Why do we get so assfucked when it comes to online gaming?
If you're bored of, or don't want to play CSGO, WoW or LoL - you're fucked. We're extremely limited to being able to enjoy online gaming as each game we try to get into is 300ms+
So my fellow aussies - What do you play beside the big 3?
>why do we get so assfucked when it comes to online gaming Because you live on the wrong side of the planet? How is this difficult to understand
Jose Hall
>Why do we get so assfucked when it comes to online gaming?
NZ here and Aus/NZ online gaming used to be fine because of ISPs/gaming communities hosting their own dedicated servers. You could play all the big games at the time (MoH, UT, Quake, CoD1-4, TFC, TF2, CS, CSS, BF, etc) no problem.
When dedicated servers began eroding away, we were forced into p2p/matchmaking and shit hit the fan for online gaming down here.
Colton Robinson
try being a spic
not only you get fucked if you don't want to play the big 3, you have to play with brazilians if you don't want to ping through the roof
Zachary Morgan
Internet is shithouse.
Communites are small outside of those games.
Anthony Sanchez
I play Sven Coop, sometimes.
Hudson Russell
There's two hundred fucking million of you.
Easton Hill
about 20% of them are rich enough to play videogames
and about 1% of that 20% actually likes videogames
Lucas Cox
nobody wants you retards for anything.
get to work terraforming that shitty little island of yours if you want to be useful.
Josiah Cooper
I just want to play MMOs but 200-300ms latency pretty much mean no endgame content, no PVP, nothing playable except WoW
pretty much gave up on online gaming. I can only read the threads and look at the games videos/streams. Americans will never understand this feeling
Lincoln Turner
fucking this
I tried FFXIV but you go and try to do extreme shit with 200ms
it's just boring and I get depressed
I wish I was american so I could own guns and play online videogames
Chase Adams
Rocket League works well.
Jace Foster
I play any game I like online because I have the NBN you fucking plebs.
Easton Harris
Sometimes I see some of you cunts playing in Rising Storm, you're alright. Definitely better than the average yuroshitter. And this is coming from a yuroshitter.
Noah Bell
because we live in the greatest country on earth overall, some compromises have to be made. We also enjoy the second highest standard of living in the world behind Norway en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index with the United states sitting at an earnest number 8.
pros >beautiful beaches and natural environment >unique flora and fauna (spiders eating you and crocs is all bullshit, northern areas of australia is where a lot of this bs regarding crocs comes from) >no open carry, guns everywhere gnarly shit to worry about, can walk to the shops without worrying about being shot >opportunity everywhere >beautiful weather >second to none medical and social security system >good wages >generally relaxed disposition in the population cons >travel can be costly >summer is hot as fuck(but beautiful beaches everywhere) >internet can be slow for some people >if you're a shut in there isn't much for you to do
Dominic Flores
Learn moon and play on Japanese servers, ez
Matthew Flores
>cons >not mentioning the chinese holiday money launderers buying up all our houses, ruining the market >also not mentioning the migrant students taking up all the spots in university
Jack Russell
If you had a decent qualification and applied you could become a u.s citizen. Unfortunately we're not accepting 16 year olds living with their parents at the moment.
Alexander Nguyen
>not mentioning the chinese holiday money launderers buying up all our houses, ruining the market sold to them by greedy AUSTRALIAN baby boomers got a point with the migrant students though
Luke Barnes
BF1, Titanfall 2 (attrition only :(), Rust, Overwatch, R6S, The elder scrolls, Rocket league, The Division and Miscreated.
However, I'm also bored of these games and have started going back to Single Player. Just started Skyrim again...
Can they please fucking hurry up and roll out the NBN.
And the fact that they're stopping dedicated servers the cheap cunts...
Alexander James
Watch out bro, the emus are near you.
Blake Cox
I'm 20 and studying geology
but american society sucks dick so I would actually never live there
maybe Canada
Charles Jackson
i never hear kiwis complain. How com you guys do it all the time.
Do the middle earthers have better internet due to smaller country?
Zachary Gomez
Your download speeds will be faster, but it doesn't improve your latency
I'm on UFB in Auckland, which is pretty much the nz equivalent
Dominic Moore
least you get cheap food and cheap luchador matches.
Oliver Clark
I want to move to a country with good internet, active game communities, mostly white population and winter that lasts longer than a fucking month. Where should I move? How's Finland?
Carson Myers
There are less of them.
less people == less complaints
Ryan Watson
Evan Jackson
now this is shitposting.
James Nelson
>Finland good, if you want to kill yourself because of depression
Jack Allen
I wish the emus got all of you. ALL OF YOU
Sebastian Harris
What part of what he said is untrue?
Connor Sanchez
Plenty of cunts play SFV. There's also Paladins and Overwatch.
Having friends is the only way to play shit.
John Rogers
Kiwis just don't complain that much. Probably used to being butt fucked by the govt* and everyone else and just don't care.
*They'll probably politely explain that their govt butt fucks far more tenderly than most other people's, and gloat about this a little if you ask though.
Ian Davis
dont you guys have arcades or smash tourney buildings?
you guys love cars too. So get into your "utes" grab some snacks (meat pies and sausage rolls) and drive your ass to some place to play.
Do you all live in specific bumfuck egypt parts of straya?
Nathan Walker
>playing any other game besides CS:GO, BF, Dota 2 or Overwatch.
People with more options buy said games, or download them if they are free just to never touch them and keep playing the same old games.
Jackson Young
Nah I'll fight a fucking emu.
A cassowary though..
Daniel Scott
can you explain kiwis and scooters to me? australlians or kiwis got real butthurt one time about one of the others doing an imitation of each other.
Ian Foster
>cheap luchador matches
I wish, I'm not mexican
we have free football though
Jack Turner
FFXIV's Japanese server is acceptable if you have decent infrastructure and either a good ISP or a tunnel. You can get below the 150 ping threshold where you don't really experience input delays.
Angel Rodriguez
listen cunt its all good fun shitposting.
>aussies >they call they're friends cunt and their enemies m8.
Ryder Hill
We have pretty bad arcades, I know there's a SFIV machine in the city. But usually it's all the normie kind of bowling games.
There's an old SFII machine at the local club and a SFIII (Some weird version of it) at one of the pubs. But that's all i've managed to find.
Xavier Anderson
This, I live in fucking Tasmania and get 160ms on JP FFXIV server
Angel Rodriguez
well tell me what country so i can make baseless assumptions about you and shit user. shit this is a Tibetan buffy the vampire fanfic site is it not?
Liam Johnson
Pfff it's your problem not mine
Robert Ward
i feel for you cunt. hope it works out.
Andrew Cook
look, all you need to know is that i'm white, okay?
i'm white
white as the driven snow
I'm white.
William Carter
i think the best we got is a timezone, i live in a semi rural area but i heard in melbourne or one of the actual cities theres a meet up thing once a month where people play fighting games together.
i have a little toyota corolla and i love meat pies and sausage rolls.
Thomas Green
>160ms >Decent
Only for FF14
Kayden Parker
Our RO2/RS community is dead so I guess joining yuros is all that's left those still wanting to play.
I had a lot of fun times with them though, and most of those lads are decent.
Aaron Morales
who complains more? abbos or austalian teens that play online games?
Jaxson Nelson
australian teens that play online games by a mile
abos are too wasted to care
Blake Martinez
Tell us about those games you're playing with 50 ping on North American servers.
Anthony Phillips
Aussie teens
Boongas have port sponsored by the gubbment so they don't give a shit.
Ryder Miller
dont know much cept for messi posting on Sup Forums and you guys have iguana tacos.
Carson Brooks
David Hughes
it's ok, i like my country irrelevant and far from WW3
>iguana tacos
fucking what? you memeing me son?
Daniel Ramirez
>google population of NZ >4.4 mil (2013)
>google population of Victoria >5.7 mil (2013)
Eli Torres
thats still 2 million people
Jackson Hernandez
Nah lad, play on yank servers, Merryl's Marauders and Bloodbath (in the former you can go full Sup Forums and nobody will give a fuck, the latter's admins have a stick up their asses so beware). In both of those people will actually talk and try to coordinate, unlike euro servers like 40-1, I hate them so goddamn much. Also you can join those servers even if you're full in case you weren't aware of that.
Logan Stewart
No way bro. Saw a food channel documentary. you guys dug a big pit put a goat and iguanas in it to bbq and put them on tortillas.
Xavier Sanders
Joshua Perry
fuck you i didn't check the math
you know what i meant, dick
Parker Jackson
How do you guys get over the online gayming meme?
I want to play online games with all the cool kids, but I just have to settle for watching twitch streams
Nathaniel Rogers
No I'd rather not play with 300-400 ping. I'll just wait warmly for Rising Storm 2 and dick around in Squad while I do.
Christian Rogers
>euro servers
man something about the french and dutch and scandas man.
germans and uk are okay.
spanish and portugal is hit and miss.
Isaac Parker
>TOR releases several months late in aus because we're getting servers here >Servers get closed down after a year anyway It hurts
Lincoln Watson
I used to play Medal of Honor all the time back in highschool with my friends, I had shit internet but it was still fine. Today it's all p2p and it's fucked. OR server is in Europe/America and ping sucks for MMOs.
captcha = Australian Banco
the fuck?
Luke Robinson
Never heard of that to be honest
goat asado sure, but tortillas? and iguanas?
Must be a thing from other provinces
Jace Barnes
Use to play wow with 300ms and that was decent, fuck off
Liam Gray
>play online >lag like shit >know that other players experience my lag too >shit up their games as much as possible It's like you don't even know how to aussie
Carson Lee
Which ISP?
I'm with TPG and they suck. Only went with them years ago because I used to download gigabytes of movies/tv every month, now I don't. Moving this year so I'll change ISP. Who is good?
Eli Jones
This is cropped. Isn't it?
Brayden Lee
australians have way worse internet than nz not to mention all the censorship and game prices
Jackson Ross
NZ game prices are even higher.
Easton Perez
I've been on internode for years, though they were acquired by the forces of evil a while back. Haven't noticed a drop in quality. Their regular connection to Japan is almost as good as a result from a tunneling service, though you may need one if you're in a place that's not quite good enough to chop down trees without a bit of lag. Prices have been more or less in line with the exchange rate for years now.
Jordan Barnes
Chase Cooper
>What do you play beside the big 3?
I don't play any of the "Big 3"
As for what I play, varies a bit, this week....
KF2 Arma 3 Age of Empires 2 Anno 1404 Payday 2 Forza Horizon 3 Dark Souls 3 Don't Starve Together Worms Reloaded Squad Depth Insurgency Total Warhammer Terraria Civ VI Risk of Rain Mount & Blade Warband Men of War Assault Squad 2 Helldivers
No problems whatsoever playing any of them online and tactical shooters in particular have a fucking awesome community in Aus.
Jordan Hernandez
god playing with you must be hell
too much bantz from you and the worms.
Leo Myers
Usually TF2 or BF4 and Hardline. I really don't like Online, it feels like a disorder, I usually prefer TES or Fallout. Also Half Life or Portal
Ryder Fisher
can you aussies and kiwis recognize each other online when youre on mics?
Carter Morris
Usually the sounds of sheep sodomy from the other rooms gives the kiwis away
Owen Myers
It's easy.
Mate = Aussie Bro = Kiwi
Ayden Thompson
>tfw hot seating Worms over New Years with half a dozen mates on the big telly in the lounge.
It was a good feel.
Mason Cooper
>not keeping your sheep under your desk that you can sodomise and vidya at the same time
Carter Bennett
>can you aussies and kiwis recognize each other online when youre on mics?
Do people actually think Aussies and Kiwi's sound anything alike?
Owen Johnson
It's that bad? I usually get around 200 ping on Merryl's. Anyway you could also try playing with nips and chinks, their servers seem to be pretty active.
Euros in RO2/RS are total cancer. Nobody talks, shitters never fail to snatch important roles such as commander, SL1, tank crew, etc. If you say something you'll be more often than not just ignored. Also the teamkilling was so bad to the point the devs made so that if you are TKd you drop none of your gear.
Angel Morales
Fish and chips = Aussie Fush und chups = Kiwi
Liam Green
yes quite easily, you see Kiwi's have literally the worst accent in the world: >sex/sux instead of six >fush and chups >piddle instead of paddle
They're cool people otherwise though
Lincoln Bennett
tfw too much lag for Forged Alliance Forever and ruin almost every game I join because of it
James Jones
fuck, sounds like fun. i spent new years with two mates playing trauma center on the wii. was k.
Dylan Campbell
>Both of those aren't chink
This is the kind of guy that thinks hungry jacks isn't just burger king.
James Ward
I suppose I should ask here. How's the population for Titanfall 2 here? I'll probably be playing on the Sydney server.
Liam Lee
Joshua Martin
Isn't the biggest server in RUST an Australian server? And RUST has great lag compensation.
Jonathan Butler
whats up with the common wealth and the decline of fish and chips? >bongs - muh kebak >canadians - muh poutine - soon to be muh stir fry >aussies - your mums puss >kiwis - fush an chups >boers - accck zulus stop spearing me!
Parker Richardson
I know a lot of Aussies who can't identify Canadians unless they're walking stereotypes, so it's not that surprising.
Josiah Cox
What games are there thats not so ping dependent?
Like, I can play without being at an unfair disadvantage because I'm not in USA?
Jack Brooks
Really? The cocks in their mouth tend to be a dead giveaway.
Joseph Brown
I find Canadians easy to recognize by their not-terrible sense of humor