Which side are you on?
Which side are you on?
How about neither.
Get the fuck out of here Sup Forums, literally none of those boards identify in any way with you besides the handful of retarded crossposters who shit up the place.
Hello, reddit.
You're an idiot.
> Nerds and baneposting
> Enlightened cultural elite
Also, why not include /his/ on the right side?
Get rid of DC and I would go with Sup Forums.
Shouldn't you be at school?
reddit's side, of course
what are you gonna do about it? cry like the little Sup Forumsack you are?
pol definitely except i'd replace hiro with moot pls
I am.
Is Marvel there because of that Josh Whedon Hillary/Anita shilling?
>one side is full of Republitards
>one side is smart
Kys appledditor
>delete Sup Forums
But he brought the fucking board back you newfag pile of shit
Full retard
Neither you fucking brainlet
After deleting it.
Is this even a contest?
Team Sup Forums of course!
Not video games.
Now start looking for a job or Mom's going to yell at you, fatty.
Sup Forums is obnoxiously stupid
/qa/ is a cringefest
can I pick neither?
I'm on /qa/'s side. Sup Forums brings way too many newfag redditors to the site
You are fucking retarded, Sup Forums.
This exact fucking thread was posted yesterday, this post was in it word for word.
Most likely, what with the whole throwing the baby out with the bathwater mentality.
>reddit not on the Sup Forums side
Asuke is the cuck choice
Moot likes her. Hiro likes her.
>i've never been to Detroit the picture
>going on reddit
holy shit the left side looks commie as fuck get out of here you bolshevik bastards
Sorry my filename triggered you and hurt your fee-fees. I have a life so I can't just sit at my computer all day. Right now I'm at the gym getting fit as fuck.
>Moot and Rei on the same side
>being on hiroshimoot's side
Why do you keep posting this?
>Cyclists getting knocked in their ass for using the road despite not paying taxes for it
Fuck cyclists
Pick one
I saved that pic from Sup Forums though
He's right though. Red states take way more gov assistance than blue states.
>Sup Forums and Rei on opposing sides
Fuck that newfag
Meanwhile in real life fully democratic cities.
Going on public marches do not replace gym time friendo
Sup Forums is our sister board. We have no choice.
But i like DC AND Marvel
Bet you read that on reddit
>muh detroit
Nine of the ten richest states are liberal. Nine of the ten poorest states are conservative. But yes, please focus on one city out of thousands. It's such a pity Detroit can't be like the scientific and cultural paradise that conservatives have made Alabama.
Well, they won, so
Sup Forums isn't any of those boards you faggot
How about the Sup Forums side
Don't know, OP.
Just wish political discussion would stay on the appropriate fucking boards so I can talk about movies, sports, comics, and vidya without getting into shit I really don't want to think about.
>team Sup Forums
>no /fit/
>no /k/
>no /o/
Get out
If my sister is a cunt who does nothing but shit the place up I'm not going to invite her into my home often.
Man I guess all those other rich well off Democratic cities don't count now that you posted Detroit
Man, what am I gonna do
I'm with Sup Forums. Those who disagree can fuck off to whatever shithole you migrated here from.
I am fucking sick of the "pol is a containment board" shit. Nuke it and let those roaches scuttle away.
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the worst boards on this website so right I guess
But game devs and hollywood shove it towards me all the time.
if you search real nicely there so happens to be a certain large group of a certain demographic that happens to be there :O!
I'm all for Sup Forums existing as long as it actually contains you retards like it's supposed to. Shit threads like these should be ban-on-sight.
Kys reddit
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA atleast Hillary won half way through unlike a certain dying loser
To be fair, the entire MCU cast was involved with that Josh Hillary shilling commercial.
You have to love your sister though.
For the last time.
Sup Forums is never getting deleted
Yes. Republicans.
Which team has Misato aka Best Girl
Not /qa/ because I'm not a whiny redditor
I live in Lousiana. I can confirm this is exactly what a southern Red state is.
It's fucking terrible.
Hi Sup Forumsbab
LE 1488! XD
>organic fruit
hahahahahahahhahahahah good one bro xD!
here is your answer nigga
I don't have to like her or be forced to deal with her shit 24/7.
I'm just here for shitposting most of the time.
So neither, I like Sup Forums out of all boards though.
I don't even give a shit about my own sister though. She's a bipolar mess
Im on the side of actually discussing the topic surrounding the little text down from the Sup Forums banner.
Only nice one is Minneapolis
All it said was to vote. No candidates were mentioned.
I come here to shitpost about video games. So take your shitty ass thread, and fuck off.
What is "kek" exactly?
anti-antisjw are just as bad now. How many times have they pulled the exact same shit as anti-sjw and sjw now?
So I guess the team that wants to temove Sup Forums since /qa/ stays on their fucking board
Here's your (you). It's actually true really, the only time I ever deal with SJW bullshit is when it's brought up around here.
They all are. You have to love her though, even if you hate her.
The roaches would just scuttle into Sup Forums, /r9k/, /qa/, ect.
>tfw no moot to tell Sup Forums to fuck off
The meme magic deity.
I mean actually bipolar
>92 posts in 13 minutes
You guys make it so easy
Wrong, the video makes it clear they were shilling for Hillary.
Calling someone Reddit for disliking Sup Forums is like shit talking someone for not browsing Sup Forums.