The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+

a another failed launch by edmund

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Edmund lied, people died


and now to wait 5 hours for something that should have been released 10 minutes ago

Edmund does this on purpose by now, every single release was a failure and he keeps this trend going


is anyone here even gonna play this
i'm gonna probably end up watching eggscum do it instead, i'm not wasting my money on waiting a week for the actual thing to work again

ill buy it while its cheap, but i wont get serious about 100% until like a month later after things get patched

you mean 5 hours for something that was meant to release at 10 pm PST

>there is a chance the game may not be for sale for another hour or 2

why not just play antibirth instead
it's better than afterbirth, I don't even know what afterbirth+ adds but there's no chance it's anywhere near as good

How much is it? Do they even offer a discount if you already own Afterbirth?

>How much is it?
>Do they even offer a discount if you already own Afterbirth?
yes it's like $6

9.99, 6.66 if you own afterbirth

>cant get it now

bravo edmund, not only he delayed the release by 2 hours already, now we are getting even more delays


Sounds like a bit too much still for what they're offering.

>Will be discounted to $6.66
>Don't get to see the special price for myself

what the fuck I thought it was a free update to fix AB's shittiness
It's fucking paid?
Edmund, are you fucking kidding me?

reminder that adding mods disables unlocks

Hell yea, i've been waiting a year for the rest of the afterbirth content. And now with Paid tm mod tools i can remove it all.

a handful of new items plus actual mod support also mods keep you from unlocks mak sur 2 gib egmund ur thnx :^)

antibirth is good but it also doesn' have that much content
the only thing i'm hyped about with afterbirth+ is the user made content being added by the devs progressively

>youtubers already have the game

it's perfect for what you're getting, what are you talking about
food analogies

If I don't have Afterbirth does this include Afterbirth for free?
man those design tips
>im specifically looking for enemies that will be added as alts to existing ones. this makes them a lot easier to add so we dont need to include 100+ rooms specifically for each of them. they dont need to be like the enemy they are an alt of, but should roughly fit the theme/difficulty of said enemy you are making an alt for.

So good ol' Ed can steal my good fortune and fix the crap he made.

>can finally mod Duke's voice for Balls of Steel quote




He's done this the past four times, did you think this was coming at no cost to you?

you mean 5 hours for something that was meant to release at launch

I'm bored of Antibirth by now

The funny thing is it adds more content than ab+ will or ab ever did

Pic related. My reaction when I learned of Afterbirth Plus, and then learned it was a paid expansion.

holy shit. We knew the new enemies were a result of laziness, but I didn't know that it was a result of laziness of this caliber

We've got a thread over on /vg/ btw.
>There's an achievement for having your mod(s) officially added to the game in one of precisely TWELVE Mod Booster Packs over the coming year

Why doesn't he act like a normal indie dev and release content for free? I'm tired of these stupid expansions.

Of course it is. Streamers also got early access to Rebirth and Afterbirth

Because he knows he can get away with it.

He has a legion of dick suckers lining up for him.

the time of halloween update is over

streamers already get everything for free and several days before release.

Just the really big ones though so they get more people to buy it

Just make a mod that enables unlocks while modded

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a mod to remove that.

This is not true. Only autists read that line and interpreted it literally.

Are you retarded?

I've played Antibirth five times already and nothing is different besides from a few new enemies, two new bosses and a few new items.

From all the hype surrounding it I thought it was going to be a complete re-imagining of the game

No r u?

I'm playing it right now.

Yeah, because there totally isn't achievments for playing with the developer on other games and other such rubbish that 99% of people will never get without cheating

Savor it

>This is not true
I have a source friend, the Steak's own blog.
Where is yours?
>Take it literally
108 hours. Paid expansion when all anyone wants is proper modding support.

I genuinely believe he's stupid enough to do it.

o gosh

>design tips:

>also im sure there are more than a few zelda enemies i missed out there.. just copy those! :\

antibirth adds 4 new floors and 16 new bosses, if that's all you've seen you haven't unlocked everything yet

>He didn't go down the alternate route to experience the glory that is Antibirth


There's also an entire new type of Treasure Room.

>$20 for mod support
>edmund dick lickers and reddit will defend this

He's not even being subtle about AB+ being about paying him to do his job for him

Does it have a Envy in it to fuck you over and make the game drag on for 5 minutes

I bet it does

can you count or even read

>Not using cheat engine to unlock everything
Ever since the Lost got added to the game i refuse being Edmund's little bitch and playing his stupidly designed shit to get unlocks.

Yes, you're an autist if you read a line literally. It doesn't mean a literal steam achievement, it means it like "badge of honor". You get the ultimate bragging rights.

And those are retarded. How about waiting to see if this isn't just autists interpreting a line literally. The hateboner for the devs on this board is outright retarded.

>Being bad at the lost

Ayy lmao

it's terminal

You guys enjoying your steak?

Unlocking the Lost is the worst.

why even bother playing vidya if you're so shit you have to cheat to progress

And no, they're star-filled rooms with glass floors that can only spawn Astrological Signs, including the usual ones and a handful of new Planet-based ones.

On a normal day when you have just the base game you need to pay $20 in total for both DLCs if you want mod support.

>b-but it's on sale sometimes!
I guess it's OK practice for activision to do day 1 DLCs if they start off with putting them on sale

Did you like it?


it's so easy though. die on a sacrifice tile with lost poster.
it's literally THAT EASY.

Since when does $6.66 = $20?

afterbirth has been out for ages, you have only yourself to blame if you don't already own it

The lost isn't about skill, it's a badly designed character that requires a shitton of luck. Don't eat edmund's shit. Don't tell me you also think that the Hush's super boss armor is a good idea?

>day 1 dlc
do you even know what that means?
did you shit your pants when earlier bethesda released expansions for morrowind or?

While I disagree with him, you still need Afterbirth to use Afterbirth+.

Is missing my garnish, you give me my meat alone

The booster pack idea sounds cool, not being able to get achievements basically forces you to unlock everything first before you get mods. This solves the issue of not being able to enjoy mods if you are trying to unlock everything.

Still afterbirth made it piss easy to get 1001% with how easy it is to break the game.

>Giving Ed your shekels after the abortion that was Afterbirth
>Not getting based Antibirth instead

Keeper is potentially even worse though.

please explain this steak meme

Well, as far as treasure rooms go it's not absolutly terrible sounding

it will at least confirm a seperate item pool to thin out shit I don't want from the regular one

Hush's super armor no.

And for the Lost just play how you normally play? Don't get hit, it's just Isaac but you can't get hit they have the same stats.

If anything the lost is strong because free devil deals.

Git gud.



Oh I get it, so mod support is only something "true isaac fans" should be able to get?

You're missing the point completely.

But even taking the sales into account, it's still $13 for mod support. Not to mention bug fixes only exclusive for DLC.

just because i think you're actually shit at isaac if you have to resort to cheat engines to get unlocks instead of playing the game doesn't mean i approve of all of his design choices.

you're shit at video games, and edmund is shit at releasing his games and expansions, and damage reduction/bullet sponge as a means to make bosses "harder" is also bullshit.

seriously though, if you had to use a cheat engine for the lost you are fucking pathetic, man. he's pretty easy after you get holy mantle.

Fucking millennials wanting everything with no efforts

The keeper is a lot harder then afterbirth Lost, still won't believe any dumbfuck that believes keeper is harder then rebirth lost.

Keeper is even easier to break then the lost, get swallowed penny and then he is easier then the lost ever will be.

So its nothing basically.

On the bright side, if Tyrone is giving out keys hes probably given one to NL already.

Rebirth required for afterbirth required for afterbirth+
And you call ea Jewish?

Torrent when

Do I buy this? I still like le steak man and I liked Afterbirth. But is Antibirth really that much better?

fuck right off.
that's just bullshit. what is with these retards?

so does the dev still think he's hot shit and everyone else is retarded
like this guy

I just think that mantle/d4 lost is a shitton less frustrating than old lost while Keeper will still make you want to rip your hair out.

>33k viewers

isaac "fans" on Sup Forums are the saltiest dogshit rivaled only by dark souls general. your salts are mined from the dumbest fucking twitter offenses and are only marginally different from e-celeb threads. no one's ever going to cater to you entitled shits, not the least because you say you'll never pay for anything

It's pretty good. But you want Antibirth+ for the inevitable port and items people are gonna make.