
I'm glad I didn't play the 3DS version.

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I look forward to sending over my shinys from X/Y

Unless it has battle frontier, then I don't give a fuck. SM's lack of post game was fucking atrocious. Literally RS tier

a pokemn game on a nintendo system
hold the press

God I want to nut all over Felicias face and mouth

so this means mon hun is coming back to console? or is that a bad decision.

There wont be anymore handhelds from nintendo. Switch is it.

what about this 40% slower meme? I don't really care for the gimmick myself honestly.

More ports!!!!

It's over Nintendo is done!

This is a smart move. if they have it ready for the release of switch it will sell shitloads fast and encourage 3rd party support.

The primary platform for a Pokemon game has never been a $300 investment. Nintendo even made the 2DS just to facilitate more Pokemon sales. There has never been a main Pokemon game on a "home console" before, because the goal was always to put it on the cheapest system possible. They could have put a real Pokemon game on the Gamecube or Wii U to speed up sales but they never did, because the idea of Pokemon is that it's something cheap you can give your kids to shut them up on a car ride.

Pokemon Go was a wild success because adults could play it on their phones. They're not going to lug around a backpack with a Switch inside of it just to play Pokemon, and the system is too expensive to just buy for your kid and let them drop it on the sidewalk.

I guess this was inevitable since Nintendo is consolidating their handheld and console development into one unified platform, but this is still risky. Pokemon Go was made to appeal to millennials who grew up with Red and Blue haven't kept up with later games, hence why it was just the original 151. The 3DS games are meant more for kids and the adults who never grew up. There is a very narrow needle to thread if they want to ensare both audiences while also selling them on an expensive $300 system that won't fit into anyone's pocket.

>gameboy game
>on a console
ffs nintendo, what are you doing?

I agree. She's got a weird alien horse face and I wanna nut all over it like there was an accident at a Planter's factory.

>During the video's brief look at the studio, several shots of concept art are shown, as well as a high-definition model of Pikipek that will apparently be used in Pokemon Stars.
Why would Game Freak make HD models of the Pokemon only to make different HD models for Switch? The person they got their info from has no idea what they're talking about.

They have no fucking games ready for release so they're scrambling round in a blind panic, porting anything

It's a shame. The entirety of the S/M end game is essentially just online battles. Which is fine, but it sucks when half the niggas you fight disconnect halfway through the battle either through a rage quit or technical difficulties.

No way it's happening. See, that would be a smart move, and Nintendo is diametrically opposed to smart moves. No, there will be Pokemon on Switch, but it's gonna be some stupid fucking Pokemon fashion designer game or something instead of a real game.

It's a thing the reliable "leakers" have been using as evidence since Stars was rumoured, but GameFreak have been making these since X&Y as a way of future proofing all Pokémon models if that makes sense. I'm too lazy to find it, but there's a Noivern model (just like the Pikipek one the leakers keep referencing) in a X&Y promo video.

V is so dumb. No even noticed that this article is from last year. Based on a rumour.


The video that automatically plays says SM just got released the same day the vid got posted too.

>from last year
well duh. its the 3rd of january!

>the source is literally Sup Forums rumour that wasn't even a rumour, but a wishlisht by sme autist that couldn't understand that partly unusued assets in a game didn't mean shit
epic, simply epic


Not saying it won't happen but after two months the only source for this is a clickbait rumour on ign

HD models don't exist, the assets that Game Freak made for X and Y are not only future proofed but also multi-purpose, these models were used in Pokemon GO and for the assist Pokemon in Pokken Tournament. In Sun and Moon the new monsters got models of course, but all of them were updated with a lower poly model and were given walk/run cycles. There are hints at a future version but that info broke after Stars supposedly leaked, meaning laurakbuzz and Emily Rogers couldn't use it when they reported it to Eurogamer.

Or a port of Pokken Tournament with the 4 arcade fighters.