This is Lara. Say something nice about her

This is Lara. Say something nice about her.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just post it already, my dude.

Just post the lewds

she's a goodahm hoor

>starts thread with cropped porn

Stay classy Sup Forums.

No, this is Lara!

>Post picture from 9eddit
Stay classy Sup Forums

That's how I found it on Google Images.

Is Rise any good?
I was kinda annoyed at the reboot just being a reskinned Uncharted.


Rise is average cinematic garbage, but I found it to be very fun. The game is basically 2013 Tomb Raider reboot but improved in every aspect. Every tomb (yes, you actually explore real tombs now) is very nice to explore. Gameplay is great.

If you have OCD this game will make you tear your hair out as it has hundreds of goddamn collectables that you need to upgrade all your shit.

Story is absolute garbage and some scenes were so fucking questionable I literally shouted "what the fuck??" at my monitor

Here's like source of the pic.

she has some high quality SFM porn

Why does she have cobwebs all over her face?

>tiny little strands of cum criss-crossing everywhere.
Was she raped by a spider?

holy fuck I love her so much


Jesus you virgin don't you know anything?

It's clearly bird poop.

dude needs to see a doctor if his semen looks like that

did someone sneeze on her?

why doesn't she clean up, that's fucking gross

I think that's bird poop, user.

Someone had to have saved the writeanon and his Opus, Lara and Blondie

>one of the first female protagonists in videogames
>is just a sex object for teenagers to wank over
Good job, men. And then you wonder why girls don't play videogames.

She rides a mean horse.

I played just because want to complete my bow upgrade. After finished with story, uninstalled it immediately

christ, thats not cum thats a fucking spiderweb

are you serious right now? thats clearly bubblegum

Lara hasn't been touched by man in so long

I can see the horse in your butt! Now in X-Ray™!

>I've only played the shitty reboot games.

It's the original series that does that, the reboot actually makes her less of an object.

>can't even make good cum

but that looks like garbage...

no. it's white out.

My crush on Lara was enough to kind of ruin the last game for me.

It's tough to watch someone who you have legitimate feelings for get hurt like she does

>Only thing I know from the original games is the horrible marketing Eidos did that has nothing to do with the actual game.

Is this a tutorial from 2003

Seek help. Seriously.

those are soap suds, dummy

Good thing all my waifu's are 3 to 7 year olds. Lolis never get hurt.

lol. It must be straight from /r/


HAHA lara is getting her tracea CRUSHED. Dumb limey bitch!


baka, you're one of those garbo shoppers on /r/ please stop

yeah, fuck you

Somebody post it

Spidey strikes again.


Here's the source faggots

>tfw can't get devs to work for your company unless you unobjectify females and do other SJW shit that will mean less sales
I bet a lot of executives wished they'd become DBAs instead of vidya devs.

his lara models are shit


>"We want to bring Lara into the 21st century!"
>"No more sex symbols in vidya!"
>give her slightly smaller tits that are still obviously implants
Bravo Disco Dynamics

Rider, meet horse


i liked watching you get smashed by a horse



>Liara doing the blackface

God I wish there were more videos like those. The all-the-way-thru one is like the only thing I can nut to anymore ._.


that guy who makes those makes a mint off patreon

literally just google lara with horse you dongus

How can anyone get off to shit like that.
It boggles the mind.

I shouldn't have done a long session of Lara Croft GO, now I never want to play it again.

I just did, but it wasn't easy. I've never been into that animal stuff and the actual animation of the vids wasn't that hot.

I've been going to /d/ for the better part of 12 years, that's how.

I just love how dingy and raw it is, and its complete disregard for anatomical realism. Lara turning into a literal cocksock for a horse is p. hot, dunno what else to tell ya

His next video will be about Quiet, and a lady who uses... equine interrogation methods on her


would it kill him to pick an attractive model

retards that throw fuckloads of patreon money at him choose that iirc

looks like that stupid parachute through the pointy forest part in the new tomb raider
i hated that part