Konami is thriving even after all the internet hate regarding MGSV

>Konami is thriving even after all the internet hate regarding MGSV
So basically no one cares what people on the internet think and ditching Kojima was the right decision in the long run.


They are not a video game company anymore. They knew well in advance what they were doing. They were looking forward with gambling. Everyone who bothered researching the project knew this.


Wait, what happened? Also:
>Video game company declares to stop making video games
You know what, I'm not even going to pretend I understand anything about economics, but what the actual fuck?

they're not a vidya company though

you should put them on a list comparing them to slot machine manufacturers or whatever it is they do now

>Companies who reinvested money back into the biz are not showing obscene growth rate, aside from Nintendo.
Really makes me think. What if KT, SE, and Capcom go full Konami tomorrow? What's stopping them?

Capcom released SFV

SFV flopped at worst and underperformed at best, and they didn't have anything else going

>What's stopping them?
Video games are really profitable when they're successful.

Ah. What about MonHunGen? Did it not sell well, or was it just not enough to balance out SFV tanking?

Konami isn't a game company at this point

I can only imagine some big people at Capcom expected SFV to instantly dominate the market as the first really big, competitive fightan this console cycle, and to basically just pick up the torch from SFIV's success.

too bad they fucked it up and it flopped.

MHX was released in 2015 in Japan. It wouldn't be part of these numbers

>videogame company

Konami is a gambling company now not video company

Wouldn't the global release have a more significant impact? Although I suppose MonHun sells better in Japan than on the global market.

>video game companies
They make that money with gambling

>too bad they fucked it up and it flopped.
It's more ridiculous the more I think about it.
It was harder to get SFV to flop than it was to make it a success and they still managed to do it.

>long run
>year and a bit since firing kojimbo

Don't even go to /biz/, fuck off right to Sup Forums

Nice, now compare it with gambling company

>konami is thriving

In pachinko sales ran by the mafia

>Wouldn't the global release have a more significant impact?

Not really. Monster hunter will always be a Japan first IP for Capcom. Western sales are just bonuses.