Is this game good?

Never played any of shantae games but this looks good

Get Pirate's Curse instead.

Wait this was released ?
I think I've donate to them years ago but I have no idea how to claim my shit.
Not that I really care anymore at this point.

A week ago you could have gotten the whole series for less than the price of an AAA title.

I hear it's pretty short, I've only played Pirate's Curse so far. People on here that got it on launch said that the game was shorter than Pirate's Curse though, and let's face it - the art in PC is more "fappable" than 0.5 Genie Hero.

not the best from kickstarter
but no way is it the worst either

I played through it in about 7 hours, (97 % item completion. Missed one heart container or such.) Its a solid 7 or even 8½/10, depending on where your priorities lie.

Soundtrack is great and gameplay is good too. The gameplay hook feels like exploration, but you should really hold back on it until you get far enough in the story since you can't actually get all from the maps until you unlock a bunch of transformations. Feels like a bit of a weird decision especially since you have to return to the levels several times. Gameplay is responsive and fun, but not difficult enough to be really considered a challenge. Compared to other recent indie platformers I've tried I'd place it above Owlboy, but below Shovel Knight and Ori (if you can even count that one as indie).

It's ½ good

Fun but short. Average play time is about 6 hours

only worth it if you enjoy a good video game OST. i know i do

Play Pirate's Curse because tha rtstyle is consistent.
But really, save yourself the time and money. There's a lot of other platformers out there waaay better than Shantae, other than the ironic sex appeal, Shantae is pretty basic, and 1/2 Genie Hero is pretty mediocre in every aspect; from challenge to art style (high res, flat 2D characters on 3D environments looks awful). It just feels like a flash game with a busget.
Get yourself Shovel Knight instead, now that was made with some love and care.

I finished the game this morning.
It's honestly an extremely mediocre game. Pretty fun for the first hour or two but then gets extremely tedious and just outright boing as you're having to backtrack CONSTANTLY. On-top of this, the story is laughably bad and the voice-acting is what you'd expect from an indie game - shit.
The game sells on a cuteness lewdness factor alone, and by god it's an extremely cute lewd game.
The music is pretty good though at least and the game gave me a Newgrounds vidya/Castle Crashers feel, which I really like.

Honestly I can't recommend the game.


buy it on sale

it's shit, just play Pirate's Curse instead

Looks fun. Can't wait to play the whole series. I got shantae on my 3ds and the rest on my ps4.

The story is so plain that it's essentially a reboot. Play it, then play Pirate's Curse.

I like it, but not as much as the other 3. The other 3 are more like adventure games, this one is a simpler, basic platformer. Almost feels like a cheaper spin-off. Still worth playing if you like the other 3, play those first, in order.

I sorta agree, even though I've touched only RR and Pirate's Curse outta the earlier ones. ½GH feels, sounds and looks like a more high profile game, but has less meat around the bones.

Aren't they supposed to add a bunch of stretch goal stuff to it eventually though?

Play the OG trilogy first. Seriously.

Yeah, Risky will get her own story, Shantae will get 3 costumes, and we'll get to replay Shantae's story as Sky, Bolo, and Rotty.

I thought that was IF we reached them, which we didn't

>It's shit

Don't listen to these guys, they've never played a bad platformer in their life. It's rushed and I'd argue it's a little unfinished, because Wayforward got too ambitious with this game for a company that can hardly ever make ends meet in the first place. It's sad because I feel like this may have been the game that they meant for Shantae to finally be pushed into the mainstream, but there are just too many problems for it to have happened that way. That said, the game is no lower than a solid 7/10 for what it's worth.

-Great art
-Great animations
-Fantastic music
-Smooth gameplay
-Competent platforming design
-Decent bosses
-Fast transformations
-Neat story concept*

-Short/missing some content
-Half-baked ideas, particularly with some transformations
-The portraits are pound for pound worse than in PC
-Some dialogue/plots feel rushed and awkward because of being regulated to a single level thanks to the Saturday morning cartoon-style approach to the story (though it's an interesting concept)
-Characterization is not as heavy or as charming here
-Progression and levels have been simplified, for better or for worse, ditching lite Metroidvania elements for a more MM/MMX style layout

And that's my take on it.

Reusing that slide section from the mermaid level after the final boss was criminal and I retroactively like the whole game less because of it.

My exact thoughts were "Man, they really are stretching for content aren't they?"
When I should have been enjoying the finale.

Fuck that's a lot of backtracking for such a tiny game. That harpy segment in the last section of the game is some real bullshit too.
This game deserves to be better and is probably better than the sum of its parts but it truly has so few parts.

For fans only.
Get Pirate's Curse but wait for a sale first.

Pit crew Rottytops is in the game like one second

yeah its a great game :D

>that sprite

0/10, it's shit. she doesn't look remotely smug.

Oh yeah what the fuck was that? You could tell these poor sods were banging their head against the fall to find out where to squeeze in Kickstarter concepts like this one.

Rotty basically goes "Hey guys, check this out! I'm a zombie pit girl like you asked for on the KS page, get it? It's in the game, here it is, pretty cool right?"

Even worse that Bolo replies "I'm sure the fans will eat it up", like they knew.

I don't think it was the same slide section but I get what you mean. Seems a strange way to end the game.

Shantae must have had so many splinters.

rate percent of time you play as monkey
>like almost half the time for movement speed and jump height

But then only use the mermaid Shoot 'em up once!

I wish they had given the monkey the claw attack from the first game. Shantae's sword charge from PC hit enemies and made backtracking easy, the monkey really could have used something.

Monkae is too cute not to play as.

Someone explain to me zombies in the Shantae universe. Rotty, specifically.

Is she evil? Why does Shantae consider a proud flesh-eater to be her friend? Are zombies in this world feared and abhorred as Sky's behavior would suggest, or are they seen as everyday folk who just gotta eat? Furthermore, Rotty doesn't seem to care much when she puts others in danger.

That's kind of the crux of rotty's involvement in risky's revenge to pirate's curse. tPC plays a lot on what happened with the zombies in that game

She's probably just being edgy or trying to scare Shantae when she says she eats human brains. Or the zombies you can kill are actually dead people that Rotty ate the brain of, which turned them into zombies or something.

I'm pretty sure her brother sums up the most the games ever bother to invest in a serious moral dilemma, it's literally something like 'how we supposed to eat brains without hurting people?', but it's all glossed over. Then it's kind of touched upon again when Shantae meets Rotty's spirit in the other world, but again it's just trimmings with no real complexity to it.
And it's for the best really. The series is about as morally complex as a saturday morning cartoon and about as saccharine. Trying to take it seriously is going to be missing the point.

You are uninformed.

Abner also says they eat brains. Shantae probably tries to be friends with Rottytops, since she helped her in GBC.

Since Rottytops' soul is in purgatory, she probably bit her brothers or caused all of their condition somehow.

Mighty no 9 all over again

>Browsing the fan art gallery in the game
>Wayforward was forced to look upon these monstrosities and put them in their game

No wonder it's hidden all the way in the back.