want their god awful sequel to be forgotten?

I don't know what the fuck Disney's problem is with Prequel content, but they just avoid it like the plague for some fucking reason. They probably want to milk the shit out of the OT, but that can only get them so far.

At least the Clone Wars feel like an actual war. OT, for all the good that it is, is literally just under dogs against the "big, bad Empire." And that theme gets old fast, especially in a gaming environment.

Can you really not level-up in singleplayer/co-op modes?
I just got it and it seems disheartening that this is the case.
I don't care to play online. I just bought the regular edition for $10 to maybe play co-op with a buddy here and there.
These modes let you use custom loadouts but don't seem let you level up or unlock things.