
Find a flaw.

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should I play Nocturne or Persona 3? I haven't played any SMT games and want to play one before P5 comes out.

It's not Persona 4

Camera controls are awful.

>tfw listening to fierce battle rn


Start with either, you'll end up wanting to play most of them anyway.

>persona 4 is better than SMT 3
okay casual

aight thanks, probably going with P3 then since I've heard Nocturne is the best of the games

Asakusa Puzzle Boy

Press Turn is kind of an unfair system, even on hard by late game any multi-target attack enemies use will make them lose turns. Also, the overworld is pretty linear, that's disappointing if you played any other numbered mainline game before.

Found one.

>tfw started playing and didnt die tlll this guy.
Good meem lads. Was doing a blind run, now gonna use a cheat sheet to fond his weakness/what buffs to use.


Persona 3 is a game that sticks with you for a while. It has fantastic characters, story and presentation.

Nocturne is a no nonsense dungeon crawler, but it's very satisfying once you realize that you should approach each boss as a puzzle.

Just play both but Persona 5 will play a lot more like Persona 3.

Grindy as hell. Otherwise 10/10 I like it.

he has no weaknesses
you want to use all the buffs

git gud

The kalpas were a massive dissapointment given that its supposed to be hell, in fact I dislike most of the games visual design despite liking the artist it just didnt translate into 3d very well. I hated the level design too. It felt pretty hollow to me.

I still like the game though just feel that it could become much better with a hd re-release

>Matador meme

Fuse an Uzume and use buffs/debuffs.

Reaching the true demon ending without a guide is pretty difficult.

Every single boss in just about every single SMT game has exactly one demon that you can fuse to completely counter it. This is without fusing any additional spells or skills onto it.

I forgot which one it is to counter Matador, but you'll probably find it in the guide you're going to use because you cannot play past gen games after being casualized by modern gen games.

No sound settings in options.

It's Uzume for Matador.

3d models look dumb

I just got fuxked by him a few times. And if i dont use a guidr i spend ages grinding or fucking up demon fusing to finally find out what demon to use.

Story, characters, and demon negotiation are shit even compared to SMT1 or Soul Hackers, both of which were already out before this.

Vanilla release is pretty inexcusable even if we only ever got the Maniax version overseas anyway. Kinda shitty to have released the game basically unfinished.

Removal of most systems the earlier games had, such as rows, larger battle parties, Magnetite, equipment, and so on. You don't get as cool a dynamic of the difference between your main character and his demons, there's less of an interest in looking for treasure since it'll almost never be something that improves yourself, and you don't get to feel like a summoner.

It's a shin megami tensei game

>Overhear people talking about Final Fantasy at my college
>Head over to make conversation
>Couple minutes pass and I bring up SMT
>None of them have played any of them
Why is this?


magnetite only served to make the game more annoying

literally buy the magatama
always buy the magatama

I love this damn game so much. The OST is superb. I know this is a remix from another SMT game, but it's just awesome to hear.

Because SMT is a niche series that is obscured by its own spinoff series.

Also cause the SMT main series sucks

It's not fair.

Will an SMT game ever come to a home console again?

This, it was a chore.

Do you consider this to be an SMT game?

No, because t's not going to suck, unlike literally every single fucking SMT game ever

How so? It gave you an incentive for negotiation, because you could shake down demons for their magnetite, and the conversations were a lot more consistent and cool than Nocturne's were so that was perfectly fine.

You don't run around with a full party of demons. You maybe summon 1 or 2 to accompany you in a dangerous area, or if you're confident, you can go alone, stock up, and bluff your way out of fights while making money, magnetite, and allies at the same time.

That's fucking awesome. Two plain humans in a post-apocalyptic scenario ambushed by five Beriths, and you can punk them out by just silently approaching them and drawing your sword.

In Nocturne, it's just fight after fight after fight, you have your best demons at all times, and hell, you even have to level them so that you don't burn through them too quick to realize there's not that many in the game, and so you don't have to go through the RNG hell of more negotiations because Nocturne has far and away the worst negotiation system in the series.


You should probably start with persona 3, it's got a great story and will ease you into the SMT gameplay and fusion mechanics. Theres a good chance you'll be shredded to pieces and rage quit if you start with nocturne

>going to

Lol Ee Oh Pee

Their choice for Ginza remix made no sense in Nocturne.

Instead of remixing Ginza from SMT1:

They remixed arcade street:

Which is cool and all, but damn man. Ginza is for Ginza.

sort of, but not really. P5 is still pretty distinct from SMT.

Is the Switch a home console?

Nobody's falling for your bait faggot

Yeah, but we'll have to wait and see if that thing is even capable of assimilating the Wii U, let alone the 3DS

The worst is when people also like Fallout, but only because of 3 or 4.

Because then it's like they know or like RPGs and post-apocalyptic stuff, but they'd never give any SMT a chance.

The only unfair thing about Press Turn is the existence of Beast Eye and moves like it, though it's understandable why they're there. The late game does have too many enemies with no weaknesses so you can rarely make good use of Press Turn. The fact that you can still get criticals and dodge enemy attacks goes some way to alleviate this, but it's still an issue I noticed.

I hope someday an SMT game has some kind of mix between SJ's combat and Press Turn. I think that SJ's combat perfectly handled how your alignment factors into combat, but it just isn't as fun as Press Turn. It also suffers from that same issue as Nocturne where barely any late game enemies have weaknesses, but it's even worse because criticals and dodging don't play into it.

Gameplay is pretty mediocre.

And I love the shit out nocturne. One of my favorite games. Though if it had gameplay more in line with a modern Raidou 2, it'd be great. DMC 3/4 gameplay with demon summons instead of weapon swapping.

I think it may. They made those HD Demon models for P5, and even if P5 was a big game for them, I doubt they're just going to make them for P5 and not re-use them.

I've only played Persona 3 and 4, should I try Nocturne?

I don't think it's very fair because all the old advantages and disadvantages of hitting weaknesses, negating attacks, missing, or critting are still there on top of the press turns.

Like if you hit a weakness or crit, you're doing more damage with that attack. But you're also getting a full extra turn on top of that. Or if you miss, you wasted that attack but also waste a second turn too. Including crits and misses in it is kinda bullshit with those being strictly RNG too.

Plus the games are moving further and further away from any defensive options. No armor, no rows, not a "defend" option instead of just pass, and later games don't even have stats that influence HP or defenses (and they already didn't influence that much). You can't really be expected to have a party of demons with no weaknesses, and going into a boss you aren't guaranteed to know what it uses until it starts attacking, at which point it's 3-4 turns just turned to 6-8 turns before you could do much to stop it, more than enough to kill you if it feels like it.


Friendly reminder that Jack Frost is the best demon from SMT.

I said that the Press Turn is unfair for the enemies. After some hours playing your parties won't have any flaws anymore and random encounters stop being dangerous except for surprise attacks.

You might want to try Digital Devil Saga first, it bridges the gap between Persona 3/4 and Nocturne really well. Battle system and overall tone is closer to Nocturne, but has a set party of characters to use that you can customize like Persona, also has more character development and plot than Nocturne, which is super barebones.


it's boring and dull

Yeah, no

Not even close.

Alright, how are its story and characters compared to Persona 3? I really liked 3 and 4 but I liked 3 more because of its story and cast.

Also is the soundtrack good because 3 and 4 had god tier OSTs.

That is a human though

not inside my ass right now


He's not in Persona 3.

Our version has Dante instead of Raidou.
The fusion system isn't as good as later entries.
The negotiating system isn't as good as later entries.
The maps aren't labyrinthine enough.
It's the least SMT-like mainline entry.
It was too easy.

But that's still not really unfair, it's very punishing for whoever does poorly and very rewarding for who does well, but both you and the enemy can gain from the system equally. The enemy just has an advantage in the way that they have some moves that just give them more turns.

The drifting from defensive options is a real problem, and while I hate to describe it this way, the lack of an guard option feels a little like artificial difficulty to me. Pass should still exist, but guard just take up a full turn.

Criticals and misses may be dependent on RNG, but they can be manipulated a lot, which is good enough for me. Some degree of RNG is to be expected from any RPG and it helps to keep it all fresh on replays, in my opinion.

Well we're talking about SMT right now so I don't see what persona has to do with it.

DDS1 and 2 have fantastic OSTs. Characters are likable, setting is good, the story is mostly decent, but it has a lot of overly cheesy moments and the end completely jumps the shark.

Persona 3 has SMT in its title user.

I'm surrounded by plebs.

Same issue every other SMT game I have played has: Too many similar or useless skills in the game.

>Is the soundtrack good
Oh yes

Only in the west. It was added on to boost sales since SMT was gaining popularity at the time.
It's still a MegaTen game, though. Don't let purist fags tell you otherwise.

>Someone who thinks and makes decisions with his dick calling other people plebs

Literal pleb in all possible forms.

>mfw a pixiefag replies to me

>I haven't played any SMT games
And if you play Persona you still wouldn't have

>nocturne is my favorite game starter kit

Is there something wrong with Persona?

>>Also is the soundtrack good because 3 and 4 had god tier OSTs.

The calendar system.

fog breath

>Implying Uber Pixie with Pierce isn't a god-tier addition to your team.

I never said which one was my favorite.
This is a Nocturne thread, you dingus.

Artificial difficulty by making you grind.

You don't have to grind though.

3, Nocturne will ravage your ass if you don't know how SMT/Persona combat works.

t. someone who is currently getting his ass ravaged by Nocturne

The music, especially the battle music, sounds poorly mixed and overly compressed. It sounds fucking flat, which is a shame since the compositions are superb.

There's your flaw. Prove me wrong.

>not fusing Raphael weapons for each character
I remember my first Night Queen.

Anybody got the demon negotiation life stone comic? It needs to be posted here.

It's not this game

Yeah, it's a better one.

t. someone stuck on Ouroboros


You can't fuck Chiaki.

>tfw no puzzle boy reason

>tfw u turn the world into a rubix cube


Terrible dungeon design and boring story, I preferred DDS 1 & 2 over Nocturne

Is SMTIV:A bad? I've never played a smt and i'm an hour in and it kinda blows.

>get expel shot
>vaporize everything
>get spiral viper
>vaporize harder
Can't wait for freikugel

no better feel than doing over 10k damage from a focus freikugel


can anyone recommend strange journey? I have to go back to uni soon and need something to play between classes on my DS Lite.