Say something NICE about dark souls 2

I know its the retarded one of the family but its got the best PVP right guys?

I met my boyfriend on DS2 and he bullied me into buying DS1 which is a lot better. That's good right?

Shrine of Amana and the Sunken King DLC are GREAT and fuck anyone who says otherwise

Weapon variety is great.

I liked the bunch of weapons and enjoyed trying to make interesting set ups and then invading people.

Like getting the Work Hook as my main weapon, and then invading people in that little harbor area and pretending to be a pirate.

The only thing it has going for it is that it has the best DLC hands down. It's not much, but hey it's something.

I wish the entirety of the game was as good as the DLC areas

Dark Souls 2 actually is a DaS sequel similar to DeS to DaS.
It also takes a lot from DeS which is good.

DS3 is worse.

There are people who enjoy this game.

>Shrine of Amana

Took me good 10 years but I finally found the most contrarian faggot on the face of the earth

Shrine of Amana is great. It really isn't overly hard once you understand it and the atmosphere is top notch.