
Her music is shit and she's not even attractive.

Why do people like her again?

Because they're supposed to.

Nobody cared who she was until she put on the mask.

The Final Fantasy series has been failing in the fantasy department.

Easy advertizing.
>no clue who she is
>quick Google search
>Wiki page mentions she has the 4th most followed Instagram account in the world
>SE's decision instantly makes sense

>Ariana Grande becomes a final fantasy character
>Lightning doesn't actually become real
Man I'm fucking done with this world

Because she was fapbait in zoey101 or some shit.

Good point.
But at least this girl is a poor man's Fran.

Remember Sup Forums, this is the future you chose


We can now have Ariana Grande tentacle rape.

>Wiki page mentions she has the 4th most
How is this worthy of being listed? I have the 4th smallest dick in the world but that doesn't mean it deserves an entry if I had a wiki pagr

Is that Kylie Jenner saying she's gonna play it?

Lol, this guy

That cover is fucking shit, fuck her and her shit taste

>t their own CEO will be a boss in Final Fantasy XV's DLC
what lol

That cover-lover is just one of her normietard followers replying using her picture as their twitter pic but it's some faggot guy seen in the first big pic

Are you serious

He walked onto the stage at FFXIV fanfest with a gun and was going to publicly execute Yoshi-P if he didn't reveal the release date for the next expansion too. He seems like a fun guy.

Why is the character white and blond if it's supposed to be Ariana?

I fucking hate Square Enix.

Maybe it's a Japanese stress relief thing for the fans, like those mannequins of your boss you can punch.


Do they even know who she is in Japan?

Not being funny, but why does it matter again?

I played Brave Exvius for a while and it's the same crappy archetype of idle bullshit freemium game.
Just with FF characters.

Unless Ariana gets her character in a main stream game who gives a flying fuck, honestly.

Because the real Ariana is an ugly slut.

Somebody make a Wiki page and upload his post.

They just want more normalfags downloading the mobile game because they're the ones who play them. They're not going to buy a console and game for that shit though

I get why SE have done this, my question was why has there been multiple threads on this for the last day and a half?
This isn't big news at all, it's a fucking cash grab. Mutual promotion.

Let us take a step back here. Could you please explain to me how the fuck did Final Fantasy, the game series about time traveling demons, dark knights seeking redemption, multitasking everymen whose name sounds like "Butts" and performing wrestling moves on locomotives came to have this whole, I don't know how to put it, maybe pop idol, angle? I'm not talking about Ariana Grande being in the game, whoever she is. I mean that every character looks like he or she, but especially if it's a he, is in a boy band. Why?

I legit thought it was just another cancerous "e-celeb" or IGN reporter getting a character.

most likely because hollywood has been collapsing they're trying to cancerously infect other industries with their shit. nobody cares about some fat mexican chick who is apparently famous? (i've never heard of her) just like nobody cares about gay french fashion designer making clothes for Lightning; how about you focus on MAKING GAMES instead of multimedia cross-promotional shit, Sqeenix?

About the album the bunny girl outfit used in the game is from:
>In Japan, the album debuted at number 2 on the Oricon Albums Chart
>In September, it was certified Gold for shipments of 125,000 copies in the country.
So that's something I guess..?


>he or she, but especially if it's a he, is in a boy band
Well, that came out stupid, but you know what I mean.

I'll only Download this shit if Dan Schneider is playable

Is Ariana Mexican?

>Sup Forums complaining about pop stars in vidya gaems
>Sup Forums having a blast with Miku in Brave Frontier
I for one welcome our new pop star overlord

>Wtf I suddenly love videogames now

Not meming here
neo-Sup Forums

She was learning Japanese and seems to be pretty popular over there.

>inb4 some faggot sperges out about how Miku doesn't count because she was in other games before BF

>paying attention to Youtubers

its because ariana's bizarrely popular in chinamen-land for a western singer

I like that distinct Atlus character look. Are there any annie-mays that look this way? Namco's Miku is still better, though.

She has the body of a 10 year old boy, of course she's popular in Japan.

Dead to me.

iCarly girl>iCarly friend>victoria>the nerd girl from zoey 101>the goth slut from victorious>trash>everything else

her music is pretty great actually

I don't know because I'm not a pedophile.

I disagree.

Those are all adults now.

Yet the people who make posts like that only post their underage pics.

just looking at her stupid smug cunt face pisses me off

i dont know what it is but i cant stand looking at this bitch

cuz reasons. lol

Not to mention she's a total cunt who cries about being objectified

It's just a mobile game though. Start screaming when the japs put western celebs and whatnot in the next Yakuza.

I don't think there's anything wrong with getting into video games for very thin reasons. Just because your dad bought you an nes when you were 6 makes you more validated as a hobbyist?

Literally who? This is the first time I hear the name.

>cries about being objectified
She's a celebrity, her entire life literally revolves around being objectified
I'm not sure if I understand

t. cave gnome

That goes without saying.

Didn't they put NJPW wrestlers in Yakuza?

Final Fantasy needs more monsters.

I got excited because I thought this was something to do with W101. Now I'm disappointed.

>Final Fantasy is so fucking pathetic now they resort to product placement

What will be in FF7 Remake? Coke? McDonalds?

i still have no idea why her PR team thought she needed to be 'black' once she left nickelodeon

clearly white ariana is the best ariana

>resort to product placement

Let me guess, you think Zidane being in a coke commercial is the same as having American Express logos in a world where America never existed.

She is very attractive, her personality just sucks.

>that bitch in a Rolls Royce

shit tier taste desu


Victoria Justice when?

Wtf, I care about modern pop music now.


What's next, Taylor Swift in the CoD?

Except Fran is already playable in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and she is laughably bad, and Ariana's character will be disgustingly more powerful than Fran.

Doujins when?