Aside from removing cross class skill garbage, what else is existing that they should change?
I'd get rid of the bonus attribute system entirely. It's useless.
Aside from removing cross class skill garbage, what else is existing that they should change?
I'd get rid of the bonus attribute system entirely. It's useless.
Other urls found in this thread:
Make every stat relevant or at least do something for each class. Make all traits into a secondary system like WoW's talents where you can choose between a bunch of them while you're leveling to have some actual build diversity for each encounter. Remove the whole Class/Job concept and just let you start as a job. Consider making dungeons 5 man groups.
The bonus star system is pointless and even Yoshida agrees, they are planning on removing it soon.
Whoops I mean the stats*
Another thing that needs to be changed is the GCD. 2.0s base global cooldown should be acceptable.
I really miss pre-homogenization WoW
each and every single one of those ideas fucking suck, specially the secondary stat system
>Ninja gains the 4th mudra skill which allows them to cast a vast number of different ninjutsu when combined with their other mudras
This will only take 1 hotbar slot but grant the Ninja many new skills.
Get out WoWrefugee
Is it true that FF11 died because of this game?
11 died because it was 20 years old.
WoW was always homogenized. If you didn't play the objectively best spec of your class in the current content, people would kick you out of groups. Good luck getting people to join your own groups when they see that you're on a server blacklist.
>what else is existing that they should change?
>White Mage
>A Job Robbed Of Its Graniteskin
We're gonna make em give back our trait, bros.
Yes. They first tried to fuck FFXI with the Abyssea mini-expansion to force people into the original release of XIV. But it was so bad that people went back anyway. To "encourage" people to switch to ARR, they raised the level cap that XI's balance was completely focused around and thus destroyed the game.
wow that sucks, RIP XI
XI died because it had 24 hour cooldowns
Ninjas already have 5 mudra combinations that are being underutilized by just being different ways to cast the same jutsus, that's not even factoring in if you had some jutsus take multiple of the same hand sign to cast IE ten ten chi or whatever
You know that would be way too fucking complicated for casuals and Yoshi would never, ever do it.
Yoshi will do it anyway and tell level boosters to get gud
>sitting around bored
>buy a 30 day sub to ffxiv
>immediately regret it
well I guess I'll play for 2 days and cancel it. Its the curse of wanting to like it but it never clicking
They're removing cross class skills?
>salty XIcucks
Every thread. Not even saying XI was bad but you fuckers are some of the biggest pissbabies around
How is it more complicated than adding another skill taking up more space on the bar for the same effect
Yes. They're being replaced with pools of skills shared within each role. So each tank will have Provoke, each healer will have Cleric Stance, each DPS will have B4B, etc.
Because then casual shitters will bitch and moan about having to memorize every combination instead of just clicking a simple button.
Shieeet. Now I feel like I've wasted my time leveling LNC for Blood for Blood. This is a good thing in the long run though, because it is entirely retarded to have to level a job you don't like just for a "mandatory" skill.
Is this the Ilberd Thread?
They're streamlining the system
Apparently instead of having to lvl drg to 34 for a damage buff now all dps will learn a damage buff at a set level from a pool of shared abilities and those abilities will be unlocked for other classes to use right away regardless of level as long as they have a slot for it
that sounds kind of fucking pointless desu, just like the current system
like why even have cross-class skills at all
Do you realize how retarded you sound, that's exactly what they have to do now
Unless....... wait
Don't tell me you set your jutsus as macros
Cross class skills are a hold over from 1.0
I agree it's stupid but I get why it wasn't completely changed in one fell swoop and is instead being done step by step
Right now there are only six combinations, and it's easy enough because all that matters is which mudra ends the combo. If you have to repeat mudras, or do more complicated combinations, they would lose their fucking minds. Remember that this is the same audience that demanded Pharos Sirius be nerfed because they couldn't handle the adds on the first boss.
Some classes would be too jarring to play without at least Swiftcast and Cleric Stance.
Wait nevermind I'm stupid. They could just give each class/job their own version of said abilities.
>cross class system is finally being changed
I've always complained about this, but most people just told me "fuck off, cry harder, etc." Glad at least the developers agreed.
>all that matters is which mudra ends the combo
Thats so fucking retarded and shows complete lack of how the system even works
When you say "they" would find it to hard you mean you would find it to hard
The fuck are you on about? What would possibly make you think that? I have no problems with current mudras, or even making them more complicated. It would love it. But the casuals that the game is built for would fucking hate it and scream bloody murder. Yoshi would never do it.
>Doing relic 200 quest
>Finally reach the HW dungeon and start with Dusk Vigil
>Both DPS are undergeared as hell, all wearing white some lvl 50 HW and other 47-
>Healer doesn't DPS at all
>39min run
>Mfw it's just the start
>Remove the whole Class/Job concept and just let you start as a job.
You really this is Final Fantasy, right?
>what makes you think that
That you think only the last button press matters and that pressing 112 is some crazy difficult thing and you won't shut up about the casual boogeyman giving you something to blame and forgetting that adding another hand sign making combinations of 1234 or 4213 or 1342 is actually more complicated than using combinations that are just different ways to get the same skills
You're an idiot. I never said that it was crazy difficult. I said that casual pieces of shit would find it too difficult. Learn to fucking read.
>repeating mudras is an instant fail
Stop being pedantic. It's assumed knowledge.
is 3.5 the last patch before Stormblood?
>3 inputs is to hard for muh casuals but 4 is fine
You're missing the original point, you can add more skills and keep button bloat down just by giving them various unused input combinations and by reassigning some combinations away from skills that have multiple combinations already
>3 inputs is to hard for muh casuals but 4 is fine
No, 3 is already a struggle for casuals and HE'D be fine with 4.
>You're missing the original point
You're right, I only read up to the 112 and thought that's where it was going. I was disappointed it was gibberish when I went back to read it. You missed a point along the way and refuse to acknowledge it.
3.5 is a two part patch. After those then it's 4.0 (Stormblood)
they aren't removing cross class skills, they are reworking the system so all current cross class skills are put into a pool that the appropriate jobs can pick from, instead of being tied to any one job you have to level in order to unlock it
>you missed a point
>doesn't elaborate
>muh casuals
Literally not an argument
>doesn't elaborate
not my point and not my argument,
wouldn't want to presume to speak for the other user
>people say ninja is easiest melee dps to master
>ninja needs weave oGCD every 20 seconds and at times do it twice when Kassatsu is up
>Macroing Ninjutsus is a major dps loss
>has the most dps punishment loss if you mess up the positionals for whatever reason
Who ever says ninja is the easiest melee dps to master is full of shit
Ninjutsu clips the GCD all the fucking time unless you are perfect with weaving
>GCD clipping
Throw shurikens unless you absolutely need something else, it shouldn't clip and the Japs did the math and it's a gain over raiton in longer fights
it's because you don't need to memorize every fight to maintain your greased lightning equivalent
you do fuma shuriken because the clipping from raiton is a dps loss
You if you want to optimize your dps
The refresh is longer but you also juggle a bunch of shit and the penalty for fucking up is fairly severe, 3 hand signs becomes an eternity in the middle of a fight plus the lost dps from not using it to attack
>When you make it a habit to never buy any item that is undercut by one gil, and always buy the highest priced item at the top of the 1 gil list
Anyone else? Neetlords that watch the market like a hawk to spam 1 gil undercuts are the worst.
>You do if
I guess I'm getting old and stroking out
The GCD is completely acceptable when you get to the point that you can start weaving. The problem is that weaving isn't introduced early or even explained.
>Finally beat Ultima weapon
>All right what should i do now, to unlock Heavensward?
>100+ quests
End my life pls, thanks
Oh MY GOD. More storyline and content!!!! What THE FUCK are these devs thinking?!
>People still pushing this weaving meme
Very few classes have a ton of GCDs to weave, and those ogcds run out 30 seconds into a fight and then you spend the other 80% waiting on most of them to come off cooldown. People keep rusing curious visitors with bullshit clips of DRG, BRD, and MCH pushing a buhzilion buttons in a 20 second clip but then neglect to tell you that after that you're mostly clicking 1-2-3 like a PLD for a minute or more.
it shouldnt be 100 and you know it
too many fillers is not good user
Majority of the quests between ARR and HW are garbage. Don't be a knob.
>still more complex than wow
Sure but not necessarily more fun or interactive. Some people prefer having 5-6 fast simon says buttons over 15 button rotations.
>5-6 Simon says
You know wow hasn't been like that for a long long time
It's literally apply buffs and debuffs then mash a single button until it's time to reapply
Hell, even in other areas of game play its behind, mechanically it takes mythic level shit to match the complexity of normal level ff shit
If you like the art style or have ADD I can see why someone would play wow but otherwise it's a fucking dinosaur and needs its own realm reborn overhaul
how about designing actual dungeons, trash encounters that could actually wipe you,etc.
how many new classes/races are they adding
red mage
>Mfw I forgot to equip my fucking relic at the end
W-Trash detected. Kill yourself and your whole family, fuckboi!
Ive seen people talking about Dancer since HW first dropped but never seen even a hint of it from anything resembling a valid source. Where did the literal meme class start at?
You sound incredibly biased. I actively play both (but am on break from WoW) and I love almost every WoW class more than XIV class. All the tanks play better than XIV tanks to me. All the healers play better although I like AST's cards. The only equivalent DPS I'd say is more interesting in XIV is BLM or possibly NIN. For the most part the pruning did more good than harm in WoW. XIV suffers from real skill bloat, often having 3-4 skills in each job that are outright not used or only useful in PvP on top of some classes having almost a full bar of 2-3m cooldowns which is excessive. Focus should be on rotations rather than sheer quantity. Also I hate how people bash even modern WoW's talent system compared to XIV's complete lack of any real build diversity. Finally, I'd disagree on the content. XIV dungeons take twice as long as WoW dungeons but they are not particularly more complex or difficult, the enemies just have inflated health especially during leveling dungeons.
Erp faggots wanting slutty costumes and dance for their cats
7 and 8 are the only good ones
Just wear the goddamn thing, it's synced anyway you fucking sperg. If you unsynced a 50 dungeon you'll still demolish it with the weapon
they aren't adding dancer? i figured that's what the girl in red from the trailer was
This is what I don't like about modern WoW or XIV. In XIV there is zero threat of dying in any dungeon content unless you intentionally choose to pull literally half the dungeon for a speedrun, and same applies to WoW to a lesser extent in mythic+ dungeons. The only threat in small group content comes in the form of POTD floor 150+ in XIV and thats only because what I would consider bad design that makes it a slog to progress. XIV does have a mild advantage in raiding though. The normal mode raids in XIV are pretty much what normal raids are in WoW, but WoW provides LFR mode which is pretty much for literal babies, but at least its an option. In terms of savage v. mythic both world first raid groups seem to have to push 500/600+ wipes in both games.
I know, I'm a fucking retard.
She is a monk, its the monk expansion in the same way HW is the dragoon expansion. Also the dancer meme predates the stormblood trailer by months and months and months, I've seen it talked about literally a week or so after last expansion came out. Why did people latch onto it back then? I can't wrap my head around it.
Raids in FF14 are just bossfights. You don't explore. There's little to no trash.
>monks use wrist blades and cloths as weapons now
>Yoshi refuses to comment on her job even though she's just a normal everyday monk
why're they adding monk? what's the difference between pugilist and monk?
I wasnt debating that or the term raid. Theyre called raids so im using the word. I dont like how their raids are setup either. Although its funny because WoW raiders often bitch about trash.
>shell will never be a spell in Final Fantasy XIV
Thanks, reddit
I just want to be able to play again...
Oh no man she wore a big flowy sash, must be a different class.
When you get a savage carry on Monk you don't get to shitpost about it on Sup Forums
Pugilists are simple fist fighters. Monks learn how to alter their internal aether flow so they can punch through magitek armor.
>modern WoW's talent system
illusion of choice.
>skill bloat
Not really a thing.
How about content for the fucking game so I have something to fucking do while waiting to raid again.
just erp in the meantime
Its really not an illusion of choice. Just because one is slightly better in an encounter doesn't mean you cant choose. I can assure you not everyone of a particular class is using the exact same talents during mythic dungeons or lower tier raids, where as in XIV you can safely assume that 99.9% of people are using the singular good stat for their job. The difference is that in WoW if you use a talent that isn't optimal you're just slightly underperforming and have to adapt differently. In XIV if you pick the wrong stat you're retarded.
Yeah, they destroyed the game balance and turned everyone into superman as a last hurrah before XIV launched since they expected everyone to move over, only they forgot to make XIV not hot dogshit so nobody did.
>run to chest in potd
>seconds ahead of everyone
>some faggot still runs behind me trying to open it
And no it isn't lag. It's always a fucking ninja too.
Friendly reminder, people saying the female monk in the trailer is a dancer are WoWfugees trying to fit in pretending they know a thing or two about the series.
I'm just salty that SE is a creatively bankrupt, husk of a company that ruins everything I like.
Even when they're gonna do something cool like this Garo event, they find a way to fuck it up massively.
It's not really a meme. Classes with alot of o-gcds like BRD/DRG especially weave a lot. Throw in phase shifts or mechanics and very often you have to do multiple o-gcds many time during a fight.
The main thing about FFXIV classes is that the majority of them have a very harsh failure state for doing their rotation wrong. For some classes, it's extremely easy to mess it up. For others, it's a significant enough of a dps loss and playing perfectly and optimally throughout an entire boss fight in FFXIV is miles ahead of what WoW could every hope to achieve with its press x to proc, press damage button.
Yang's daughter is wearing a Chinese dress like the usual Monk AF. It's nothing like what the obvious Dancer in the trailer is wearing.
>WoWfugees thinking DNC is anything but an ERP class
She uses a fucking wristblade and a cloth. You remember how Dancers in FFT used cloths as a unique weapon, right?
That's a pretty good idea desu