why does Sup Forums always chicken out and dodge when challenged to fighting games? Even when it's casual?
Why does Sup Forums always chicken out and dodge when challenged to fighting games? Even when it's casual?
you saved a shit fucking image to start a thread with
Because fighting games are one of the only competitive genres where there's 100% accountability for whether you're bad or not
>online warriors
That's nowhere near remotely true. Pretty much no RTS worth playing has RNG elements, for instance. Racing games, any sports game worth their salt, certain team-based FPS with fixed spawns - All 100% reliant on each player's skill
>everyone has locals
alpha 3 anyone?
why is there a gamespot logo on it
I don't participate in lobbies or anything cause my connection is ass. I see no reason to make others suffer for it and they wouldn't be able to prove whatever points they wanted in such a situation anyway.
I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a sore loser.
I get extremely aggravated especially if your """""best friend""""" is making snarky comments while fucking cheesing your ass.
Fuck you Jonathan
But I don't and love FGs
Sucks that only friends that are into it remotely are autistic melee fags
Except that's not even remotely true because of how many characters rely on 50/50s, like grapplers or vortex
>Mixups are RNG
Fucking lol. Pathetic
This is the kind of mentality that breeds people like Lowtiergod
>I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about
These are the shitters that cry for nerfs due to their ignorance and inability to get good
because I just end up getting mad at my own small mistakes over and over again. i'd rather just play sp or team based games
>he thinks 50/50s are limited to grapplers
>he thinks a vortex is a character archetype like grappler or a zoner
this nigga
lowtiergod can actually preform basic inputs though. These people don't know how to play the game at all. They are the equivalent of giving grandma a controller for a FPS and they just look up into the sky and spin around.
becasue fighting games are for tryhard faggots
>small mistakes
you mean big mistakes
ya try harding like your mom when she was riding my dick lmfao
i used to play on ggpo. but its full of those tryhards that spend all day on it, but not quite good enough to go to locals or tournies.
This is why I think people enjoy those games, if they can admit it or not.
Your mistakes become less important and memorable when someone else makes one.
This. Why the fuck would anyone enjoy anything that takes effort and skill? Confrontation scares me because I know I'm so inferior I can't compete and just embarrass myself.
I'm a fucking loser so I just watch anime and let's plays of games instead.
no. simple shit like constantly fucking up simple shit like wake up srk when i know they're gonna do dumb shit or trying to time my meaty on their wake up but fucking up the timing because i'm a spaz
for me it's a sense of improvement via competition that brings people to fighting games. i felt like i hit a wall and it wasn't fun to play anymore so i just dropped it
>I felt like I hit a wall
At what point? I never stopped getting better
fucking up a reversal is a big mistake. Especially if you aren't playing kusoge
>only fighting games take effort and skill
>FGCucks actually believe this
i would just constantly be fucking up simple shit that i knew i could do well. like in 3s, i fought a q that most of the friends i know that play it beat him fairly easily but when i fought him with my necro i would either jump into all his retarded jump ins and would either fuck up my electric dp input or completely lose the trade with Bhp/elbow cannon. when he would jump in. every time i ever knocked him down, i knew he would go for that dumbass command grab, whether i tried to grab or meaty it, i would always eat it despite knowing 100% that the dipshit would go for it. maybe it was just a mental block or something but i would rather just take a big long break than play anymore
>i would just constantly be fucking up simple shit that i knew i could do well.
then you couldn't do it well, you need to let go of your ego that makes you think you deserve to beat someone just because all your friends did
that guy outplayed you and you need more practice, it's that simple
Because it's Street Fighter
>friend likes playing USFIV
>play with him whenever he's at my place
>time passes on
>ask him if he wants to buy USFIV to train his main and get better
>show him some other fighting games
>it always ends with us playing 3 matches and going back to USFIV because he had enough
>this has been going on for 3 years now
What do?
has usfiv been out 3 years already?
Game came out in 2014.
because fighting games are the most frustrating for casual players
for shooters and mobashits, scrubs can blame their team, or gear, or some other shit. In a fighting game its a lot harder to justify a loss, so they just blame the game. It must be the game's fault I lost, not mine. My personal video game skills did not result in a win, so the design must be flawed. Fighting games motivate people to improve, and less people want to do that today than ever. That's why scrubs don't like fighters and why the genre has not gotten nearly as huge as mobashit. That's why games like SFV are desperately trying to pander to the casual crowd.
They're bad and they don't like it.
I just don't play that often anymore. Back when Skull Girls released I added anons from here and played. I even played 3S online and a bit of USFIV. Pretty much an above average player with moments of greatness often overshadowed by my dumbass getting tripped up by certain things.
I have SFV, KoFXIV and Rev but PS+ ran out and I don't feel like paying for it right now. There is a local shop that holds fight nights and I've played 3S up there before.
How do you fight grapplers? Here's how my matches go
First round
>run away, long normals and fireballs
>try to contest neutral
>stupid jump arcs so you can't AA properly
>can't challenge any of their normals
>random Yolo unreactable resets
>just don't put yourself in those situations
literally some of the Stupidiest ass advice I've heard. Inevitably you're going to find yourself in those situations.
>Just keep playing.
I've got I'm ultra gold with 700 hours in SFV and all of it is ranked. I don't encounter the situations enough to tryout new shit. Half the time, the new shit ends up being a counter hit.
>suggested Controversial change
Whiffed grabs should result in crush counters. Y'all grapplers have enough health to deal with it. Hell, I'd go ask far as giving damage buffs to the command grabs to compensate.
FPS were able to evolve from arena shooters to team shooters like Overtwatch. How would fighting games make that jump, so everyone could get participation awards?
>losing to grapplers in any video game ever
Stop replying to bait you dumb fuck.
We've been having SFV lobbies for almost every day now. Try to keep up
Street fighter V isn't a fighting game
Okay buddy
Anyone wanna play 3s on Fightcade?
>Y'all grapplers have enough health to deal with it.
Zangief has a whopping 50 more health than Ryu in V
Spacing is a meme in SFV
Zangief's L.spd is Ryu's St.HP range
The only thing I have a fireball which Gief has every tool in the book to deal with
what's your fightcade
>gief has every tool in the book
>a grapple you can jab him out of
>an air grab which is slow as fuck
U wot m8